Feeling tired on Masteron

Do you split 3ccs across body? I can’t imagine pinning 3ccs into delts. Lats and glutes, maybe vg.
I dont split unless im doing chest, front delts, rear delts, or traps. 3cc in Mid delts yes, and no problem with 3cc in lats and vg. I can't reach my glutes anymore, at least not with both hands, and that's not so easy to inject with one hand.
I require at least 800mg in a test only cycle in order to make any gains after 5'9" 253lbs 15% bf. You may be different. Someone else may need more, or less. Things change once you've hit a certain age and weight. This is why masteron is my new favorite compound. It allows me to lower my test dose with a mild compound.
We’re the same height but I’m around 200lbs at 16-17% bf. 250lbs is pretty surreal for 5ft 9”. Nice job.
Mid delts yes, and no problem with 3cc in lats and vg. I can't reach my glutes anymore, at least not with both hands, and that's not so easy to inject with one hand.
Do you not get any spilling from your delts? I want to start trying my rear delts soon as they’re a lot larger than my side delts but that’d require my gf
Mid delts yes, and no problem with 3cc in lats and vg. I can't reach my glutes anymore, at least not with both hands, and that's not so easy to inject with one hand.
Yeah I skip glutes with 3cc pins for the same reason. Can’t reach, I’m 5’9” 235 and I have trouble so 250 must be even funner
Quads, pecs, traps, VG are all nice
If you’re pinning 3cc a day you should be big enough to pin 3cc a day know what I’m saying
lol of course, i was pinning under 1cc daily on my biggest blast lol. I’m just curious, as I wouldn’t want to push more than 1cc into my side delts since they leak so much
1 gram of test is a bit excessive no? I can’t imagine pinning 4-5ml of total oil a week.
Definitely not excessive. Many of us have done it multiple times. If you're used to injecting 200-400 mg Test, going to 1 gram is like using a new drug for most guys.
Where do you get your e2 checked for this cheap?
Marek it's $8 for the non sensitive estradiol through lab Corp. Plus $5 for the one time blood draw fee. Sensitive e2 is $50 but quest and LabCorp both take a full week to get me results on sensitive e2 so I don't even bother anymore. Id rather have a rough estimate with next day results than be flying in the dark for a week.
Definitely not excessive. Many of us have done it multiple times. If you're used to injecting 200-400 mg Test, going to 1 gram is like using a new drug for most guys.
E2 would be quite difficult to manage I assume. Any research on masteron known to aggravate asthma? It’s a great drug, muscles are rock solid but I get a bit of lethargy and my cardio is shit on it. It could be just placebo and maybes it’s just a flu. Very easy to blame AAS for things.
E2 would be quite difficult to manage I assume. Any research on masteron known to aggravate asthma? It’s a great drug, muscles are rock solid but I get a bit of lethargy and my cardio is shit on it. It could be just placebo and maybes it’s just a flu. Very easy to blame AAS for things.
Everyone responds differently. I had no problems with those doses for many years. I had to deal with some bloating but that was my only sides. That's where the masteron has come into play. I handle those larger dosages again due to the mast and addition of 12.5mg aromasin eod.
If you're used to much smaller dosages, larger dosages can cause flu like symptoms. Just increase dosages slower until you body adjusts.
Never heard of asthma issues except maybe with something like tren. Tren cough might not be so nice if you already have asthma.