Yes sir, that's the reality of it all, in a nut shell.
Those of us that participate in these threads are the minority, while the majority are those that lurk, seldom post, if ever, and are just here to score.
It never fails, eventually someone will come along, starting a new thread and finally admit they pulled the trigger... Usually when it's too late and they have an alien growing out of their ass cheek.
So for all you lurking little fuckers out there, if you're going to pull the trigger, chime in, be a part of YOUR community and share your experience.
The "i didn't want to get flamed" argument is weak as fuck. Grow up, it's the fucking Internet. If getting flamed on an anonymous message board is one of your biggest worries, well, then you need to get out more.
Okay, rant over, fuck, i'm exhausted now.