hey all i gotta say is i speak up for everyone who has kids and wants america to be the best place for their kids. Where they dont have to worry about some weirdo dressed as a woman going into their little kids bathroom when they are in there. Or the athletes who have trained their entire lives to be the best at their sport to be undermined by a male who cross dresses and says they are a female. Lets not forget about how our children should be able to achieve the american dream through hard work and dedication INstead of having to figure out 17 different ways to make income, because INFLATion crushes the working class to the point of people realizing YOU CANT SURVIVE beING a INTRAPRANUER OR BEING A COMPANY MAN. And how about how they brain wash the youth teaching them to be grateful for just scraping by.... And that the laws are enforced equally as police beat and kill innocent people, as well as shooting into peoples homes because they get scared? (these are called thugs who do drive bys) how about the politicians that STEAL our hard earned dollars away and use it for their own fucking personal gain? Or how they pull insider trading and never see a inside of a prison like normal people do???