Estradiol levels and Gyno question


How high can your estradiol levels be before its time to take aromatase inhibitors? My levels sre currently at 33.4 with total T at 816. I am contemplating using my test dosage to about 300 mg a week from 250 and wonder if I should worry about gyno at all yet.
How high can your estradiol levels be before its time to take aromatase inhibitors? My levels sre currently at 33.4 with total T at 816. I am contemplating using my test dosage to about 300 mg a week from 250 and wonder if I should worry about gyno at all yet.
Just depends how your body aromatizes, some ppl don't really at all while ppl like me aromatize a ton. But, I sit in the 40s naturally, any higher and I start getting dick probs and gyno flare ups. Some ppl can sit up in the 60s and 80s with zero problems. You'll just have to keep pulling bloods and figure out how you reapond
It is my belief that 60-65 pg/mL should be the limit for estradiol in men on T alone. Once you start stacking nonaromatizable androgens like primo or mast, you are mitigating the sides (likely estrogen uptake into cells) rather than reducing serum E2 (unless I see good evidence to the contrary, I have not yet), and this is fine for most as a practical solution especially balancing the negative side effects of AIs, that individuals respond differently to.

Just know that the benefits of aromatization come from the process of aromatization (in situ) itself rather than the aromatic products (e.g., E2) which themselves pose a net negative in the adult male. Considerations do change for the very rare LOW aromatizer who has a legitimate desire to get E2 up in normal physiological ranges for lipid modulation.
There’s no set answer of the value on your bloodwork correlating to developing gyno and no linear correlation between total T and e2 whether natty or enhanced. However if 250-300 test starts e2 issues you’re probably not gonna have a super fun time with high test and are gonna wanna use other compounds in its place. Aromatase inhibitors work..but guys overuse them heavily.
There’s no set answer of the value on your bloodwork correlating to developing gyno and no linear correlation between total T and e2 whether natty or enhanced. However if 250-300 test starts e2 issues you’re probably not gonna have a super fun time with high test and are gonna wanna use other compounds in its place. Aromatase inhibitors work..but guys overuse them heavily.
What would you recommend for a high aromatizer that doesn't want to run 19-nors due to greater risk of permanent shutdown? How much would you suggest is the upper limit for AI use?
What would you recommend for a high aromatizer that doesn't want to run 19-nors due to greater risk of permanent shutdown? How much would you suggest is the upper limit for AI use?
Very difficult question. Answer is always as little as possible. If no 19-nor, what about DHTs?

At the end of the day it has to be a risk va reward decision. Is using a lot of AI optimal? No. Is it used in higher doses clinically than we take? Yes.

