Endo has me on clomid as "TRT"

My endo has me on 12.5mg ED clomid for TRT for the past 6 months and by the numbers it works. As of my last blood work, almost 2 months ago, My Total T, Free T, E2 are all in good places. But I just don't feel great on it. For about a 6 week period I felt great, Surplus of energy, high sex drive, general feeling of well being. but it's gone the last 2 months. Sex drive nil, energy is better than before i started, but not fantastic. No ED, I just don't desire sex. I have 2 fuck buddies who both have to practically beg me to see them because I'm just not into it. I rarely take matters into my own hands.

Anyways, he wants to keep me on comid because i'm relatively young 30M and the numbers look good. I'm seeing him again in a few days to discuss. I want to do trt at this point, I want to feel good also want to start gear and Blast/Cruise with trt will make things easier.

So what can I do? I'm thinking start skipping doses of meds so my numbers are lower for my next set of bloods. Maybe 12.5mg EoD? And Explain everything i just wrote above to him... minus the b/c part... From previous discussions I know he'll push hcg instead of TRT if i get him to switch to something other than clomid, any arguments I can make to get him to trt?

EDIT: Don't people get less sensitive to clmid in time as well? develop a tolerance if you will?
My endo has me on 12.5mg ED clomid for TRT for the past 6 months and by the numbers it works. As of my last blood work, almost 2 months ago, My Total T, Free T, E2 are all in good places. But I just don't feel great on it. For about a 6 week period I felt great, Surplus of energy, high sex drive, general feeling of well being. but it's gone the last 2 months. Sex drive nil, energy is better than before i started, but not fantastic. No ED, I just don't desire sex. I have 2 fuck buddies who both have to practically beg me to see them because I'm just not into it. I rarely take matters into my own hands.

Anyways, he wants to keep me on comid because i'm relatively young 30M and the numbers look good. I'm seeing him again in a few days to discuss. I want to do trt at this point, I want to feel good also want to start gear and Blast/Cruise with trt will make things easier.

So what can I do? I'm thinking start skipping doses of meds so my numbers are lower for my next set of bloods. Maybe 12.5mg EoD? And Explain everything i just wrote above to him... minus the b/c part... From previous discussions I know he'll push hcg instead of TRT if i get him to switch to something other than clomid, any arguments I can make to get him to trt?

EDIT: Don't people get less sensitive to clmid in time as well? develop a tolerance if you will?

If your looking for advice how to screw up your labs to trick your endo you are on the wrong forum. Also on behalf of many of us that cycled at your age, I would take it all back if I could. While you put on extra mass, later in life you learn it is just as unhealthy as fat.
Cycling might not be the healthiest thing for me, but it still doesn't change the fact that I don't think clomid for my low T is the right protocol for me. My numbers may look decent, but i still have no sex drive and lower energy. I've been keeping a daily log for over 8 months, tracking things like morning erections, sex drive, energy, etc. Overall I can say I feel better than before i started, but I still have a lot of Low T symptoms and my doctor wants to keep the course because by the numbers I look fine. I've seen plenty of posts where people made similar claims, clomid may increase T but they feel like crap and have no libido. So what can I do to try and change his mind? I figured fucking up my labs would at least force his hand into trying something else.
You could always keep with his protocol but stay up all night the night before your appointment/ blood test. No sleep will drop your test a lot I would think.
If you really want to tank your T you exercise hard everyday leading up to your blood draw, you take something like Tagament that lowers T, you eat some super sugary foods, take some vicodin or norco, drink alcohol, and get piss poor sleep. Or, maybe the reason you don't desire sex it because you're bored with your two friends.
Or, maybe the reason you don't desire sex it because you're bored with your two friends.
I'd agree except i go 2 weeks without sex or masturbating like it's nothing... Think i'd at least want to tug one out

Why are you in trt in the first place? What is the history

Endo diagnosed me as secondary. Had 2 AM T tests done, both in the low 200s. I was feeling lousy, no energy, no drive, no sexdrive, stomach fat i can't get rid of for shit. On the clomid i felt great for a little while, had a crazy sex drive, wood every morning, tons of "drive" in general such as at work, felt great, had energy, etc. Now i'd say i still feel like i have more energy but my mood isn't great and it's like i'm kinda pissy all the time. And i'm back to no sex drive and no morning wood
I'd agree except i go 2 weeks without sex or masturbating like it's nothing... Think i'd at least want to tug one out

Endo diagnosed me as secondary. Had 2 AM T tests done, both in the low 200s. I was feeling lousy, no energy, no drive, no sexdrive, stomach fat i can't get rid of for shit. On the clomid i felt great for a little while, had a crazy sex drive, wood every morning, tons of "drive" in general such as at work, felt great, had energy, etc. Now i'd say i still feel like i have more energy but my mood isn't great and it's like i'm kinda pissy all the time. And i'm back to no sex drive and no morning wood
Yeah, going two weeks not thinking about sex is an issue at your age. Do have results from a full blood panel? TT FT SHBG LH FSH E2 Prolactin?
TT: 201 ng/dl
FT Not Measured
SHBG: 27 nmol/L
LH: 1.6 mU/mL
FSH: 4.3 mU/mL
E2: 22 pg/Ml
Prolactin 14ng/Ml

After Clomid:
TT: 751 ng/dl
FT 12.2 pg/Ml
SHBG: 43.2 nmol/L
LH: 2.2 mIU/mL
FSH: 3.1 mIU/mL
E2: 30 pg/Ml
Prolactin: Not Measured
it makes me feel bad, hurts libido, it has hormonal effects in the body that might have nothing to do with what testosterone or other estrogens levels might be doing, messes with my eyesight. I experimented a lot with it years ago and it was never a good answer for me. I wouldn't even use it for pct if I was ever going off again, I don't like Clomid and will never take it again for any reason
it makes me feel bad, hurts libido, it has hormonal effects in the body that might have nothing to do with what testosterone or other estrogens levels might be doing, messes with my eyesight. I experimented a lot with it years ago and it was never a good answer for me. I wouldn't even use it for pct if I was ever going off again, I don't like Clomid and will never take it again for any reason

I am new to it and have heard stories of it making guys super sensitive etc. What kind of dosing were you on if you recall?
it makes me feel bad, hurts libido, it has hormonal effects in the body that might have nothing to do with what testosterone or other estrogens levels might be doing, messes with my eyesight. I experimented a lot with it years ago and it was never a good answer for me. I wouldn't even use it for pct if I was ever going off again, I don't like Clomid and will never take it again for any reason
Would you just use nolva?
Do not take clomid without caution. See my thread on blurry vision. I took 50mg a day for a month and my eyes have been fucked for the past week. I discontinued 8 days ago and I'm still blurry. I would never take it again at any dose for any reason.
I don't mind nolva, but serms are really not an answer in the trt world, I will never see a reason to use nolva for myself ever again
In your experience, If someone had to come off of TRT doses because of, say, a raging case of prostatitis or psa that got too high would that person need to use both Clomid and nolva, one or the other, or maybe just hcg to restart the HPTA?
I tried clomid to boost test up. Horrible, horrible experience. I felt an emotional mess. I was on a high dose, can't remember 100mg daily I think and I was driving and I wanted to pull over and scream. I can only imagine that is how a person who is having a nervous breakdown feels. never had one myself so I don't know for sure.

I also got night time strobing, like a flickering.