EO issue

I had a unique experience with an EO brew.

75mg Test C
75mg Mast P
75mg DHB
25mg NPP
2/20 BA/BB
EO as the carrier oil

1st injection 2.5ml left VG - gradually felt pain in my hip over the next few days. Nothing extreme, but some discomfort. It was not my VG hurting, but rather my hip. I assumed it was due to the 2.5ml.

2nd injection 1ml right lower quad - no pain at all, nothing

3rd injection 1ml left lower quad - 24 hrs post injection, I started to feel some discomfort from the injection area moving down to my knee. Nothing of concern at that time, but some pain.

48 hrs post injection - pain increasing, now encompassing my knee and causing me to limp.

72hrs post injection - my knee is swollen and it is painful to even limp.

96 hours post injection - I am in extreme pain and barely able to even move around with crutches. I visit my Ortho and X-rays show nothing but the buildup of fluid.

He aspirates and removes over 80ml of a puss-like liquid from my knee.

The liquid is being sent off for testing.

I believe the EO "leaked" to my knee, due to the water like consistency it has and infected my knee.

I love to use mig840, but apparently my body does not tolerate EO.

Be careful, and don't learn a hard lesson like I did.
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VG hurting, but rather my hip
Sometimes a day or 2 after a VG shot i get joint pain in my hip.. to where I walk funny for a few days.. out of all the gear I make and pin the only thing that gives me pip is TNE..... is frustration. Because I love that shit.. I am starting to belive 100-120 mg shot of it is just to much medication at one time and that is the reason for the pip.. I can do 50-70 and hardly zero pip.. I hope your knee is doing better!! I can't handle EO either.. a did EO injections for a couple of days and the ked my CRP and it was almost at 7.....Fuck.. I just got a gallon of miglyol 840 a couple weeks ago and haven't used much but fixing to make some stuff with it...
I do notice with the varies TNE shots i do especially in the delt that sometimes a day or w later their will be a big red streak or blotch sometimes going half way down to my elbow.. like a burn..either way it stood out to me when you talked about the hip pain.. maybe it's just fluid buildup or medicine that has settled into the joint???
PIP as rule of thumb goes like this after Injection:
- Day 1 (generally no pain as oil absorbs)
- Day 2 ( PIP starts with compounds)
- Day 3 (Worst of pain)
- Day 4 (Substantial easement)
- Day 5 (Generally gone)

Infection is generally suspected after day 6 of increasing pain with no significant subsidence.