End of blast bloodwork - feedback/red flags?

Hydration and getting back on telmisartan 80 mg. Last test my hematocrit shot up and I had switched my BP meds to losartan cuz I had a few extra bottles and it seems to lower my blood pressure better but the telmisartan keeps hematocrit lower... because the blast I did before that I was on it and hematocrit never went above 51. So now I just take telmisartan 80mg and 10mg Amlodipine. I've only been taking the other BP med for 3 days but it has lowered my blood pressure a lot.Telmisartam seems to lower my diastolic but not my systolic. The combination of the two meds has it pretty good for me anyways LOL. The best thing that works for me is losartan but my hematocrit shoots up too high on just losartan. A good BP for me is 135/80.....not bad at almost age 50. Lots of times it just shoots up when you're nervous at the doctor. If you sit there and take your blood pressure for like 5 minutes you'll see that it will get lower if you take some deep breaths and you're chilling out. I've always been a hyper person ... my blood pressure shoots up just from me being hyper but I can lower it by breathing and laying down. I would like to get it back to 120/80 but seems like it never wants to stay there as I've gotten older.
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Those digital BP machines are sketchy too. I bought one off Amazon that had great ratings but I would use right before my TRT appointment and right after where they check my BP and the machine was always off by 10 points or more vs what the nurse provided from the manual BP check. I finally returned it and use a manual one.
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