Feedback on Bloodwork please... tren/dhb

Would appreciate feedback on this bloodwork. Been running at recomp cycle (was supposed to be a cut but just packed on 10lbs immediately when I got on cycle, I had been cutting and on 150mg/test cruise for almost half a year). My bodyfat dropped about 4% in the last month while putting on that 10lbs. Lifts haven't gone up too dramatically except squat going up strong but I probably need some recovery time, which I'm going to do.

200mg Test
350mg Tren A
490mg DHB
HCG 1200iu
10iu HGH Daily
10iu slin novolin in morning pre-workout Daily
~1g/protein per lb lean body mass.

120mg Ralox a day, 10mg Nolva, to address small bit of gyno flare up on one side on 19-nors. Doesn't seem to have done anything while on cycle, the ralox helped when I was off cycle, probably just stemming the tide and will be more effective once I come off cycle.

for a bit more than a month. Before that ran trt with ~50mg var for a month and then just trt for a long while.

I'm taking a host of supplements which seem to be effective as shown in the bloodwork: TUDCA, NAC, 5g of fish oil, and I take 12 servings of Psyllium husk a day. This seems to have helped my cholesterol a lot because usually my total is usually like 250+ on a cycle. My triglycerides are also in a good range, while usually they are wayyyy out of range. However my HDL still is pretty crushed and my ratio still isn't great.

Also been taking P5P, my prolactin shows good. Probably not too necessary, my prolactin has never been an issue on cycle.

Diet has been extremely clean, before on tren cycles I get debilitating stomach pains after a month but I've been doing fine this run, probably because of a way better diet.

My AST/ALT is higher than it's ever been, I presume that might be because of the orals beforehand and the tren cycle not letting them recover? Don't think they've ever been this high before on previous cycles but I've also never used orals before. Don't really plan to ever use them again, just had them laying around so tried them out.

I've never tested C-Reative protein before but I got it because I've heard it's relevant to DHB. Not sure what to make of this value.

My white blood cell count is high, don't know what to make of that. Don't know what to make of platelet count or neutrophils either.

My hemotocrit is still in range, and my iron is low, so I guess no need to donate blood. I stopped donating blood a year or so ago because my ferritin and iron got low, I guess I'll start taking iron supplements again to get my iron back up but it's nice my ferritin is in range again.

My blood sugar is low, just came back from a workout with a pre-workout insulin shot and hadn't ate more carbs yet. Dropping the slin for a while now to recover as it's been ~4 weeks on it.

Plan to take a break for week. I'm not sure if I'll resume the tren cycle, go on a trest cycle, or take a longer break before a trest blast. I'm 220lbs and 8% bodyfat (scan said 6 but no way am I 6), big 3 lifts are probably around 1300-1400lbs. Pretty happy with where I'm at so don't know if I should continue the tren for a bit, take a rest, or start the bulk.



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Would appreciate feedback on this bloodwork. Been running at recomp cycle (was supposed to be a cut but just packed on 10lbs immediately when I got on cycle, I had been cutting and on 150mg/test cruise for almost half a year). My bodyfat dropped about 4% in the last month while putting on that 10lbs. Lifts haven't gone up too dramatically except squat going up strong but I probably need some recovery time, which I'm going to do.

200mg Test
350mg Tren A
490mg DHB
HCG 1200iu
10iu HGH Daily
10iu slin novolin in morning pre-workout Daily
~1g/protein per lb lean body mass.

120mg Ralox a day, 10mg Nolva, to address small bit of gyno flare up on one side on 19-nors. Doesn't seem to have done anything while on cycle, the ralox helped when I was off cycle, probably just stemming the tide and will be more effective once I come off cycle.

for a bit more than a month. Before that ran trt with ~50mg var for a month and then just trt for a long while.

I'm taking a host of supplements which seem to be effective as shown in the bloodwork: TUDCA, NAC, 5g of fish oil, and I take 12 servings of Psyllium husk a day. This seems to have helped my cholesterol a lot because usually my total is usually like 250+ on a cycle. My triglycerides are also in a good range, while usually they are wayyyy out of range. However my HDL still is pretty crushed and my ratio still isn't great.

Also been taking P5P, my prolactin shows good. Probably not too necessary, my prolactin has never been an issue on cycle.

Diet has been extremely clean, before on tren cycles I get debilitating stomach pains after a month but I've been doing fine this run, probably because of a way better diet.

