Fat loss cycle

Wouldnt mess with it unless you had thyroid problems, which is the only reason I take it is because I have low thyroid

Run what I just said and you will lose all the weight you want and be the easiest cut you have ever done.
Youve already mentioned you have low T, losing fat on low T is a very slow process. Not even counting your natty levels will tank even further on a cut, TRT will keep them high and stable.
Very great points. Thanks brother. How about adding primo as well
Very great points. Thanks brother. How about adding primo as well
No, personally I wouldnt add it because you shoukdnt need e2 control on TRT, just run it low a true trt get your levels to 700 800 nothing crazy and let the hgh/tirz do the work as they actually do fat loss stuff
Read up on them
Hey everyone Im trying to loose body fat. I use to be very fit and lean in my younger years. I used to also compete in amateur BB but I let myself go over the years. I'm 45 yrs old 5'6 and currently 213lb. I still have mass because I still work out but ate like shit . I'm now on a good diet eating 1700 calories a day. What cycle would anyone recommend to help loose body weight and put on lean muscle? I looked my best at 160
300-400mg of Sustanon, and 25mg x 2 Anavar Ed. 50mg of proviron. Shit will lean you up as long as your diet is in check. Might even want to grab some semaglutide or tirz
300-400mg of Sustanon, and 25mg x 2 Anavar Ed. 50mg of proviron. Shit will lean you up as long as your diet is in check. Might even want to grab some semaglutide or tirz
I just started Triz this week and test c with mk677 Wich i have no problem with hunger I feel great on it
Hey everyone Im trying to loose body fat. I use to be very fit and lean in my younger years. I used to also compete in amateur BB but I let myself go over the years. I'm 45 yrs old 5'6 and currently 213lb. I still have mass because I still work out but ate like shit . I'm now on a good diet eating 1700 calories a day. What cycle would anyone recommend to help loose body weight and put on lean muscle? I looked my best at 160
I'm in the same boat as you and will be running TRT+ (dialed in at 150-200mg/wk) + Tirz. I don't plan to add anything else to the stack for at least 6 months. I had to accept the fact that it took me nearly a year to put on the weight so I can take at least a year to lose it. Last few weeks I've been resistance training 4 days a week and then at night before bed I will do 1 hour LISS on the treadmill in front of the TV.
I just started Triz this week and test c with mk677 Wich i have no problem with hunger I feel great on it
Okay, no sure what you are asking here. In my experience mk677 did nothing for fat loss, if anything it it increased insulin resistance, and caused bloat. I know studies have shown increase in gh release however I don't believe the juice is worth the squeeze