Favorite compounds with least pip


New Member
I am loving primo 200, mast 200, and test E but i would love it even more if i could avoid the crippling pip. First
Time injecting in bicep and i remembered mid injection that i shouldnt go
Over 1cc. Bicep feels like its going to explode if i extend my arm or stretch it

anyone successful using different compounds to achieve the this or do you just warm up the product, inject slowly, etc.
I am loving primo 200, mast 200, and test E but i would love it even more if i could avoid the crippling pip. First
Time injecting in bicep and i remembered mid injection that i shouldnt go
Over 1cc. Bicep feels like its going to explode if i extend my arm or stretch it

anyone successful using different compounds to achieve the this or do you just warm up the product, inject slowly, etc.
You have to consider the carrier oil and solvents as well. You can easily get two different test E sources, with two different carrier oils, and get terrible pip from one, and nothing from the other. Solvents and impurities can also play a big role in pip.
Test C is generally pip free for everyone (250mg/ml or less) and mast seems to be as well.

Primo has lots of complaints, especially at 200mg/ml. Test E has tons of complaints due to what some say is bad raws for the last few years.

so you took two highly likely to induce pip products and pinned your fucking bicep of all places? It would be really weird if you didn’t have pip.