Feeling tired on Masteron

Masteron is really a great compound for quality of life. Really makes me feel good and calm. Never got the prostate issues luckily, even on a gram.

I feel it's underrated, I'd definitely prefer Masteron over primobolan any day
Masteron is really a great compound for quality of life. Really makes me feel good and calm. Never got the prostate issues luckily, even on a gram.

I feel it's underrated, I'd definitely prefer Masteron over primobolan any day
I second this. Masteron is one of my favorite compounds. I don't get any sides from it, feel good while on it, reduces water retention, makes the muscles look harder, increased vascularity, modest gains.

I'd put Anavar closely behind masteron too. Test/mast/var is one of my favorite "feel good" cycles.
Not too much, 500-1g test and 400-1050 mast. Feel good no matter the ratio. But on 1g each I feel amazing and the gains are fantastic. Libido is good, no acne, calm, confident, strong.

Wish I could permablast both forever lol
Good to know, I’ve only done test and primo. Coach is putting me on test and mast for my prep. I’ve historically needed much higher test than primo though he likes running the dht derivative higher so going to question on possibly starting at 1:1 before we get closer to the finish line
I've been running Masteron the past few months and I'm getting a bit of hair loss in the back for the first time of all compounds... not sure if it's true loss or temporary. I was also running accutane so that could have contributed... gonna switch back to cruise dose Test/Primo here soon and see if it comes back...

Love it otherwise though
I've been running Masteron the past few months and I'm getting a bit of hair loss in the back for the first time of all compounds... not sure if it's true loss or temporary. I was also running accutane so that could have contributed... gonna switch back to cruise dose Test/Primo here soon and see if it comes back...

Love it otherwise though
Yeah that can be one of the sides if you have a genetic disposition towards hair loss, unfortunately. It can accelerate the loss.

Some people have this problem, others don't. It's all genetics
Soooo....are you still feeling tired? Did you stop using Masteron? I like to run and cant seem to vet the motivation on Mast unless I take a day off it and then the day back....whoa, man. I feel great that day.
Mast has sadly proven to be a bit problematic for me. Primo is primo for me. Feel good, look good no discernible sides other than feeling good and looking good with fantastic recovery. Mast seems to be too androgenic for me. First time I added mast e I felt good looked good / better for quite a few weeks with added vascularity snd hardness I’d heard about.

Then my aggressiveness went up a bit, not as much as my libido did ; ). This was ok particularly in the gym (aggression, not libido lol). Then I noticed I had become less patient and quicker to snap with some edge. Whatever bugged me before bugged me a lot more and I was much less patient about it so I stopped.

I tried again adding a bit of mast p. Similar experience, felt good, looked good, my wife like being so hot she drive me crazy ; ). I switched to mast e after a few weeks. Same sensation, did not get aggro this time but…. Acne started in a noticeable way. Not a lot but a bit and then isolated deep hard ones, sebaceous maybe (?) that I’ve never had. One on top of the butt then a couple lower back, a couple high on the back / shoulders just one at a time. Very annoying. I went off and the acne cleared up quickly.

Any thoughts or suggestions other than it’s not for me? Like an idiot I may try to add back mast p again in a month or so. Is eod pinning that bad of an idea with p?

Also weird I have no memory of any acne issues the first time I tried mast.
Mast has sadly proven to be a bit problematic for me. Primo is primo for me. Feel good, look good no discernible sides other than feeling good and looking good with fantastic recovery. Mast seems to be too androgenic for me. First time I added mast e I felt good looked good / better for quite a few weeks with added vascularity snd hardness I’d heard about.

Then my aggressiveness went up a bit, not as much as my libido did ; ). This was ok particularly in the gym (aggression, not libido lol). Then I noticed I had become less patient and quicker to snap with some edge. Whatever bugged me before bugged me a lot more and I was much less patient about it so I stopped.

I tried again adding a bit of mast p. Similar experience, felt good, looked good, my wife like being so hot she drive me crazy ; ). I switched to mast e after a few weeks. Same sensation, did not get aggro this time but…. Acne started in a noticeable way. Not a lot but a bit and then isolated deep hard ones, sebaceous maybe (?) that I’ve never had. One on top of the butt then a couple lower back, a couple high on the back / shoulders just one at a time. Very annoying. I went off and the acne cleared up quickly.

Any thoughts or suggestions other than it’s not for me? Like an idiot I may try to add back mast p again in a month or so. Is eod pinning that bad of an idea with p?

Also weird I have no memory of any acne issues the first time I tried mast.
Mast killd my libido. Made it hard to cum too.