Empower Pharmacy - Nandrolone Decanoate 200 mg/ml

probably this stupid dicard after 28 days after opening.

Let's take a dose of 200mg per week.

4 weeks at 200mg/ml is 4 ml

+ a little bit more for waste

equal 5 ml.
Without a better photo of the box, it is hard to say if its supposed to be tossed after 28 days a la insulin pens.

I agree with everything else, but can't confirm with the prescription instructions.
Be right about what? Did I state you were wrong and I was right about something? Honestly you gave off the impression that english isn’t your first language and I was just asking for some clarification.

As far as your link… that’s just stupid. Why would 10 ml vials be issued when it takes months to use them? Why doesn’t it state anywhere to discard after popping the cap off to discard after 28 days? Do you think if I start showing your link to my pharmacy that they will start giving me a vial a month instead of the usual 1 vial every 3 months for my testosterone? Wiping the stopper with an alcohol pad, using a sterile needle and the ba in vial prevent the product from becoming contaminated.

This may be why insurance companies are starting to steer away from covering 10ml vials and forcing customers to use 1ml vials.

Thanks for the link. Honestly had no idea that was being said.

My apologies for my last message.

From what I see several pharmacists and doctors apply this rule of 28 days. Why I just don't know as some people even use vials for up to 6 months with no problems. But again steroids users are not the general population. general population will not always follow clean procedures.

Could be multiple reasons why some pharmacies don't provide anymore 10ml vials, this 28 days rule might be one.

Look at what is available in europe. Only 1 ml amp as protocol is usally 250mg per 3 weeks. At least there is no BA in them.
So it is under dosed by 5%. Plus it has more BA then most 5%. So the buyer is getting about 8% less active ingredient then he could get with a product dosed and manufactured the way most companies say they do. That is a bit much to give up in my opinion.
So it is under dosed by 5%. Plus it has more BA then most 5%. So the buyer is getting about 8% less active ingredient then he could get with a product dosed and manufactured the way most companies say they do. That is a bit much to give up in my opinion.
Show your math please
My math was off as it is only 5% under dosed. As i was adding the 3% extra BA that they use that most pharmacies don't use to the 5%
Yes, on the back side of the vial it states “benzyl alcohol 5% as preservative in grapeseed oil”. I assume the high ba content is why the expiration date is only for one year.

Not sure why they use that much ba but I will say it’s surprisingly very smooth to pin.

Empower’s Deca only comes in 5ml vials. When I fill my prescription they give me four vials at a time.
I think Empower just slaps 1 year expiration on all their stuff. I don't think they're doing analysis on it, just saying "eh, definitely will last at least a year and no real customer would need to to last longer so legally we're safe with this"

Additional info added here per OP's request. You will see varying amounts of BA in these products dependent on the amount of BB present. BA would be excipient for solubility as well as bacteriostatic preservative.

No need to throw out open vial after 28 days. With proper aseptic technique I've drawn from the same vial for 9 months successfully. Not key words above....proper aseptic technique.