Enhanced Testing Database

Missed a spot

I would open up a thread, make my arguments there and ask ONCE every source if they were interested to participate, aka I wouldn't be a spammy little cunt, annoying the f out all the people that wanted to have a nice day in the forums.
That’s a ridiculous notion on face value. No testing of any product on Earth, whether it be AAS or milk or pharmaceutical products or water or literally anything would have begun getting tested if someone just asked once and screwed off when told no.
That’s a ridiculous notion on face value. No testing of any product on Earth, whether it be AAS or milk or pharmaceutical products or water or literally anything would have begun getting tested if someone just asked once and screwed off when told no.
Didn't say others wouldn't or that I wouldn't criticize them in my own thread for their denial to participate. Spamming the entire forum, self quoting my posts every few hours, that's full narcissistic ego masturbation. And I won't even touch the holier than thou attitude on top of the spamming.
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Didn't say others wouldn't or that I wouldn't criticize them in my own thread for their denial to participate. Spamming the entire forum, self quoting my posts every few hours, that's full narcissistic ego masturbation. And I won't ever touch the holier than thou attitude on top of the spamming.
The point stands all the same? Your suggested method of promoting the desired change (in this case testing) has never led to change of anything, basically ever.

I’d love an example of any meaningful change on Earth in any realm, that occurred by someone standing off to the side, making sure to not offend anyone, and just asking once.

The point regarding self quoting/ego/etc, sure. I won’t touch upon that or argue it. But assuming you are 100% correct on that portion, the entire premise of your argument of how he should go about his testing quest is still patently false and borderline absurd.
The point stands all the same? Your suggested method of promoting the desired change (in this case testing) has never led to change of anything, basically ever.

I’d love an example of any meaningful change on Earth in any realm, that occurred by someone standing off to the side, making sure to not offend anyone, and just asking once.

The point regarding self quoting/ego/etc, sure. I won’t touch upon that or argue it. But assuming you are 100% correct on that portion, the entire premise of your argument of how he should go about his testing quest is still patently false and borderline absurd.
Please tell me what came out of all that shenanigans, spam, back and forth, ego boosting circle jerk?

I 'll go first:

No endotoxins
No metals
No bacteria

Sterile floaters and a source, that was heavily praised by readalot, shutting down a week after they announced their "Premium Enhanced Tested line" due to contamination
I believe the issue is it’s like déjà vu. This isn’t the first time readalot has had some of the community come down on him for spamming sources with an agenda.

Quite honestly I think this is silly when you think about it. There seems to be a shit storm over the topic of donating to a great cause. All that comes to mind is, here we go again with Readalot pushing an agenda on sources and making a list to publicly humiliate those that don’t get on board.

What a shame.
To @B Ware point about here we go again. For those referring to the “old meso” and isn’t more testing good. Of course but for those that have been around this all happened before and everyone predicted it would lead to them eventually providing testing and behold nothing was found because nothing would ever be found because that’s what they want. The point was get your own shit tested yourself and you’re buying UGL products so there will always be risks and you text yourself and then find the sources you trust more and go with them. Want to hurt bad sources post test results and stop buying from them.
That testing crusade turned into just ego stroking and harassing sources then people then it’s one pov that only counts. So not act like someone alone is a victim. Experienced users provided advice and historical knowledge and it was met with arrogance and trying to be testing Jesus. Him questioning a member like @Spaceman Spiff who posts testing results constantly for everyone shows it’s about ego more than the good of the community.
This has become the most childish argument I've ever seen.
A little hint...it has nothing to do with the donations. They have no rational, logical argument. Period.

And look who the source was that declined. Make sure you remember that along with the FACT I wasn't the one who started sharing the link in the vendor threads. This is simply a turf war over improved testing standards and one side likes to play a lot dirty.
Please tell me what came out of all that shenanigans, spam, back and forth, ego boosting circle jerk?

I 'll go first:

No endotoxins
No metals
No bacteria

Sterile floaters and a source, that was heavily praised by readalot, shutting down a week after they announced their "Premium Enhanced Tested line" due to contamination
I think at the end of the day your argument is that Readalot is annoying, which I suppose is a valid argument as it’s an opinion, albeit I find it extraordinary and honestly impressive that he’s been able to make so many of you spend so much time getting worked up about it.

I find his testing push interesting, and see quite literally zero downside to it. At the very least, he got Axel to donate $500 and got me to donate $1500, so all your annoyances are even funnier to me given the circumstances.

Clearly not worth my time though, wish you all well and hope everyone is on top of their blood pressure.

