Yeah, but this all blew up due to events LONG before the donation thread.
I don't know what the solution is for this sequence of events that occurs -->
- I. Readalot proposes an agenda that can be rationally argued leads to harm reduction.
- II. This triggers others because of some old long standing grudge I wasn't around to understand or see. - they share their (subjective?) opinions based on their own anecdotal experience (whether that is "feels" or their own testing method)
- III. These comments trigger Readalot.
- IV. Vets sit back and smugly say "see, this is why MESO is being destroyed."
I've yet to understand why it can't be accepted that surveillance testing can ONLY be a good thing. Like, maybe I'm too naive or inexperienced (admittedly not a bodybuilder running grams of androgens....just not understanding how it can be bad to define the "junk" impurities and also get some idea of what makes up these compounds).
I presume the arguments are:
- there's nothing that can be done so why test? (To which I'm still at a can either better define the shit in your gear and KNOW your enemy...or seek out alternate paths).
- "it's annoying"....which I still don't get.
Again, maybe I'm just not experienced enough on other boards to understand how this shit is supposed to work. However, it's rather incredible to see the progress made in testing and the discussion of developing standards for determining impurities in these products.
If the name suddenly changed to Narta asking the questions, can we be honest and admit the response would be different?
I'm not begrudging those of you who have a hate for Readalot. That's your business. However, I have trouble understanding why emotion clouds and overrules these disputes so easily.
If someone is wrong, then present why?
If someone personally attacks (on either side) then both sides have a choice:
- escalate and continue to get angrier and angrier.
- define what they find objectionable about a specific post and hash it out from there (as in life and business)
I get this is an internet forum so it makes professional communication challenging. I keep defaulting back to the belief you all could actually function in a room together (even if not going over for a BBQ on weekends).