Dragon Ordnance - INT/US PEDs, Raws, & Turkish Pharmacy

I still haven’t heard from you I been emailing you few times now
If you feel comfortable dming me here, go ahead. I'm catching up to all emails.
DO has always been great no worries here . That was I who sent you the screenshot via Wickr
your test , deca , npp , and proviron are the best raws I’ve had … I’ll be ordering soon !
Thanks againn
Sent a couple emails about a big order placed almost 4 weeks ago. Have not gotten reply’s or a tracking number
We've been out for CNY so all chinese shipping has paused, but its all going now. If you wanna DM me here as well, you're welcome to
Hello I ordered some BPC157 and TB500 from you guys and they both came unlabeled in the same kit. Half were purple tops and half were orange tops. Which color is the BPC and which color is the TB500?
Hi, I've tried emailing you guys a few times regarding an issue with an order from Dragon Ordnance. Going to send you a message here. Hopefully i get through to someone, before it ships out.
Hello I ordered some BPC157 and TB500 from you guys and they both came unlabeled in the same kit. Half were purple tops and half were orange tops. Which color is the BPC and which color is the TB500?
Orange is TB500, BPC is purps.

Hi, I've tried emailing you guys a few times regarding an issue with an order from Dragon Ordnance. Going to send you a message here. Hopefully i get through to someone, before it ships out.
My 6 carts of Saizen landed! Roughly 3 weeks from Turkey to west coast US.

Still never got a tracking number but I don’t believe it was DO teams fault, their shipper in turkey just never updated the tracking number so not much they could do.

Will be ordering again soon, thank you guys!
I’ve been trying to get in contact with Turkish Pharmacy for several weeks now. What is the best way to get in contact with him. TIA
So I got Test C raws from you guys back in I believe October. I just wanted to pop back in and say thank you, thank you, thank you. Y'all have changed my life. I've lost 40lbs, put on noticable muscle and my dick works absolutely great again. Sorry if that's TMI but this shits exciting to me. I appreciate you guys. Will be recommending and ordering from you again.
any chance you can give an ETA for primo enth raws restock, please?
Oof, I'd say a good month

I’ve been trying to get in contact with Turkish Pharmacy for several weeks now. What is the best way to get in contact with him. TIA
PM me here! Turkey has been a bit slow in shipping these past week(s)

So I got Test C raws from you guys back in I believe October. I just wanted to pop back in and say thank you, thank you, thank you. Y'all have changed my life. I've lost 40lbs, put on noticable muscle and my dick works absolutely great again. Sorry if that's TMI but this shits exciting to me. I appreciate you guys. Will be recommending and ordering from you again.
Did your dick get bigger?
Hey man I have sent you a few snails about trying to make a new order of Raws. Can I just get a direct btc address that I can send ny etherium payment to you through once I make my order instead of using the coinpayment website. It always gives me issues. I sent an email or you can PM it to me on here and I’ll go ahead and make that order ASAP. Thanks
Hey man I have sent you a few snails about trying to make a new order of Raws. Can I just get a direct btc address that I can send ny etherium payment to you through once I make my order instead of using the coinpayment website. It always gives me issues. I sent an email or you can PM it to me on here and I’ll go ahead and make that order ASAP. Thanks
Will do.
Been in contact with Jade about a refund you were going to issue. But once I provided the info that was needed nothing has happened. No refund and no replies to multiple emails

Any thoughts?
Been in contact with Jade about a refund you were going to issue. But once I provided the info that was needed nothing has happened. No refund and no replies to multiple emails

Any thoughts?
Hmm, should be seeing refunds by now for any refunds that had to be issued - reply to me if you didn't get anything or send me a message here and I'll be happy to look into it.
Hey so I've ordered from dash PCT before and it was a good experience, had some issues with my order going through but they were super responsive and everything shipped super fast after that. Made an order on the 16th through Dragon Ordnance and it said they shipped on the 17th. Since then, the tracking number they provided has just said "pre-shipment". I emailed a week after my order said it was shipped to ask what was up, got fast response saying I'd get an update "ASAP" from Jade but nothing since. Would really like my stuff to get here since I ordered domestic so that it'd get here quickly, plus this was a decent sized order so it'd really suck for this money to just vanish... really hoping to get a response on this.
Hey I contacted about my order because I mistakenly ordered from us domestic instead of international, they answered me five days ago saying if my shipping information is correct in order to send me from international shipping and since then nothing happend I was wondering if they shipped it now?