Dragon Ordnance - INT/US PEDs, Raws, & Turkish Pharmacy


AnabolicLab.com Supporter
Sup Meso, I'm Dragon.

Coupon: XMAS (10% off)


I've been servicing the Reddit/SST scene now for about a year and change(since Sept) and I've decided its time to expand horizons. I want to think I have great reputation, so as for anyone doubting me, I hope my history can win your business.

- International raws at cheaper prices
- International and domestic peptides
- International Generic & Pharma HGH. Humatrope, Saizen, Geno, you name it. Cheap, too.
- Domestic(US) Serostim and HGH. My Seros go for $600 a kit. Scannable and everything.
- International lab ran by yours truly. Possibly next year.


Got me there. I asked myself this question since day one, as the raw market is already cornered, and here customers are usually loyal to their raw sources. But I found out, these raw companies are way too big and can't properly handle transparency and customer service as I could. I (the owner) can respond in minutes on my Wickr, respond to emails as they come in, and can build personal relationships with each client. I have no reps, no employees, only a partner overseas in China who handles the warehouse and inventory. You will only ever speak to me.
And I'm honest. If I fucked up, I'll admit it. I'm not perfect, and I have tools in place (such as the website) to help me out. But I won't blame you.

Is first, to provide a SAFE(most important) and EASY customer experience to buying raws. I will show you every single step that is made along the way, until it reaches your doorstep and you've successfully salvaged the stealth. Security is my top priority.

Wickr: Skullwarden
Telegram Chat: @DashPCTShop

COUPON: XMAS (10% off)

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No correlation. That's funny though. My lab first started as "GreenWardLabs" on Reddit and before the subreddit got banned I decided to change the name. I realized everyone had "labs" in their name, got kinda annoying.
How has panda helped you out if you dont mind me asking?

Edit:sorry for the leading question. I'm gonna treat you like a hostile witness.
I don't wanna quote since thats a big image.

I'm not going to start wars with other sources if they are my competition, especially with someone as large as Panda. I've shared my thoughts on stealth methods to countries that are tougher(Nordic nations) and he as well as shared his thoughts on security, and where I could find cheaper warehouse rent prices in China, as I don't speak Chinese.

I was thinking you were asking me if I was Panda, I've been keeping up with the posts recently and realized it might be a bad time to open shop.
well the sealed bags on the shelf are the same shelf in MonkeyKings thread (first picture). Anyway if you are MK, Panda whatever, I just hope i get my product and everything is ok with everyone.
So if you've been on sst for a year bloodwork? Testing? All you've done is post pics of mylar bags .

Why meso... If you know us, you know what you just posted was a weak ass intro ESPECIALLY considering what's gone down here in the past few weeks .

What's your other handle here?
You're going to have to supply something to prove you are who and what you say besides pics of mylar bags .
So if you've been on sst for a year bloodwork? Testing? All you've done is post pics of mylar bags .

Why meso... If you know us, you know what you just posted was a weak ass intro ESPECIALLY considering what's gone down here in the past few weeks .

What's your other handle here?
You're going to have to supply something to prove you are who and what you say besides pics of mylar bags .

I have no handle here. I've actually never been a member of this forums until now.

I have only done testing with Janoshink - but I realized he's kinda not trusted around here. I can post those if you want. I have minor bloodwork done on my raws and HGH on SST which I can post here with the user's permission.
I've used dragon multiple times, using his generic gh right now

A source I've used in the past sourced his raws from dragon and bloods were always outstanding