Dragon Ordnance - INT/US PEDs, Raws, & Turkish Pharmacy

I got to say, DO’s tren is legit as fuck, 200 MG a week has blown me up, I gained 8 lbs and getting leaner everyday! Aggressive as hell, just too much of an urge to fuck whatever I can. Haven’t ran tren in 5 years though.

But seriously DO, I appreciate your loyalty to your customers, I’ve had several purchases from you, from AAS, peptides, HGH(blacktops.) all products had unquestionable quality and feel dosed properly(if not overdosed)

I’m planning on getting a much larger purchase soon, Test, EQ, Mast, Tren, GH and Anavar. Im open to any suggestions to replace EQ because it makes me nervous feeling for some reason
Send a sample to Jano ASAP. You can get a reship or credit if it is bunk.
Trust me, we want to know and so does DO, I’m sure HGH Turkish pharmacy wholesale prices for DO is so fucking cheap he’s not trying to get fake shit.
I doubt it. Jade told me to download Turkish ITS app it’s to verify medications.

I scanned 3 QR codes of different boxes all saying they were fake medications and to contact authorities.

Posted the pictures from ITS results along with my boxes in this thread
Dragon Ordance Pharma GH FAKE (labs included)

Emailed Jade back with all this info that SHE requested me to do , and to no avail I’m being ghosted now that they realize they’ve been selling fake pharma (atleast Saizen)
I doubt it. Jade told me to download Turkish ITS app it’s to verify medications.

I scanned 3 QR codes of different boxes all saying they were fake medications and to contact authorities.

Posted the pictures from ITS results along with my boxes in this thread
Dragon Ordance Pharma GH FAKE (labs included)

Emailed Jade back with all this info that SHE requested me to do , and to no avail I’m being ghosted now that they realize they’ve been selling fake pharma (atleast Saizen)

Wow. That sucks. Anything to add, @DragonOrdnance ??
He hasn’t logged in since July 10.

I don’t even want a refund, I want 360iu of real pharma (TESTED) GH that I ordered. Hard to trust what they’re shipping out now though.
He hasn’t logged in since July 10.

I don’t even want a refund, I want 360iu of real pharma (TESTED) GH that I ordered. Hard to trust what they’re shipping out now though.
So you would rather no anything, then a refund, because they may not have the real pharma hgh if what your saying is true…
I ordered from dragonordnance a week ago and literally nothing. My order was US-US

I had problems with them last year and thought I’d try again. It’s frustrating they won’t even communicate
I ordered from dragonordnance a week ago and literally nothing. My order was US-US

I had problems with them last year and thought I’d try again. It’s frustrating they won’t even communicate
Hey, I had a similar experience but they ended up responding by saying that it had been shipped already(well shipping label created at least.) it will come. I know that the communication has been lacking, not sure what the issue is or when it’ll return to normal.
Hey, I had a similar experience but they ended up responding by saying that it had been shipped already(well shipping label created at least.) it will come. I know that the communication has been lacking, not sure what the issue is or when it’ll return to normal.

The only thing that makes me worried is that DO hasn’t even logged on here since beginning of July. That’s typically an exit scam sign when they stop caring about their reputation.

Unless I’m missing something it says July 11th was his last Log In
DO hasn’t logged into any forums in months. That’s a red flag in itself. I’d like ANYONE to comment if they have ordered in the last 1month and received their order
Oh you received your order in 3 weeks? That’s a long time but hey I’ll take it if that’s what I’m looking at. It’s already been 1
Did you order international raws? That’s what it always is…I’ve ordered domestic couple times a while ago it came decent time for domestic 5/6 days I don’t do that anymore though and the last time was for hgh but I don’t like those black tops I get my gh from somewhere else