Dragon Ordnance - INT/US PEDs, Raws, & Turkish Pharmacy

Been a little while since I've made an order or lurked around on here. My experience in the past have been positive. Couple questions. 1. does DO still take coin base payments? 2. Has every one been pretty happy with their raws as of late? 3. is the Chinese new year coming up? 4. Wtf is up with the new sketchy drugs they offer? Seems like a quick way to ruin a good thing.
i submitted an order on the 11th using coinbase eth,website says “awaiting payment” still, emailed them asking for help or if they could manually review. Haven’t heard from them at all after multiple emails.
Has anyone else gotten big red welts from their Test E? It was fine when I was mixing it with another sources gear but as soon as I started running the stuff solo the injection site swelled so bad I almost went to the hospital. Almost like the BA was way too high or something went wrong brewing it.
Mixing it its fine though? Thats a strange one. People have been getting bad PIP from Test E for a while now, but never heard of welts.
i submitted an order on the 11th using coinbase eth,website says “awaiting payment” still, emailed them asking for help or if they could manually review. Haven’t heard from them at all after multiple emails.
Typically if you get that prompt from Coinpayments, you get a refund after 48 hours from coinpayments themselves as it was insufficient funds. You should have an email somewhere beginning with "transaction" from Coinpayments, with a refund link. So an order from the 11th, in practice, would be deleted, and refunded by CP

Been a little while since I've made an order or lurked around on here. My experience in the past have been positive. Couple questions. 1. does DO still take coin base payments? 2. Has every one been pretty happy with their raws as of late? 3. is the Chinese new year coming up? 4. Wtf is up with the new sketchy drugs they offer? Seems like a quick way to ruin a good thing.
I take any crypto through our coinpayments gateway. It seems as if users of coinbase typically have issues as CB does not factor in a good satoshi fee, so it comes in super late or shoots you back a refund for insufficient funds.

I typically STRONGLY recommend you do not pay with Coinbase, to begin with. You should only buy BTC with your Coinbase, and then transfer those bitcoins to a private wallet. Coinbase has been known to blacklist your wallet and render it unusable for illegal activities.

And yes, we are currently in CNY.
Mixing it its fine though? Thats a strange one. People have been getting bad PIP from Test E for a while now, but never heard of welts.

Typically if you get that prompt from Coinpayments, you get a refund after 48 hours from coinpayments themselves as it was insufficient funds. You should have an email somewhere beginning with "transaction" from Coinpayments, with a refund link. So an order from the 11th, in practice, would be deleted, and refunded by CP
I actually was wondering why coinpayments never emailed me, i only have the wallet address that i sent the actual bitcoin through?

I take any crypto through our coinpayments gateway. It seems as if users of coinbase typically have issues as CB does not factor in a good satoshi fee, so it comes in super late or shoots you back a refund for insufficient funds.

I typically STRONGLY recommend you do not pay with Coinbase, to begin with. You should only buy BTC with your Coinbase, and then transfer those bitcoins to a private wallet. Coinbase has been known to blacklist your wallet and render it unusable for illegal activities.

And yes, we are currently in CNY.

Mixing it its fine though? Thats a strange one. People have been getting bad PIP from Test E for a while now, but never heard of welts.

Typically if you get that prompt from Coinpayments, you get a refund after 48 hours from coinpayments themselves as it was insufficient funds. You should have an email somewhere beginning with "transaction" from Coinpayments, with a refund link. So an order from the 11th, in practice, would be deleted, and refunded by CP

I take any crypto through our coinpayments gateway. It seems as if users of coinbase typically have issues as CB does not factor in a good satoshi fee, so it comes in super late or shoots you back a refund for insufficient funds.

I typically STRONGLY recommend you do not pay with Coinbase, to begin with. You should only buy BTC with your Coinbase, and then transfer those bitcoins to a private wallet. Coinbase has been known to blacklist your wallet and render it unusable for illegal activities.

And yes, we are currently in CNY.
Mixing it its fine though? Thats a strange one. People have been getting bad PIP from Test E for a while now, but never heard of welts.

