Feeling tired on Masteron


New Member
I recently added in masteron a few weeks back and feeling kinda tired on it. I may not be the masteron I might just be coming down with the flu. Pissing like a horse too, the stuff works. Currently on 300/300 test/mast.
I recently added in masteron a few weeks back and feeling kinda tired on it. I may not be the masteron I might just be coming down with the flu. Pissing like a horse too, the stuff works. Currently on 300/300 test/mast.
For me, masteron works as a great AI. It may be worth it to run labs and figure out if your estrogen is too low…which will cause you to feel like trash. I run my test a little higher to prevent that for myself. 600 test and 400 mast is my sweet spot. Either draw bloods or bump up your test a little
Yes, it happened to me as well.

Mast trashed me, had to come off immediately, crashed E2 with 0 libido and feeling tired as fuck. Pissing a lot and good dry looking though, but not worth it at all.
Yes, it happened to me as well.

Mast trashed me, had to come off immediately, crashed E2 with 0 libido and feeling tired as fuck. Pissing a lot and good dry looking though, but not worth it at all.
Yeah it’s weird. I might use it 2:1 with test.
Yes, it happened to me as well.

Mast trashed me, had to come off immediately, crashed E2 with 0 libido and feeling tired as fuck. Pissing a lot and good dry looking though, but not worth it at all.

600 mast/600 test + hcg had my e2 at 32

Some guys like Jon Jewett run low test high mast. I guess everyone respond's differently.
Mast is not an AI, please search function and ready type2x article on its Sarm effects blocking estrogen at breast tissue. You may have the opposite issue with high e2 so bloodwork, bloodwork, bloodwork no guessing. After bloodwork add in a very small dose of aromasin e3d like 6mg

Mast normally does not make you tired. Mast does really enhance test and spike your total T so it’s common to need more AI even though it’s a DHT non aromatizer. High e2 makes you tired but also makes it harder to sleep. If you libido crashed, your tired all the time, moody and your testicles are pulled up tight to your body you might just have high e2.
For me, masteron works as a great AI. It may be worth it to run labs and figure out if your estrogen is too low…which will cause you to feel like trash. I run my test a little higher to prevent that for myself. 600 test and 400 mast is my sweet spot. Either draw bloods or bump up your test a little
Mast has zero AI effects. Primo does in some people, but not guaranteed.
Mast is not an AI, please search function and ready type2x article on its Sarm effects blocking estrogen at breast tissue. You may have the opposite issue with high e2 so bloodwork, bloodwork, bloodwork no guessing. After bloodwork add in a very small dose of aromasin e3d like 6mg

Mast normally does not make you tired. Mast does really enhance test and spike your total T so it’s common to need more AI even though it’s a DHT non aromatizer. High e2 makes you tired but also makes it harder to sleep. If you libido crashed, your tired all the time, moody and your testicles are pulled up tight to your body you might just have high e2.
How much so does it enchance T levels? I’ve heard that it makes the other steroids that are stacked with it perform a lot better.
Masteron helps reduce shbg and increase free test levels. It also helps alleviate test sides. Masteron also doesn't aromatize. But masteron doesn't reduce e2 levels at all.

I like it because it allows me to lower my test dosages. 600-700mg of mast p for me works great alongside 350-700mg test. Even with some npp added in I feel great on cycle. I can't say this when on 800-1g of test.

It's a pretty mild steriod so don't expect to get some quick mass gains running it unless your doing a high enough dose of test. So if you're one of those who have to do 800-1g of test to make gains, I wouldn't drop your dose too much. If you are making gains at 400mg test then maybe stay the course or drop to say 300.

Mast has its place. For me it means not holding subcutaneous water, feeling of well-being, lower test levels for easier blood pressure control, my pumps are insane now, and muscle hardening.

PS mast also got me to my early goal of hair loss. I'm finally bald haha. I was actually always bald to hair lose associated with mast isn't an issue. Bald is beautiful!!
For me, masteron works as a great AI. It may be worth it to run labs and figure out if your estrogen is too low…which will cause you to feel like trash. I run my test a little higher to prevent that for myself. 600 test and 400 mast is my sweet spot. Either draw bloods or bump up your test a little
Masteron is not a AI it will not lower your estrogen at all. It will block some pathways to estrogenic symptoms such as water retention, gyno but it does not lower estrogen. Now primo will lower e2.
Masteron helps reduce shbg and increase free test levels. It also helps alleviate test sides. Masteron also doesn't aromatize. But masteron doesn't reduce e2 levels at all.

I like it because it allows me to lower my test dosages. 600-700mg of mast p for me works great alongside 350-700mg test. Even with some npp added in I feel great on cycle. I can't say this when on 800-1g of test.

It's a pretty mild steriod so don't expect to get some quick mass gains running it unless your doing a high enough dose of test. So if you're one of those who have to do 800-1g of test to make gains, I wouldn't drop your dose too much. If you are making gains at 400mg test then maybe stay the course or drop to say 300.

Mast has its place. For me it means not holding subcutaneous water, feeling of well-being, lower test levels for easier blood pressure control, my pumps are insane now, and muscle hardening.

PS mast also got me to my early goal of hair loss. I'm finally bald haha. I was actually always bald to hair lose associated with mast isn't an issue. Bald is beautiful!!
1 gram of test is a bit excessive no? I can’t imagine pinning 4-5ml of total oil a week.
1 gram of test is a bit excessive no? I can’t imagine pinning 4-5ml of total oil a week.
4-5ml is nothing really. I was doing 3ml twice a week in each glute and couldn’t even tell which side I pinned on when I was going to do the next shot
1 gram of test is a bit excessive no? I can’t imagine pinning 4-5ml of total oil a week.
I require at least 800mg in a test only cycle in order to make any gains after 5'9" 253lbs 15% bf. You may be different. Someone else may need more, or less. Things change once you've hit a certain age and weight. This is why masteron is my new favorite compound. It allows me to lower my test dose with a mild compound.
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Do people really need this much juice?
That’s actually not a lot for a blast esp. when people are using lower concentration compounds like Primo, NPP, DHB etc..
My last blast wasn’t crazy at all (Test was only 875 plus a little Primo and NPP) and injected 1.5 mL everyday (10.5 mL per week)
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