Elite fitness pct guide line

Total crap. You'll get the same results by throwing your money out the window as using this snake oil.

Ostarine is almost certainly suppressive and its use would be counterproductive to PCT.

The safety of GW-501516 in humans hasn't been demonstrated. The animal data is cause for serious concern.

NTBM is the most deceitful supplement company I've ever seen. Their marketing practices are unethical, extremely aggressive and the sheer number of false claims about their products are truly staggering. IMO, they are without question the bottom feeders of the industry. I wouldn't give then a dime if they were the last supplement company on earth.

HCGenerate ingredients


N2Guard ingredients


100% Correct. Thank you. This makes me think some awards are in order. maybe, the Pile Of Shit &/or Dunce Cap awards.
i'm on ef and I recommend both nolva and clomid.. Nelson recommends a lot of different stuff.... He also thinks GW is suppressive. He does make some good points in some stuff though... Others I do disagree with.

This typically our pct recommendation:

Weeks 1-2 HCGenerate ES at 5 caps ED Weeks 3-7 N2Guard 7 Caps/ED Weeks 1-7 GW-501516 20 mgs/ED Weeks 3-6 Ostarine 25mgs/ED (do 12.5 during week 6) Weeks 3-7 Clomid 50 mgs/ED Weeks 3-7 Nolvadex 40/20/20/20/10 ED (taper dose weekly) Weeks 3-6 Aromasin 12.5/12.5/7.5/7.5 EOD

For the most part, the above has worked well. I've only bridged with osta so I don't know first hand how it is in PCT... I know if used sparingly, it's great for bridging and PCT for holding gains.

Gw501516 a ppar agonist. Several cyclists use it. It has anti-catabolic properties, positive lipid properties, and forces your body to use fat as an energy instead of carbohydrates

Agree to disagree... And there are several gw studies backing it up. Additionally, giving rats up to 2x of human dosages of any drug will cause issues. I have the pdf's of GSK's studies that WADA based their warnings off.

Osta becomes MILDLY suppressive after 6-8 weeks..

In your honor, we are awarding the FIRST "Pile Of Shit" Award. This does not come lightly or easily. You might or probably are a very nice person! This award is a sign for others not to listen to a word you say since all that comes out of your mouth is no more than a ...


And, as a special bonus.


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In your honor, we are awarding the FIRST "Pile Of Shit" Award. This does not come lightly or easily. You might or probably are a very nice person! This award is a sign for others not to listen to a word you say since all that comes out of your mouth is no more than a ...


And, as a special bonus.


Cool go fuck yourself. Most people I know back their accusations up with documents. I've read several peer reviewed studies on both ostarine and gw and have put together my own exercise physiology based articles incorporating their uses. I never pushed anything on anybody... Just my own knowledge... Which may or may bot have embellished yours... Instead you disrespect me as opposed of simply proving me wrong... Which i would have easily countered... Because if I had $.05 for every person who used rumor as fact on gw and osta, well you get the point. And yes, I'll gladly support incorporating a natural test supplement as opposed to HCG which through overstimulation of leydig cells, can cause an unresponsive reaction to it...... Not to mention it is extracted from female urine.
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Cool go fuck yourself. Most people I know back their accusations up with documents. I've read several peer reviewed studies on both ostarine and gw and have put together my own exercise physiology based articles incorporating their uses. I never pushed anything on anybody... Just my own knowledge... Which may or may bot have embellished yours... Instead you disrespect me as opposed of simply proving me wrong... Which i would have easily countered... Because if I had $.05 for every person who used rumor as fact on gw and osta, well you get the point. And yes, I'll gladly support incorporating a natural test supplement as opposed to HCG which through overstimulation of leydig cells, can cause an unresponsive reaction to it...... Not to mention it is extracted from female urine.

WoW! Well, you have been tagged. When you post, all will know you lack any and all credibility. Stick Around! We need the entertainment.

I forgot, you are deserving of one more award.

So in your honor... I am giving you the award of the reverse-heretic... So people on other boards can see that you disrespect those who challenge your doctrine, such as refusing to believe the earth is round.
For those interested in the suppressive nature of ostarine (enobosarm) by GTx; here is an overal study including the effects on lipids, muscle wasting and lh/fsh:
The selective androgen receptor modulator GTx-024 (enobosarm) improves lean body mass and physical function in healthy elderly men and postmenopausal women: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II trial

Soooo maybe something that combats muscle wasting and does not suppress the anterior pituitary gland in people with cancer or aids who suffer from cachexia could possibly help a healthy male? maybe? Ostarine and GW aren't exactly new compounds... I'm surprised there is such a backlash for promoting it's use. i didn't promote a company on this board as I understand the policy here. Just made a few friends... and apparently a few enemies too. ;)
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Nathan Chase hasn't owned NTBM since about a year or more ago. The EF Admin BigRickRock owns 100% of it now.

