EQ vs. Primo or Mast for More mg’s/ E2 Control?


New Member
Other than the price per mg difference, why choose Primo or Mast over EQ to increase mg’s with some estrogen control benefits?

I’ve seen some information on the possible kidney stress from Eq but from what I’ve heard, those studies are pretty limited and maybe not super strong yet. And then there is the issue of increased red blood cells, hematocrit and impacting lipid profiles but is that any worse than what primo does? And with the right ancillaries can’t you avoid those issues?

Personally I’ve only ran 3 cycles in my life, all over 10 years ago when I was competing in powerlifting. I remember feeling great on eq not that that means anything. Now that I’m thinking of cycling again I’m curious about eq starting with lower doses at 300mg to go along with test base. Also, how does it do with managing estrogen compared to primo or mast? How does the ratio of it to test compare to primo or mast for that effect?

Would love to hear your experience/ blood work comparisons on the diff. Compounds or if your aware of any credible studies on this topic.

thank you.
You’ll get possible lowering of E2 with primo, EQ, and DHB. I do. Some don’t. It’ll be individual with each compound, and with each person. Asking for data points about how much each does is not useful to you. You need bloodwork for yourself.

Mast will lower side effects specifically WRT breast tissue growth, but I wouldn’t expect it to lower E2 directly.

Also, you mention blood cell count. EQ usually does this. There is just more literature about EQ in this respect which is why it’s associated with it. In reality most any AAS does. Telmisartan let me run a frankly dumb dose of EQ and my HCT was 45 at the end of cycle. Blood pressure was only slightly elevated. But again, that’s me, not you. Asking for anecdote will only be so useful. If you want to know what it’ll do, understand these are generalities and what it does to YOU is the only data point that matters.
Got it. Thank you, this is helpful. To really know the effects of each, would it be advisable to run 3 different cycles with test base, titrate up with blood work each time? Or combine compounds in one or two cycles?

I’m planning on doing blood work here in 2 months before I start to see if I brought my apo b down from 94. And then blood work each time I up dose or add something new. Have telmisartan, nebivolol, nittokinase, and niacin stocked up as well.
EQ also has the often cited emotion panic attacks and depression by some. This is the only reason I’m just sitting on it for now.

If you want to fully understand you body response do the single variable method you lay out and be smart unlike me also your body 10 years later may respond very differently as I’ve found out. One new variable per run let’s you identify what is actually going on.
EQ also has the often cited emotion panic attacks and depression by some. This is the only reason I’m just sitting on it for now.

If you want to fully understand you body response do the single variable method you lay out and be smart unlike me also your body 10 years later may respond very differently as I’ve found out. One new variable per run let’s you identify what is actually going on.
That’s a good point on how the body might respond differently 10 years later
You’ll get possible lowering of E2 with primo, EQ, and DHB. I do. Some don’t. It’ll be individual with each compound, and with each person. Asking for data points about how much each does is not useful to you. You need bloodwork for yourself.

Mast will lower side effects specifically WRT breast tissue growth, but I wouldn’t expect it to lower E2 directly.

Also, you mention blood cell count. EQ usually does this. There is just more literature about EQ in this respect which is why it’s associated with it. In reality most any AAS does. Telmisartan let me run a frankly dumb dose of EQ and my HCT was 45 at the end of cycle. Blood pressure was only slightly elevated. But again, that’s me, not you. Asking for anecdote will only be so useful. If you want to know what it’ll do, understand these are generalities and what it does to YOU is the only data point that matters.
I second all of this and I’ll add, I think primo has the most benifet when it comes to adding muscle mass. Virtually no side effects even at high doses. Mast would be my second pick but only bc of its lack of side effects.
I second all of this and I’ll add, I think primo has the most benifet when it comes to adding muscle mass. Virtually no side effects even at high doses. Mast would be my second pick but only bc of its lack of side effects.
Thanks for that man. Do you guys ever run primo in esters higher than 100mg? Seems like a lot of oil to get into higher doses.
Interesting, how high did you run it and how did it allow you to raise your test?