But did he spam the sources for donations?
I thought he only asked once.
That's what I read but maybe you know otherwise.

Yes, making lists of who gave and who gave not does seem the thing to do.

But maybe it was just to have a record, not name and shame.
At least, I hope so.
A little hint...it has nothing to do with the donations. They have no rational, logical argument. Period.

And look who the source was that declined. Make sure you remember that along with the FACT I wasn't the one who started sharing the link in the vendor threads. This is simply a turf war over improved testing standards and one side likes to play a lot dirty.
The both siding from some is disgusting. And I know the personal attacks have been relentless but you fare much better when you stay above it and ignore it.
The point stands all the same? Your suggested method of promoting the desired change (in this case testing) has never led to change of anything, basically ever.

I’d love an example of any meaningful change on Earth in any realm, that occurred by someone standing off to the side, making sure to not offend anyone, and just asking once.

The point regarding self quoting/ego/etc, sure. I won’t touch upon that or argue it. But assuming you are 100% correct on that portion, the entire premise of your argument of how he should go about his testing quest is still patently false and borderline absurd.

You're arguing with people who say that if a test comes back negative, the same tests every batch of every pharma injectable are required to undergo, that the testing is worthless and shouldn't have ever been performed. They genuinely believe a compounding pharmacy or pharma manufacturing plant checking for endotoxin is the kind nonsense propagated by the same "eggheads" who insist on safety gear while working on a construction site.

The same people who argue taking measures to ensure sterility are unnecessary because they don't do it and haven't "lost an ass cheek".

You'll never get anywhere when they have holes in basic reasoning like that, However, they do serve a purpose, Without bringing up these absurd arguments, we wouldn't have the stimulus needed to rethink and double check our own positions. As frustrating as arguing with stupidity is, it does serve a purpose.
The two posts to QSC were 3h apart
I know I said I’m done but this is pure comedy. You’re annoyed that readalot “spammed” QSC, by posting TWICE about it 3 hours apart?

QSC? Are we talking about the same thread? That’s what angers you about that thread? In the time it took me to type this out there’s probably been some knucklehead who’s posted 13 times about why his email just bounced to his favorite QSC ladyboy.
Here comes the Aggregator

Your grandfather was here on Meso decades ago arguing that boiling was the way to ensure sterile gear but if you're a bubbleboy then use a .45um filter.

Sterility is everyones concern for UG homemade gear.

The fact is there are so many ways to ensure sterility that I trust gear I've made over any major pharacuetical companies gear, especially gear produced in amps. When you break open the amp you are allowing all kinds of air borne particles to enter the oil.

When making your own you heat it to a temp which no virus or bacteria could withstand. Plus you add Benzyl Alcohol to further ensure sterile. Then on top of this you filter it using a .45 micron syringe filter. These filters will filter out particles hundreds of times smaller then needed to cause an abscess.

Only after years of argument did the "boiling to sterilize" get replaced by ".45um filters" then ".22um filters".

No progress towards greater harm reduction will ever come about without a fight against the status quo.

And to be fair to Narta, not all ideas are equally valid, so again, his resistance to everything new in this area only forces those arguing it to meet a high standard.
Your grandfather was here on Meso decades ago arguing that boiling was the way to ensure sterile gear but if you're a bubbleboy then use a .45um filter.

Only after years of argument did the "boiling to sterilize" get replaced by ".45um filters" then ".22um filters".

No progress towards greater harm reduction will ever come about without a fight against the status quo.

And to be fair to Narta, not all ideas are equally valid, so again, his resistance to everything new in this area only forces those arguing it to meet a high standard.
I think @narta point is all the pomp and circumstance was the only end result of all that lobbying and actual improvements didn’t happen. I find it humorous how anything “new” is deemed progress and veterans saying yeah that was tried and failed or this won’t drive the needle so set your expectations lower is deemed bad or “old school”. Progress is made on here through homebrewers, users, some sources, all collaborating. The former to make their own stuff and if they sell make others stuff better and more safe. For some sources it’s done it make it better so they sell more but a similar end result. The whole enhanced testing turned into noobs saying yeah this is great, no shit, and experienced saying huge sources don’t care and will provide results to show how amazing their products are. Vast majority of people want cheap gear that’s amazing which will never happen in capitalism let alone in UGL, to think otherwise is naive at best.
Again it’s harm reduction and improved testing has come over the years with improved understanding, tech, trial and error. It would have been more fruitful to help people connect and share results and brewing and educate people to not be qsc or large source zombie followers and to focus on better sources and open your wallet and pay for it not bitch to try to get cheap shit better.