EU domestic source talk

Does anyone have expirience with catcaffe.
If so tell me about your expirience.

Catcafe? Excellent. Products are excellent. Liska tests everything he sells, probably multiple times. No one else really does that.

From a knowledge perspective, Liska seems to be very well educated and appears to have a lot of knowledge/technical understanding of these products, which does inspire confidence for me.

The quality of the Catcafe brand oils is very good and the other brands they resell have been very good.

In the rare case when there appears to be a widespread issue, like a batch of gear that people are getting PIP from, Liska tends to identify the problem, apologize and make it right. Communication is excellent (he's here all the time).

Pricing has gotten better, especially the orals. I don't think anyone is selling better orals at better dosages and pricing right now. Competitive pricing or better pricing than many labs now. Special products tend to have good pricing, like Indian Cialis, modafinil/Armodafinil (except the Modalert/Waklert: they suck and are not worth buying, and that's a worldwide problem right now, no matter where you source those brands. Buy only Modvigil/Artvigil. Those ones work).

Very fast shipping.

Cons: there are occasional stock issues, so if you like a product or will need something in the future for sure, it's better to order more of it, because there are times when you to to reorder and it's not available. The stock issue has improved over time though. There are occasional payment uncertainties. If you don't like crypto, then you may be out of luck paying if bank account payment isn't available. I want all laboratories to remove fillers like silicon dioxide or any nanoparticles from orals, and there is some silicon dioxide in the orals here, but to be fair, the nanoparticles are in most orals and pharma products nowadays, but I would love to see someone step up and make a product with no nanoparticle fillers.

Conclusion: Catcafe is excellent and it's more of a high end laboratory. The products are very good, the service is very good and I do find them to be trustworthy.
Mad because you couldn't find the study? I asked very politely to see it. No hard feelings
In the context of the topic it wouldn't make any difference even if I started my computer to show you the study. The thread opener asked if it made any difference with 0.8% BA vs 0.9% BA and my answer was no, it clearly does not. The only guy being mad is you, keep trolling.
In the context of the topic it wouldn't make any difference even if I started my computer to show you the study. The thread opener asked if it made any difference with 0.8% BA vs 0.9% BA and my answer was no, it clearly does not. The only guy being mad is you, keep trolling.
I wasn't discussing the topic with you. You said 0.5-2.0% killed bacteria. I simply asked where you got this from, because BA doesn't kill bacteria. You replied that you would find a study for me later when you got home. I thanked you for it, because I would very much like to see. And now you're mad? And you're checking out my post history to side with others against me twice now. Please make sense. Why u mad?
wasn't discussing the topic with you. You said 0.5-2.0% killed bacteria. I simply asked where you got this from, because BA doesn't kill bacteria.
I corrected myself a post later and said it stops the growth of bacteria, look it up and stop making up lies. Thank you.
I corrected myself a post later and said it stops the growth of bacteria, look it up and stop making up lies. Thank you.
Yes you did. I'm not trying to lie. But that was how the conversation started.
I think youre being overly paranoid.
You said "look up his post history". So I'm not being paranoid. You actually did look it up. And you actually did comment in two of the threads.

Idk why you got so hurt. I can admit my one comment "you say a lot without any backing" was rude. But not something I would personally get this upset about. The rest of the thread was civil both ways but you're acting like a child now all of the sudden.
Catcafe? Excellent. Products are excellent. Liska tests everything he sells, probably multiple times. No one else really does that.

From a knowledge perspective, Liska seems to be very well educated and appears to have a lot of knowledge/technical understanding of these products, which does inspire confidence for me.

The quality of the Catcafe brand oils is very good and the other brands they resell have been very good.

In the rare case when there appears to be a widespread issue, like a batch of gear that people are getting PIP from, Liska tends to identify the problem, apologize and make it right. Communication is excellent (he's here all the time).

Pricing has gotten better, especially the orals. I don't think anyone is selling better orals at better dosages and pricing right now. Competitive pricing or better pricing than many labs now. Special products tend to have good pricing, like Indian Cialis, modafinil/Armodafinil (except the Modalert/Waklert: they suck and are not worth buying, and that's a worldwide problem right now, no matter where you source those brands. Buy only Modvigil/Artvigil. Those ones work).

Very fast shipping.

Cons: there are occasional stock issues, so if you like a product or will need something in the future for sure, it's better to order more of it, because there are times when you to to reorder and it's not available. The stock issue has improved over time though. There are occasional payment uncertainties. If you don't like crypto, then you may be out of luck paying if bank account payment isn't available. I want all laboratories to remove fillers like silicon dioxide or any nanoparticles from orals, and there is some silicon dioxide in the orals here, but to be fair, the nanoparticles are in most orals and pharma products nowadays, but I would love to see someone step up and make a product with no nanoparticle fillers.

Conclusion: Catcafe is excellent and it's more of a high end laboratory. The products are very good, the service is very good and I do find them to be trustworthy.
Catcafe brand oils are very good?! :rolleyes: Tell me, am I blind, or does CatCafe not have its own injectable products for EU?
Because the brand is fucking weird mate. I'd rather buy from someone more professional
I myself hesitated in the beginning because this whole cat thing appeared strange to me.

But for me Liska seems most customer oriented. Fast, polite and answers questions. I appreciate this as opposed to sellers calling me bro. That's fucking unprofessional and not a feline that has been hired to be the Ronald McDonald for a roid shop.

I have stocked up with cat gear but couldn't test much due to fertility reasons. My experiences so far were just the order and shipping process and some 'mild' stuff like Sildenafil and tb500.
I myself hesitated in the beginning because this whole cat thing appeared strange to me.

But for me Liska seems most customer oriented. Fast, polite and answers questions. I appreciate this as opposed to sellers calling me bro. That's fucking unprofessional and not a feline that has been hired to be the Ronald McDonald for a roid shop.

I have stocked up with cat gear but couldn't test much due to fertility reasons. My experiences so far were just the order and shipping process and some 'mild' stuff like Sildenafil and tb500.
I can say the same for Driada. I didnt want to deal with crypto so i turned to Driada instead of Liska.
I myself hesitated in the beginning because this whole cat thing appeared strange to me.

But for me Liska seems most customer oriented. Fast, polite and answers questions. I appreciate this as opposed to sellers calling me bro. That's fucking unprofessional and not a feline that has been hired to be the Ronald McDonald for a roid shop.

I have stocked up with cat gear but couldn't test much due to fertility reasons. My experiences so far were just the order and shipping process and some 'mild' stuff like Sildenafil and tb500.
I agree. I hate when they call me sir or dear. I can't explain why.
But I don't trust Liska for a minute. He or she seems to only have set up shop to garner respect on this forum. All they do is sit on this forum with nifty cat pictures at the ready to make a cool forum comeback at someone. And text to go with it to make it seem like they don't care cus they're so cool. It's fucking weird to me. If I sold steroids I wouldn't hang around my shop the entire day. And idk why @Millard allows this weirdo to promote in the EU thread when he himself has said promoting is against the rules.

Watch Liska come up with some really cool looking response to this lol. It's so fkin cringe to try and be a forum badass..
fkin cringe cat can't stop getting owned by cool norwegian junkie cocksleeve of our favourite banned rec. drug source uwu
Go open up your own thread for your personal vendetta, leave this one clean of your shite. I didn't open it to have child like you to display their retarded tantrums.
Imagine thinking the 160 page community thread is yours
I was expecting to see some disussion on EU sources, not you little manchild bitching about one of the most reliable sources on here