My AST/ALT is higher than it's ever been, I presume that might be because of the orals beforehand and the tren cycle not letting them recover? Don't think they've ever been this high before on previous cycles but I've also never used orals before. Don't really plan to ever use them again, just had them laying around so tried them out.

I've never tested C-Reative protein before but I got it because I've heard it's relevant to DHB. Not sure what to make of this value.

My white blood cell count is high, don't know what to make of that. Don't know what to make of platelet count or neutrophils either.

My hemotocrit is still in range, and my iron is low, so I guess no need to donate blood. I stopped donating blood a year or so ago because my ferritin and iron got low, I guess I'll start taking iron supplements again to get my iron back up but it's nice my ferritin is in range again.

My blood sugar is low, just came back from a workout with a pre-workout insulin shot and hadn't ate more carbs yet. Dropping the slin for a while now to recover as it's been ~4 weeks on it.

Plan to take a break for week. I'm not sure if I'll resume the tren cycle, go on a trest cycle, or take a longer break before a trest blast. I'm 220lbs and 8% bodyfat (scan said 6 but no way am I 6), big 3 lifts are probably around 1300-1400lbs. Pretty happy with where I'm at so don't know if I should continue the tren for a bit, take a rest, or start the bulk.


Alright, so we got leukocytosis coupled with high CRP and low iron, quite typical "reacting bad" to aas bloods, but with much higher inflammation. You are very far from healthy and should drop everything until your immune system regulates it's self back to normal and you get out of iron deficiency. You don't really have a choice in the matter, and as far as you considering "taking a break for a week" and then thinking about a trest cycle is completely out of touch with reality. Take a rest.

Bloodwork goals:

Ferritin: 80 to 120
Saturation: 35%
CRP < 1.0
WBC: what ever is normal for you, ie. 6 - 7k ...
Platelets: 200
Okay so taking a break it is. What can I do besides iron supplementation for ferritin and iron to get everything back to normal?

I can't really find anything on leukocytosis
What can I do besides iron supplementation for ferritin and iron to get everything back to normal?
Eat solidly....

Stop trying to supplement and drug yourself into a normal state for 6 months or however long it takes for your blood work to come back in range and stay in range for several months in a row.
Okay so taking a break it is. What can I do besides iron supplementation for ferritin and iron to get everything back to normal?

I can't really find anything on leukocytosis

Sure you can take a bunch of stuff, from compounds which act as immune regulators (of which there are many) to compounds that lower inflammation. What will help you the most though is letting the excess androgens clear out of your system as they (presumably dhb being the worst offenders in regards to inflammation but not necessary) are the reason why your immune system is overreacting.

Regarding iron supplementation it's going to be a tough one with such high inflammation. Inflammation is the reason why iron is low as it decreases iron absorption from the gut (and the iron that actually foes enter your circulation it gets quickly sequestered by ferritin). Iron infusions are really the only way to get out of iron deficiency with such high inflammation but you'd need to do them low volume and very frequent because otherwise you are going to store all iron in ferritin due to high hepcidin + iron infusion's increase inflammation in all by them selfs.

Buy an oral iron supplement< it can't really hurt, (or do infusions if you wish) and take something to lower inflammation and ofc get to actual trt T levels (app 750 ng/dl). Lowering inflammation is what's going to normalize iron. It might take some time for your immune system to self regulate it self back to normal and it might be more reactive for some time afterwards so don't immediately jump back on cycle.

In the future always check your cbc and iron when adding new gear to the mix, don't let it go this far, a crp of 17 is quite high (outside of acute illness standards), you could have stopped this at crp of 5 ...
Oh boy, this looks like a mess you need to address responsibly. You have to leave aside your physique aspirations for a while and give the proper attention improving your health.

When you finally clean of all this shit you might have to reconsider using compounds like tren and DHB and take a step at a time while always monitor your health parameters.

Also, 55 BG? Perhaps you need to ease that slin a little?
Would appreciate feedback on this bloodwork. Been running at recomp cycle (was supposed to be a cut but just packed on 10lbs immediately when I got on cycle, I had been cutting and on 150mg/test cruise for almost half a year). My bodyfat dropped about 4% in the last month while putting on that 10lbs. Lifts haven't gone up too dramatically except squat going up strong but I probably need some recovery time, which I'm going to do.

200mg Test
350mg Tren A
490mg DHB
HCG 1200iu
10iu HGH Daily
10iu slin novolin in morning pre-workout Daily
~1g/protein per lb lean body mass.