Went from struggling to control E2 on 150mg Test for several years (to the point I had a few years with no test at all) to now being able to scale up to 1-2g Test, with matching EQ dose. AI dose by feel once or so a week, if at all.
Went from struggling to control E2 on 150mg Test for several years (to the point I had a few years with no test at all) to now being able to scale up to 1-2g Test, with matching EQ dose. AI dose by feel once or so a week, if at all.
Cool, I’ll have to do my own experiment with this.
I second all of this and I’ll add, I think primo has the most benifet when it comes to adding muscle mass. Virtually no side effects even at high doses. Mast would be my second pick but only bc of its lack of side effects.
Of the three I’d definitely pick primo for mass gains. I don’t think any will really knock your socks off relative to deca, but of the three, for sure. FWIW DHB does give me more added strength.
Thanks for that man. Do you guys ever run primo in esters higher than 100mg? Seems like a lot of oil to get into higher doses.
That’s not an ester that’s concentration, but yes. I’ve only ever ran 200mg/ml. All I’ve heard was how bad the PIP is, but it’s always been fine. Then again DHB is only slightly annoying for me so maybe I’m just not terribly sensitive.
This is why. A lot more data on primo and mast, plus my HCT shot way up and I felt terrible on even a lower dose of eq. Primo works great for me
Good point. Might as well not take the chance. I’m thinking I going to try all three and get bloods for each cycle just to see how I respond to each compound.
I tried to run EQ only once and it was like 3 years ago.
I normaly aromatize a lot and need to use ai but when I did cycle of 500 test+500EQ after like 8th week my E2 was non existant. I did multiple bloodwork since week 8 to week 16 of my cycle and my E2 was super low all the time and I couldn't function properly and was sleepy all the time.
I have never used EQ since then again.

When I run mast with test on paper it doesn't reduce my E2 but I don't feel any high E2 problems so it probably does something about high E2 symptoms but doesn't really reduce it.

When I run primo I don't need to use any AI with test and my E2 is on the upper limit and I feel great. I tried to run 450 test 450 primo in the past and it was great and I didn't need any AI (normaly I would need around 3x-4x 12.5mg aromasin per week with this dose of test).

I will definitely run primo in the future and maybe try higher test dosages with it and see how far I can get without using AI.
My only concern about primo is that it seems to fuck up my lipids.
I tried to run EQ only once and it was like 3 years ago.
I normaly aromatize a lot and need to use ai but when I did cycle of 500 test+500EQ after like 8th week my E2 was non existant. I did multiple bloodwork since week 8 to week 16 of my cycle and my E2 was super low all the time and I couldn't function properly and was sleepy all the time.
I have never used EQ since then again.

When I run mast with test on paper it doesn't reduce my E2 but I don't feel any high E2 problems so it probably does something about high E2 symptoms but doesn't really reduce it.

When I run primo I don't need to use any AI with test and my E2 is on the upper limit and I feel great. I tried to run 450 test 450 primo in the past and it was great and I didn't need any AI (normaly I would need around 3x-4x 12.5mg aromasin per week with this dose of test).

I will definitely run primo in the future and maybe try higher test dosages with it and see how far I can get without using AI.
My only concern about primo is that it seems to fuck up my lipids.
Dude this is great. Awesome how you documented this with bloods. Curious if adding stuff like high DHEA and HCG with the EQ and maybe higher test would help with e2.

Also, assuming your diet and training were similar, which cycle was your favorite in terms of lean tissue added?
Dude this is great. Awesome how you documented this with bloods. Curious if adding stuff like high DHEA and HCG with the EQ and maybe higher test would help with e2.

Also, assuming your diet and training were similar, which cycle was your favorite in terms of lean tissue added?
Well right now I am on 300 test + 300 primo and 3x500iu HCG per week.
I use 1x 12.5mg aromasin per week - maybe could go even without I will see on next bloodwork. Primo definitely lowering E2 nicely but not as hard as EQ.

About which cycle was favourite I cannot really say because everytime I run mast test I also run tren - it was my cutting cycle - test mast tren and it is my favourit one obviously. Overall I think masteron is just my favourite compound but I never run it alone with test.

Primo and test for nice lean gains and avoid using AI and it feels great. I am using it as mild cycle now for my rebound phase.

EQ as I said I would never run again because it crashes my estrogen and I cannot function properly.