Dragon Ordnance - INT/US PEDs, Raws, & Turkish Pharmacy

Placed a domestic order on July 5th for some Mast E listed as in stock, still hasn't shipped so I emailed today and they tell me it's out of stock and it'll be another week at least before it ships... don't list stuff as in stock if it's actually not ffs
What’s your experience with us domestic orders?
I hear they use cardinal Tejas or something???? I used domestic about 6 months ago just for black top hgh it was normal t/a but I’m not crazy about that gh…then some bottles 9 months ago and a few times a year ago and everything did what it was supposed to…I just get raws really now last time was 6 months ago tho right around Xmas and it was standard t/a and the only thing I didn’t like was cialis and I couldn’t test it…overall happy tho I think all the raws I got were good except the cialis…domestic was good overall but I don’t like black tops all the gear was good tho
Why is my last message awaiting moderator approval?

Some real suspicious activity around this dragonordnance at moment

Worst experience ever from this dragonordnance clown steer clear

6 month saga . Never again

So suspicious

Heads up !
Why is my last message awaiting moderator approval?

Some real suspicious activity around this dragonordnance at moment

Worst experience ever from this dragonordnance clown steer clear

6 month saga . Never again

So suspicious

Heads up !
Same 17 days now without my order shipping; it's the last time I buy from them.
Label created on the 5th, no actual USPS scan yet
That’s pretty common honestly if it’s international shipping. If you don’t have your package in 5 weeks from the day you ordered then I would start getting concerned. You won’t see any movement though until your pack hits the states; assuming that’s where you are.
Label created on the 5th, no actual USPS scan yet
Just to be clear; I’m not sticking up for DO. I used him for years but when his communication started lacking I jumped ship. I value communication just as much as good product and quick t/a. I started ordering domestically and had to go through a cpl sources but I think I finally found a really solid one with jano tests done by a non biased party. 1st pack just dropped today so I’m pretty stoked.
What’d you order? I don't really want to get into specifics .

it took 194 days to get reship !

After verifying new address he gives me tracking number which started its journey in my country so no customs entry exit information it had no information of the start of the shipping from china .

He said it shipped directly from China But couldn't give information.or the shipping company he used because i quizzed him on strange shipping number
He said using new shipper wouldn't tell me who.

So shipping that would normally take 21 days minimum after being processed with shipping company it arrived it 5

Almost like he brought something on ebay and gave the address tracking number for it But it was to sign for .

Never ever I have I had to sign for it . This is an email I sent to him

"You dont nothing to ensure my saftey or trust you have not worked with me it seam only against me , it seams you done everything you can to either scare me away from this package or not want me to receive this package .
No way can ya sign for package like this especially with all the signs of suspicious shipping movements.
I have had no choice but to take it to meso Its your own fault i have to give heads up to others toBe aware of you .
Piece of shit !
Worst ever experience your a suspicious character. My instinct telling me your working with government agencies or making it look like you are !
I asked him a few times is he police FBI or ...He never responded
He put this threw customs as a BREAD MACHINE to get threw customs

There no way it could arrive so fast and there was no entry or exit times through customs. My advice stay the fuck away from this dragonOrdnance
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What’d you order? I don't really want to get into specifics .

it took 194 days to get reship !

After verifying new address he gives me tracking number which started its journey in my country so no customs entry exit information it had no information of the start of the shipping from china .

He said it shipped directly from China But couldn't give information.or the shipping company he used because i quizzed him on strange shipping number
He said using new shipper wouldn't tell me who.

So shipping that would normally take 21 days minimum after being processed with shipping company it arrived it 5

Almost like he brought something on ebay and gave the address tracking number for it But it was to sign for .

Never ever I have I had to sign for it . This is an email I sent to him

"You dont nothing to ensure my saftey or trust you have not worked with me it seam only against me , it seams you done everything you can to either scare me away from this package or not want me to receive this package .
No way can ya sign for package like this especially with all the signs of suspicious shipping movements.
I have had no choice but to take it to meso Its your own fault i have to give heads up to others toBe aware of you .
Piece of shit !
Worst ever experience your a suspicious character. My instinct telling me your working with government agencies or making it look like you are !
I asked him a few times is he police FBI or AFP He never responded
He put this threw customs as a BREAD MACHINE to get threw customs

There no way it could arrive so fast and there was no entry or exit times through customs. My advice stay the fuck away from this dragonOrdnance!
Fair enough. I didn’t realize it’s been over 6 months. Ya fuck that. I only order domestic now and my new pack that arrived today was super professional and all weights were good so I’ve found my new plug for raws. Sorry you had a shit experience. I gave ST Anabolics a try and they failed miserably after my first order. Hope you’re able to find a reliable source brother. Sucks getting burned. That’s why I always research whatever source I’m using before every order. Meso is great for that. If I read any posts that sound like a legitimate complaint I go another route. It’s always good to keep a cpl sources in the chamber for shit like this. Good luck with your hunt bro
Yeah the first one went as normal until it got intercepted.
But his real snake in the grass personality showed true with the re-ship !
Bread machine must have been a 1 slice of bread machine maker Very light bread Machine .
Yeah I have someone else but I thought I'd give him ago .
My advice stay away from this clown .
He is so suspicious.
Doesn't wanna work with ya only seams against ya , bad team mate !
Holds the cards to his chest as such
So dangerous! So risky!
Ya need to work together with shipping movements etc so ya can sort of get an understanding of customs entry exit times .

This clown either knows someone in my country and got him to ship flour
Or bought something on ebay and scared me off being there to sign for it.

Stealing mail our of letter box is a lot less jail time then signing for product
There both federal offences one carries a lot more years then the other.

So heads up .steer clear of this idiot
Fair enough. I didn’t realize it’s been over 6 months. Ya fuck that. I only order domestic now and my new pack that arrived today was super professional and all weights were good so I’ve found my new plug for raws. Sorry you had a shit experience. I gave ST Anabolics a try and they failed miserably after my first order. Hope you’re able to find a reliable source brother. Sucks getting burned. That’s why I always research whatever source I’m using before every order. Meso is great for that. If I read any posts that sound like a legitimate complaint I go another route. It’s always good to keep a cpl sources in the chamber for shit like this. Good luck with your hunt bro
hows the test from dragon ordnance, I just made an order with Dash through them.
I just received my tracking, but no update, so if you get a shipping email your telling me it wont get shipped out that same day?
I've been waiting since the 5th for a domestic order, I emailed a week ago and I got a response back saying "will get you an update asap", never got one. I would use another source next time tbh