Whatever the issue was, my ass turned red and swelled up for about a week. Could barely sit. I only have ever had gear like this once before and the source recalled the entire batch because the raws were bad. This was more like a chemical burn than PIP.
It was from your Tejas Cardinal line.
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Whatever the issue was, my ass turned red and swelled up for about a week. Could barely sit. I only have ever had gear like this once before and the source recalled the entire batch because the raws were bad. This was more like a chemical burn than PIP.
It was from your Tejas Cardinal line.
I wish I knew why people continue to do business with tejas. Darwinism at its finest
I brewed test c, test p, bold C, primo e, and have a small chance of having the pip ur talking about. Most pins go fine, but I've had 2 that swelled up. 2% BA, 20% BB, in MCT using DO raws. All done with autoclaves equipment in a hood. I think it may be from PEG leeching from filters or something, who knows. Mixed 2 Vials of pre-made npp from Tejas into that mix too for total volume of 120 mL. 150 mg/mL test c, 50 mg/mL test p, 84 mg/mL bold c and primo e then the npp so its 600 test pw, 400 bold c, 400 primo, 50 npp with 2 x 2.5 mL pins. Might be sweeling due to just being a lot of concentrated gear in each pin.
I had no idea they were DO’s domestic source. Doesn’t say on the site.
I don’t fault you for not reading the forum everyday but it has been mentioned many times by several upset customers on multiple forums. I’m not being a smartass, it’s something that could have easily been overlooked. But if I’m doing business with a source… I try to read their source threads often so I can stay in the loop and not get scammed or screwed over.

It may be worth your time to read the source thread of sources you do business with every 1-3 days just so you stay in the know.
It’s the Delta 6 Test E raws coming out of the factory it doesn’t show up on normal HPLC Jannoshik isolated this variant himself on his own time curious about the sudden test e PIP issues over the last couple years.

Moral of the story, stop using test e
@DragonOrdnance I messaged but you didn't reply. But now I have a different problem. Hopefully you can help with this one. I just received my package today and it's missing 3 test p. I got all the other stuff though. Also I can't even find my order/number on the website. I never had problems with you guys in the past. But this time it's slow replies. Slow shipping. No answering dm. Missing items.
Hello, I bought some benzyl alcohol, benzyl benzoate and MCT oil, but I don’t know how to distinguish what is what. There are 4 bottles, one of them has 2 stickers with number 51 and one sticker with 53 on it, and the second has number 52 on it, and the third and fourth don’t have anything. Does anyone have experience with this?
Hello, I bought some benzyl alcohol, benzyl benzoate and MCT oil, but I don’t know how to distinguish what is what. There are 4 bottles, one of them has 2 stickers with number 51 and one sticker with 53 on it, and the second has number 52 on it, and the third and fourth don’t have anything. Does anyone have experience with this?
The numbers on the site/order email correlate to those =)

@DragonOrdnance I messaged but you didn't reply. But now I have a different problem. Hopefully you can help with this one. I just received my package today and it's missing 3 test p. I got all the other stuff though. Also I can't even find my order/number on the website. I never had problems with you guys in the past. But this time it's slow replies. Slow shipping. No answering dm. Missing items.
Sure, just send us pictures of the package/hopefully you have the unpacking, we'll check what we have, and if we made a mistake, we'll reship it to ya.

It’s the Delta 6 Test E raws coming out of the factory it doesn’t show up on normal HPLC Jannoshik isolated this variant himself on his own time curious about the sudden test e PIP issues over the last couple years.

Moral of the story, stop using test e
Pip is insane for some yeah
Haven't had replies to a couple of emails up to 2 weeks old now and a message through here from early January. I understand they are in CNY now so I'm not expecting a reply right now but if they had sent one within a few days of me emailing them I wouldn't be now waiting a response from messaged as old as 3 weeks ago.

Believe a current issue I'm having with postage is one I've had in the past with them which they eventually sorted out but it's something that needs to come from them (as the sender) not me.

Also should add order was made on the 14th of December so we're up to 6 weeks now with no package received and very poor comms
The numbers on the site/order email correlate to those =)

Sure, just send us pictures of the package/hopefully you have the unpacking, we'll check what we have, and if we made a mistake, we'll reship it to ya.

Pip is insane for some yeah
I'm having this same issue now with Qingdao TEST E. I really don't believe this is a DO issue, but an issue with the raws coming from the main factories in China. I also had insane pain and swelling, along with a low grade fever for 2-3 days. I tried making another batch with GSO and the pain and swelling were comparable. My last attempt will be to dilute 1:1 with sterile oil.
Has anyone tried the saizen..is it legit? Why is the 20mg so cheap? That should be 60iu right, why is it cheaper than 36ui?

All the other gh prices there seem normal.. just that 20mg seems off.
I Have 6 boxes otw I’ll let you know once they land.

Im asssuming it has something to do with manufacturing overstock because I doubt doctors often prescribe a 60 IU vial when saizen is prescribed for children with short stature because their dosing is so low that the 60 IU would sit for such a long time
I Have 6 boxes otw I’ll let you know once they land.

Im asssuming it has something to do with manufacturing overstock because I doubt doctors often prescribe a 60 IU vial when saizen is prescribed for children with short stature because their dosing is so low that the 60 IU would sit for such a long time
You are correct.