I didn't know ntbm ever had a product called monsterdrolXT? Their big prohormone back in the day was Beastdrol, which was just a superdrol clone. Maybe they had it out for a short period of time but pulled it or renamed it due to this bad publicity?

Yeah I heard that Nate guy fucked a lot of people and really pissed in a lot of cheerios. I know the owner now and i have ran a few of their products, mainly n2guard and hcgenerate... Personally I'm not a fan of HCG but everybody is different. I've used hcgenerate ES at the mouth of my PCT and bloodwork came back fine.
Some studies concerning hcg hyperstimulation after 14 days: The effects of chronic human chorionic - PubMed Mobile

There are glaring reasons for why you can't apply these findings to humans. Can you guess what they might be?

The effects of chronic human chorionic gonadotropin treatment on Leydig cell function. Risbridger GP, et al.
Endocrinology. 1982 Jan;110(1):138-45.


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of chronic daily hCG treatment on interstitial cell function in the rat, as judged by plasma testosterone levels, the testicular binding of labeled hCG, and the capacity of the testis to respond to gonadotropin stimulation by the production of testosterone in vitro. TWenty-four hours after the first injection of 100 IU hCG there was a significant decline in hCG binding to testis homogenates and an inability to respond to hCG stimulation in vitro, After 7 days of daily injections of 10 IU or 100 IU hCG, the loss of hCG binding was maintained. However, despite the marked decline in hCG binding, there was an enhanced testosterone response to hCG stimulation in vitro, and plasma testosterone levels were significantly elevated. With continued injections of hCG for 14 or 21 days, the testes remained hyperresponsive to hCG stimulation in vitro, but hCG binding returned to control levels, and plasma testosterone concentrations declined and were not statistically different from controls. The latter changes probably result from the formation of specific hCG antibodies (Kd at 4 C, 7.8 +/- 4.5 X 10(-10) M) that were detected in plasma from rats treated for 14 or mopre days with hCG. The formation and levels of the hCG antibodies in these animals were sufficient to neutralize the effects of the exogenous hCG, thereby returning plasma testosterone levels to normal and restoring the complement of hCG receptors.
Exactly!!!! Thank you! Same reason you can't cite rat studies for GW when they're using doses 2x stronger than a human's ;). Now that we agree that rats are different from humans lol. Glad to see we can agree on SOMETHING. Go ahead, keep coming at me bro... I've pushed nothing on this board... Only defended my friend. Sorry n2bm was ran by a douchebag... It isn't any longer. Don't disrespect me if I've done nothing to disrespect you.
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Exactly!!!! Thank you! Same reason you can't cite rat studies for GW when they're using doses 2x stronger than a human's ;). Now that we agree that rats are different from humans lol. Glad to see we can agree on SOMETHING. Go ahead, keep coming at me bro... I've pushed nothing on this board... Only defended my friend. Sorry n2bm was ran by a douchebag... It isn't any longer. Don't disrespect me if I've done nothing to disrespect you.

Coming at you? How... by pointing out NTBM's herbals are garbage? Do you have an interest in this company?

How have I disrespected you? I'm confused here.
Coming at you? How... by pointing out NTBM's herbals are garbage? Do you have an interest in this company?

How have I disrespected you? I'm confused here.

Leave it at that then. You want to flame me over gw and osta... It's recommended on 15 other boards bro. Yesssss... I heard nate was a sheister. He's out of the picture. I'm not a hypocrite... I run both n2guard and hcgenerate and they've worked just fine. Hell some guys run hcgenerate for the sexual sides. Shoot, i ran tongkat (longiack) long before it was in supplelents... Look at it now... It's in any natty test booster you find. Take your pic.. Run any natural test booster and they can be beneficial in a pct. I've not scammed nor flamed anybody... Sorry if you got fucked by the former owner bro... I like running it and i notice a difference in it's absence. We can be friends or go to war. I respected you from the beginning and graciously thanked you for assisting me in cutting off the heads of scammers on my board. All I did here was pm Pittbox when he went at my close friend CEO who is one man I have immense respect for and tried to set the record straight with n2bm. I know the owner there and I swear on my honor that the guy is the truth. Is he a businessman? Yes of course. I've never met Nate but I know a lot of guys, including his own reps, would pay big money to grip his throat.
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It's a cult with elite fitness and their ntbm products. I do use a few and some of them are "ok" but the prices are outrageous.

Sticking to true and tried method. Thanks for your help folks.