Fat Loss Supplement Advice/Suggestions


New Member
Hey, I am becoming older and I can't handle the old school fat loss methods anymore.
My goto were ECA and Clen. I physically can't seem to handle these drugs anymore. Even at low dose's I still find myself tripping out. I had to go lie down in a dark room at the gym yesterday.

I only have a couple pounds to lose every so often and it is even becoming harder to achieve this with diet alone. Also with all of my other life's obligations the diet isn't always the cleanest. The fat on the lower abs is the most stubborn. I was even considering liposuction as the quickest and biggest shortcut to achieving my goal.

I recently tried injectable L Carnitine but it did not seem to do it for me. I am on TRT (125 mg/ week) and HGH (UGL 4 iu a day)
195 Lbs
15-17% BF

Any recommendations?
Looking to go from 17% BF to >12% while not making any changes other then adding a little hack to my routine.
inj. Carnitine works, it just takes time and is very slow. I would say its impact is like 3-5% maximum. Harmonizes well with GH and Clen.

In your case i would just look at Tirza or Retra.
I am taking 250 mg on workout days sub q
Would that be the recommendation?
It takes a while to build up steady levels at first too and your dose is relatively small. Try running 500mg for a month straight. Make sure you eat it with a carb rich meal i.e. Pre-Workout meal or combined with GH in the evening when you get a insulin response anyways
It takes a while to build up steady levels at first too and your dose is relatively small. Try running 500mg for a month straight. Make sure you eat it with a carb rich meal i.e. Pre-Workout meal or combined with GH in the evening when you get a insulin response anyways
I will try 500mg for 30 days. I am not ready to jump on the other band wagon just yet. I read too much about appetite suppression. I have a hard enough time eating to keep on my current size.
As I was reading the thread I was thinking “damn I don’t wanna get old and have to deal with this shit”.

Then I got to the bottom of the post and saw you were only 38 lol. Not sure what to tell you as I still use what are considered harsh drugs. My metabolism didn’t start slowing down until 40-41. Then I discovered glp drugs.

Not sure if you have been out of the loop the last 5 years but most folks have graduated from those old school fat burners and gone with semaglutide, Tirzepatide or Retatrutide. Sooo much more effective and easier on the system.

I still use the classic ECA stack but just for preworkout purposes occasionally. Not using it at all for fat loss. I suggest studying op on the glp drug class. It’s shredded living made easy.
As I was reading the thread I was thinking “damn I don’t wanna get old and have to deal with this shit”.

Then I got to the bottom of the post and saw you were only 38 lol. Not sure what to tell you as I still use what are considered harsh drugs. My metabolism didn’t start slowing down until 40-41. Then I discovered glp drugs.

Not sure if you have been out of the loop the last 5 years but most folks have graduated from those old school fat burners and gone with semaglutide, Tirzepatide or Retatrutide. Sooo much more effective and easier on the system.

I still use the classic ECA stack but just for preworkout purposes occasionally. Not using it at all for fat loss. I suggest studying op on the glp drug class. Its shredded living made easy.
lol. They cause me anxiety now. Never happened before.

I have been out of the loop. That’s why I came. Thanks for the advice :)
I will try 500mg for 30 days. I am not ready to jump on the other band wagon just yet. I read too much about appetite suppression. I have a hard enough time eating to keep on my current size.

If you're trying to go from 17% to 12% body fat, may want to rethink "having a hard enough time eating enough to keep on your current size."

Eating less is the most powerful tool to lose body fat.