EU domestic source talk

Spent 30 min using the search function for information about Bayer Testoviron, seems like it's hard to source right now? Does any source carry it?
Isn't it always hard to source real pharma stuff? I mean not that availability is the issue, but 9/10 it's probably counterfeit.
Isn't it always hard to source real pharma stuff? I mean not that availability is the issue, but 9/10 it's probably counterfeit.
i think you are right, but i see the turkish sources have an easy time sourcing bayer rimobolans and bayer provirons so i wonder why the test e is so rare
Following issue
i got mad blood results after i had issues
with puffy nipps (100mg testo e a week)
is there any domestic dealer who sells aromasin with no minimum amount of purchase + where i can pay with paypal, bank wire transfer, apple pay or creditcard(amex) ?
what brand for test u? Balkan from ashop? For me it's fake Balkan... ashop sell Balkan with mygliol @Sampei
Do you have any proof that the products are fake? If not, how can you judging this if you are not 100% sure about it?
I don't understand why are you doing this? Have you had issues with the production from Balkan Pharmaceuticals and SP Lab? Or you are being paid by other brands to blackmail these two brands? What's the catch?
Balkan Pharmaceuticals is a pharma-grade company. They don't manufacture fake production. And they have UPIC codes that can be checked on the official website. Especially as they can't be faked. The same with SP Lab.
The Balkan products that I am selling, are bought from legal pharmacy and I am sure that they are original.
And you can check on Meso forum that there are no complains regarding the products that I am selling. Everyone who bought from me, checked the UPIC codes and they are authentic.
So, one more time, what's the catch here? Why are doing this? I don't think you're doing this out of the goodness of your heart, but I don't understand who you're doing this theater for?
Do you have any proof that the products are fake? If not, how can you judging this if you are not 100% sure about it?
I don't understand why are you doing this? Have you had issues with the production from Balkan Pharmaceuticals and SP Lab? Or you are being paid by other brands to blackmail these two brands? What's the catch?
Balkan Pharmaceuticals is a pharma-grade company. They don't manufacture fake production. And they have UPIC codes that can be checked on the official website. Especially as they can't be faked. The same with SP Lab.
The Balkan products that I am selling, are bought from legal pharmacy and I am sure that they are original.
And you can check on Meso forum that there are no complains regarding the products that I am selling. Everyone who bought from me, checked the UPIC codes and they are authentic.
So, one more time, what's the catch here? Why are doing this? I don't think you're doing this out of the goodness of your heart, but I don't understand who you're doing this theater for?

I write this because if Balkan write on the BOX, on the web site, on chat, via email that use peach oil and castor oil.... when i read that you and ashop sell Balkan with mygliol, it's different.
WHY? Can you talk me about the oil ?

I want original product with peach oil and castor oil.
This story about oil has always intrigued me. Why is there this inconsistency between what the factory says and what the balkan and sp dealers say. I don't want to ruin anyone's business, I have no reason to. I just want the truth, I don't like being made fun of
Anybody in Germany seeing delays in orders? My package has been in the "distribution center of the recipient (or transit) country" for a week now with no movement.
Or you are being paid by other brands to blackmail these two brands?
Blackmailing = extortion, you're thinking of slander and you don't honestly believe anyone would even consider that post Genxxl. SP can hide behind BP, BP can hide behind GMP and resellers have traditionally adopted that strategy since it works amazingly.

If a reseller however engages softball questions about BP, SP iar banda de piersici, it takes just one cheeky cunt to throw you a curveball you won't see coming and don't deserve to be hit by in your position either (I'll pm you an example).

@Manzoitaly is chaotic neutral and you gotta respect that until he breaks character.
Blackmailing = extortion, you're thinking of slander and you don't honestly believe anyone would even consider that post Genxxl. SP can hide behind BP, BP can hide behind GMP and resellers have traditionally adopted that strategy since it works amazingly.

If a reseller however engages softball questions about BP, SP iar banda de piersici, it takes just one cheeky cunt to throw you a curveball you won't see coming and don't deserve to be hit by in your position either (I'll pm you an example).

@Manzoitaly is chaotic neutral and you gotta respect that until he breaks character.

I don't make money from anyone, I haven't spoken badly about your products, I've never tried them. What I wrote, is about the fucking oil being different. If I ask Audi what color the seat of the Q8 is, it tells me brown. If the dealer sells me a Q8 with a black seat... something isn't right. Maybe the sp and balkan products are dosed correctly, are real and work. But if it's mygliol, it's not that fucking peach oil, it doesn't come out of the factory in Moldova, so I imagine (with my imagination) that there's a second balkan/sp factory that's producing mygliol
I don't make money from anyone, I haven't spoken badly about your products, I've never tried them. What I wrote, is about the fucking oil being different. If I ask Audi what color the seat of the Q8 is, it tells me brown. If the dealer sells me a Q8 with a black seat... something isn't right. Maybe the sp and balkan products are dosed correctly, are real and work. But if it's mygliol, it's not that fucking peach oil, it doesn't come out of the factory in Moldova, so I imagine (with my imagination) that there's a second balkan/sp factory that's producing mygliol
I literally said that about you but in a lot less words.
d&d said:
Caotico Neutrale (CN): il Cinico, l'individualista definitivo, colui che si scaglia contro le tradizioni e le leggi solo perché limitano la sua libertà personale. Non si può mai dire cosa farà, né quali danni causerà, poiché le sue azioni sono regolate solo dall'umore del momento. Un esempio classico è l'attaccabrighe fine a se stesso, assolutamente privo del rispetto della legge e della società. Spesso da un suo piccolo gesto possono generarsi numerose sofferenze o inaspettati (ed apparentemente irragionevoli) aiuti. Ligio al principio che, nelle scelte, bene e male siano praticamente ininfluenti, questo allineamento è forse la personificazione più concreta ed instabile del caos
Any source that carries Testosterone Decanoate?

Except for raws and Sustanon. I just can't find anything. I see people homebrew it, but I have never seen any lab selling it.