EU domestic source talk

hi guys,

i am currently looking for a backup source (just in case, you never know). Currently happily using Human.

I was looking at Pharmacom and Golden Labs. Golden Labs seems to have been tested underdosed pretty often, allthough their prices are nice.

Pharmacom on the otherhand had one minor fuck up but seems to have owed up to it pretty fast. Whats your personal experiences with them?

Sadly i cant really use Hilma or Deus because i get really bad PIP from them. Used to order From Liska home made products but unlucky he/she doesent offer them anymore.

Thank you in Advance :)
hi guys,

i am currently looking for a backup source (just in case, you never know). Currently happily using Human.

I was looking at Pharmacom and Golden Labs. Golden Labs seems to have been tested underdosed pretty often, allthough their prices are nice.

Pharmacom on the otherhand had one minor fuck up but seems to have owed up to it pretty fast. Whats your personal experiences with them?

Sadly i cant really use Hilma or Deus because i get really bad PIP from them. Used to order From Liska home made products but unlucky he/she doesent offer them anymore.

Thank you in Advance :)

I sacked off pharmacom a long time ago.

The reps didn't hold any accountability at that point in time and they never lab tested any of their batches.

Liska will be getting a fully stocked shop again hopefully this side of Xmas.

I haven't used them personally but liberty labs look like a good set up. Limited range atm but they seem to be doing everything right.
I sacked off pharmacom a long time ago.

The reps didn't hold any accountability at that point in time and they never lab tested any of their batches.

Liska will be getting a fully stocked shop again hopefully this side of Xmas.

I haven't used them personally but liberty labs look like a good set up. Limited range atm but they seem to be doing everything right.

Thank you for the recommendation, but sadly it doesent look like they carry sustanon, which i really like using for powerlifting
hi guys,

i am currently looking for a backup source (just in case, you never know). Currently happily using Human.

I was looking at Pharmacom and Golden Labs. Golden Labs seems to have been tested underdosed pretty often, allthough their prices are nice.

Pharmacom on the otherhand had one minor fuck up but seems to have owed up to it pretty fast. Whats your personal experiences with them?

Sadly i cant really use Hilma or Deus because i get really bad PIP from them. Used to order From Liska home made products but unlucky he/she doesent offer them anymore.

Thank you in Advance :)
Have you tried Driada? They are an absolute pleasure to deal with customer service wise, their products are really good, and they have really great prices. They have a ton of discounts. They have the best overall value besides getting the raws yourself.

BGpharma sells some Driada stuff too. I don't know if you order medication from him but he is also a source, and his shipping may be a good option depending on the country you are from.
Have you tried Driada? They are an absolute pleasure to deal with customer service wise, their products are really good, and they have really great prices. They have a ton of discounts. They have the best overall value besides getting the raws yourself.

BGpharma sells some Driada stuff too. I don't know if you order medication from him but he is also a source, and his shipping may be a good option depending on the country you are from.

I've had one of the very first batches of their Test Prop and Tren Ace, sadly when i did bloods, my Test-levels came back being completly in the gutter - so i dont trust them anymore
Wow. Tell me more. That's bad news.

This was their Batch from January 2022 i believe, one of the first ones to be ever made by them. The Tren Ace and Test Prop were the exact same batch, so both had number 065517. Used them both for a week, then did My Bloods and My Total Test came back as 3,2 ug/l

Used 100mg Test P and 100mg Tren A every 2 Days. Meanwhile when I used Liskas Test at 500mg, my Test-levels were so high that they couldnt even meassure the proper amount (15++ ug/l).

Ever since this day i no longer trust those Batch Certificates where they provide a Janoshik test saying this Batch got tested as xx and so on, i just test myself.

This was their Batch from January 2022 i believe, one of the first ones to be ever made by them. The Tren Ace and Test Prop were the exact same batch, so both had number 065517. Used them both for a week, then did My Bloods and My Total Test came back as 3,2 ug/l

Used 100mg Test P and 100mg Tren A every 2 Days. Meanwhile when I used Liskas Test at 500mg, my Test-levels were so high that they couldnt even meassure the proper amount (15++ ug/l).

Ever since this day i no longer trust those Batch Certificates where they provide a Janoshik test saying this Batch got tested as xx and so on, i just test myself.

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Thanks for the information. Did you tell Driada and if so, what did they say?
What are your preferred needle brands and sizes and where do you order them in Europe?
eBay. Don't care about brand, whatever is cheaper. If it's not the sharpest I'll just push harder ahaha
Sizes: 27g 1/4 for TRT shoulder 21G to draw, 23/25G 1+ inch for glutes.

+1 Sampei

21G to draw and 23G to inject glutes/thigh using for years just make sure to rotate at least 2 sites even between your left and right glute to avoid scaring and stuff.

If you google "Your Country" medical supplies - definitely on the 1st page you find a source of it and as long as it's a hypodermic needle all it matters, don't forget your alcohol swabs too to avoid infection, quick swipe goes long way
Anyone here from Finland with great succes on deliveries? If yes which lab? It has been a long time since I have ordered anything and those sites not up anymore