120mg Ralox a day, 10mg Nolva, to address small bit of gyno flare up on one side on 19-nors. Doesn't seem to have done anything while on cycle, the ralox helped when I was off cycle, probably just stemming the tide and will be more effective once I come off cycle.

for a bit more than a month. Before that ran trt with ~50mg var for a month and then just trt for a long while.

I'm taking a host of supplements which seem to be effective as shown in the bloodwork: TUDCA, NAC, 5g of fish oil, and I take 12 servings of Psyllium husk a day. This seems to have helped my cholesterol a lot because usually my total is usually like 250+ on a cycle. My triglycerides are also in a good range, while usually they are wayyyy out of range. However my HDL still is pretty crushed and my ratio still isn't great.

Also been taking P5P, my prolactin shows good. Probably not too necessary, my prolactin has never been an issue on cycle.

Diet has been extremely clean, before on tren cycles I get debilitating stomach pains after a month but I've been doing fine this run, probably because of a way better diet.

My AST/ALT is higher than it's ever been, I presume that might be because of the orals beforehand and the tren cycle not letting them recover? Don't think they've ever been this high before on previous cycles but I've also never used orals before. Don't really plan to ever use them again, just had them laying around so tried them out.

I've never tested C-Reative protein before but I got it because I've heard it's relevant to DHB. Not sure what to make of this value.

My white blood cell count is high, don't know what to make of that. Don't know what to make of platelet count or neutrophils either.

My hemotocrit is still in range, and my iron is low, so I guess no need to donate blood. I stopped donating blood a year or so ago because my ferritin and iron got low, I guess I'll start taking iron supplements again to get my iron back up but it's nice my ferritin is in range again.

My blood sugar is low, just came back from a workout with a pre-workout insulin shot and hadn't ate more carbs yet. Dropping the slin for a while now to recover as it's been ~4 weeks on it.

Plan to take a break for week. I'm not sure if I'll resume the tren cycle, go on a trest cycle, or take a longer break before a trest blast. I'm 220lbs and 8% bodyfat (scan said 6 but no way am I 6), big 3 lifts are probably around 1300-1400lbs. Pretty happy with where I'm at so don't know if I should continue the tren for a bit, take a rest, or start the bulk.


I misread your iron panel. I see you have in range ferritin. This means you are still absorbing iron but serum iron is low because of inflammation. No amount of oral iron supplementation will help you with elevating your serum iron until your crp is this high. Heck, I remember I had a fella once and his serum iron didn't want to budge untill we dropped his crp from around 1.8 down to below 1. Not saying this is you, just illustrating how important inflammation can be for iron management and how high a crp of 17 actually is. A crp below 1 should be a necessity to cycle or not and a crp below 1.5 (or just below 1) should be something to strive for while on cycle.

What's really bad though is high inflammation coupled with bad lipids. That's how foam cells get created and that's how you clog up your arteries. If you have bad lipids you want your inflammation crushed or vice versa.

And what only adds fuel to the fire is low iron as it's also promoting towards atherogenesis. But low iron also modulates the immune system and exasperates the bad immune response you are experiencing.
So the DHB caused my CRP to be high?

What affects would these bloods manifest in my life? I am sore but I don't know if I feel particularly bad or sick or anything.

Bad lipids means higher risk of stroke and heart attack, which are acute events right and just go back to normal when you cycle off, no?

Plan to cruise at 150mg/test, hcg, and like 5iu hgh for a few months until bloods get back to normal.
So the DHB caused my CRP to be high?

What affects would these bloods manifest in my life? I am sore but I don't know if I feel particularly bad or sick or anything.

Bad lipids means higher risk of stroke and heart attack, which are acute events right and just go back to normal when you cycle off, no?

Plan to cruise at 150mg/test, hcg, and like 5iu hgh for a few months until bloods get back to normal.
They are normal levels for someone on blast and lifting hard, once you take a break they will all go back to normal,

Liver enzymes go high on blast, and so does cholesterol, and everything else you show,

Once you rest and trt for 4 weeks it will all be so much better looking.

But it is the nature of blasting. And lifting intensly

Yes DHB can cause crp to elevate due to inflammation, along with excerise.

Thats why getting bloods of blast is responsible, but wont ever compare to how it will look on trt or cruise.

It only takes 4 weeks, and then Lift 4-5 times a week, not everyday, take 2 days off before bloodwork.

It will be all in range, thuse the things by this time that are truely out of range are things to worry about.
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They are normal levels for someone on blast and lifting hard, once you take a break they will all go back to normal,

Liver enzymes go high on blast, and so does cholesterol, and everything else you show,

Once you rest and trt for 4 weeks it will all be so much better looking.

But it is the nature of blasting. And lifting intensly

Yes DHB can cause crp to elevate due to inflammation, along with excerise.

Thats why getting bloods of blast is responsible, but wont ever compare to how it will look on trt or cruise.

It only takes 4 weeks, and then Lift 4-5 times a week, not everyday, take 2 days off before bloodwork.

It will be all in range, thuse the things by this time that are truely out of range are things to worry about.

This is not normal, wth are you talking about? A crp of 17.7 coupled with leukocytosis and serum iron deficiency is not something anybody should be o.k. on cycle.

Slightly elevated liver enzymes and bad lipids are "normal", but everything else, no, that's a bad immune response.
This is not normal, wth are you talking about? A crp of 17.7 coupled with leukocytosis and serum iron deficiency is not something anybody should be o.k. on cycle.

Slightly elevated liver enzymes and bad lipids are "normal", but everything else, no, that's a bad immune response.
But hes running DHB, every persons bloods i have seen if memory serves me properlyand mine that occurs from the immune response from that compound and the swelling/pip it entails, from inflammation.
But hes running DHB, every persons bloods i have seen if memory serves me properlyand mine that occurs from the immune response from that compound and the swelling/pip it entails, from inflammation.

Yes, this is true. Most of dhb bloods that I've seen had slight inflammation. DHB (or the way it's brewed) seems to be a trash compound. However, his response is one of the more drastic ones I've seen and definitely isn't acceptable. Maybe one can get away wit a crp of 3 - 5 before getting iron deficient and before his immune system overly freaks out. But even at those levels, one would have to have piss poor health standards in order to find that acceptable.

Either way, the way you wrote your reply made it seemed as if you were saying that that's ok and acceptable - which it isn't.
take something to lower inflammation and ofc get to actual trt T levels (app 750 ng/dl).

1. What would one take to lower inflammation? It seems in todays world everyone and their brother is offering some type of magical suppliment.

2. Where would you like to see that level (~750ng/dl in relation to pin / blood draw?
1. What would one take to lower inflammation? It seems in todays world everyone and their brother is offering some type of magical suppliment.

2. Where would you like to see that level (~750ng/dl in relation to pin / blood draw?

There's a ton of thing's one can take to lower inflammation. From rheum drugs like prednisone or nsaids to natural herbs like turmeric, which is actually quite effective. NRF2 inducers, like sulforaphane, saffron, ... are an interesting natural way to go at it. And in between those two poles there's a plethora of agents which regulate the immune system, even peptides like thymosin a1 or TB500 might be useful, even bpc maybe.

750 at Tmax of a 2 x week Tc or Te.
Alright team I've been cruising responsibly for like 6 weeks now so time to send shit to outer orbit. Just got my blood work back and things seem to have mostly settled.

CRP totally normal. My lipids aren't perfect but are pretty good so I'll up the psyllium husk from 6 servings a day to 12 (which is what I took during blast and my lipids weren't too awful that blast).

My alt/ast aren't perfect yet so I'll start taking TUDCA again to get them down a bit. I imagine they are still elevated from just fucking around with orals a few months ago before that blast.

No idea what absolute monocytes are, my iron and feritin aren't great so will double down on iron supplementation morning/night. Hematocrit slightly high but not sure what means either

Plan to take less DHB and more test this go around, and instead of tren, go with trest and start bulking. I have mast and basically every compound available (yay raws having a lifetime supply for like $20...) but don't think there's anything I'd want to take (mast and it's effects on hair scare me, never had balding from anything else but I have good hair and why use mast when I can use DHB as my dht of choice).

Something like 400test, 350mg trest, and like 350dhb this go around with 10iu HGH and like, I dunno, 20iu insulin novalin-r pre work out


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My man i think you're not in a good state yet to start blasting. You're rushing too much, obviously your body needs a longer break to recover. I wouldn't start a cycle especially with dhb again unless i had a CRP under 3, or ideally even lower. Just my personal 2 cents
You need to quit putting shit in your body for another 2 months and then redraw bloods. Those bloods are shit for baseline.

