Fentanyl. It's discreet, it's known to kill...

I would seriously give my left nut to see live video of you and everyone who shares DNA with you in an airtight room and a running vehicle. I would have multiple orgasms on the screen watching the asphyxiation party.

I gave you the definition word for word and you STILL ARE ASKING what makes a disease? Holy. Fucking. Shit. You make your average shit for brains bodybuilder look good with your lack of cognition.
@brutus79 very good, you get a trophy for googling the definition for disease, but you still cant differentiate between the disease and addiction. But dont worry Brutus one day you will be accepted.

It's so pathetic that you run your mouth on here about things you have no idea, job, family etc. It is you grasping at straws, and I do see why you are s lowlife on here, a forum where you can make up your own persona. I could only imagine in your real world.

Anyways, I'm over the retarded back and forth with you. I'll get back to actual dialect discussing difference of opinion. Yes Brutus that's right, people do have differntnopinions then you and that's ok. It seems to be the liberals main problem. It's ok to have a difference of opinion and conflict without being so childish.
Thank you for actually trying to answer the question.

So saying your addicted to nicotine and used to be addicted to opioids etc, do you think you have the "disease"?

So there are a million things an addict can be addicted to. Is it a disease if it is not necessarily bad for your life?

And the next question is, do if an addict can quit or does get clean does that mean they do not have the "disease"?

The difference between the disease and just being an addict seems really hard to distinguish.

Hmm idk man that’s hard to answer, I would say I might have had a disease, not justifying it or excusing it. But I was feeling especially depressed, not sure if it had anything to do with a one and only weird shroom trip, but up to that point I just smoked weed and occasionally did coke or ecstasy, occasional Vicodin, but when I tried the original OxyContin 40mg I got hooked, snorted the whole thing and bought another 40 immediately and snorted that too. For awhile I was functional but eventually got to the point where I was falling asleep at work cause I mixed benzos cause the opioids weren’t doing shit, got fired from a couple high paying jobs, and got to the point of passing out in food, ballooning to over 300lbs, no desire for sex, smoking reckless amounts of fentanyl mixed with benzos. Nearly od’d, like my mom found me in respiratory arrest, blue lips..

I wasn’t enjoying that life but eventually got to the point I was done, got on suboxone, still messed with benzos till I ended up in the hospital and I quit cold turkey, ended back in the hospital 1.5 days later because of seizures. But I was done so they were able to taper me fairly quickly, like a week or so.

Now I’ve lost over 100lbs of fat, gained some muscle so total weight loss of 100lbs, but I gotta start over, going back to school cause I forgot everything I knew. Only difference is I seeked help in my own way, no NA.

And no if you turn your addiction into something positive that doesn’t destroy your life then it’s not really bad, like people that turn some other illness into something positive etc.

Btw quitting cigarettes was quite easy, now I’m just addicted to the nicotine gum. The fruit chill flavor is the best, haven’t found regular gum that comes close but that’s probably because the nicotine makes you think it’s delicious.

Anyway idk if addiction is a disease itself or just a symptom of other mental disorders, but I guess if you have the disease you aren’t doing drugs recreationally anymore, just for survival similar to ocd rituals.
Hmm idk man that’s hard to answer, I would say I might have had a disease, not justifying it or excusing it. But I was feeling especially depressed, not sure if it had anything to do with a one and only weird shroom trip, but up to that point I just smoked weed and occasionally did coke or ecstasy, occasional Vicodin, but when I tried the original OxyContin 40mg I got hooked, snorted the whole thing and bought another 40 immediately and snorted that too. For awhile I was functional but eventually got to the point where I was falling asleep at work cause I mixed benzos cause the opioids weren’t doing shit, got fired from a couple high paying jobs, and got to the point of passing out in food, ballooning to over 300lbs, no desire for sex, smoking reckless amounts of fentanyl mixed with benzos. Nearly od’d, like my mom found me in respiratory arrest, blue lips..

I wasn’t enjoying that life but eventually got to the point I was done, got on suboxone, still messed with benzos till I ended up in the hospital and I quit cold turkey, ended back in the hospital 1.5 days later because of seizures. But I was done so they were able to taper me fairly quickly, like a week or so.

Now I’ve lost over 100lbs of fat, gained some muscle so total weight loss of 100lbs, but I gotta start over, going back to school cause I forgot everything I knew. Only difference is I seeked help in my own way, no NA.

And no if you turn your addiction into something positive that doesn’t destroy your life then it’s not really bad, like people that turn some other illness into something positive etc.

Btw quitting cigarettes was quite easy, now I’m just addicted to the nicotine gum. The fruit chill flavor is the best, haven’t found regular gum that comes close but that’s probably because the nicotine makes you think it’s delicious.

Anyway idk if addiction is a disease itself or just a symptom of other mental disorders, but I guess if you have the disease you aren’t doing drugs recreationally anymore, just for survival similar to ocd rituals.
Thanks again for being able to have a healthy discussion and not getting so offended by my opinion.
@brutus79 very good, you get a trophy for googling the definition for disease, but you still cant differentiate between the disease and addiction. But dont worry Brutus one day you will be accepted.

It's so pathetic that you run your mouth on here about things you have no idea, job, family etc. It is you grasping at straws, and I do see why you are s lowlife on here, a forum where you can make up your own persona. I could only imagine in your real world.

Anyways, I'm over the retarded back and forth with you. I'll get back to actual dialect discussing difference of opinion. Yes Brutus that's right, people do have differntnopinions then you and that's ok. It seems to be the liberals main problem. It's ok to have a difference of opinion and conflict without being so childish.
Distinguish the difference between addiction and disease? You make my head hurt. Addiction is a disease, so how would one do that? Since English seems beyond you let's just break down the word. You know what ease means, right? Like easy? Ok. Dis- that means dis- 1. a Latin prefix meaning “apart,” “asunder,” “away,” “utterly,” or having a privative, negative, or reversing force (see de-, un-2); used freely, especially with these latter senses, as an English formative: disability; disaffirm; disbar; disbelief; discontent; dishearten; dislike; disown.

So maybe that sheds light in that little brain of yours? If someone is an addict, they have do not have the normal ease in putting down the drugs like a non addicted user... which is to say they have a dis-ease. How.much clearer can it be?

It doesn't mean they can't stop.

It doesn't mean they aren't responsible for what they do.

It means their reaction to drugs and quitting drugs is different than the majority.

Pretty basic stuff.
I would hang out in that comment section then. Lots of like minded people
The entire premise of the article ignores the definition of disease and draws false implications- it alludes to disease being an "end state" when the definition makes no such distinction.

The funniest part? A Canadian doctor from the Netherlands wrote it. So when you go to give me shit that I am not smarter than a doctor in the same breath you would disagree with everything else that comes out of this guys mouth without a hint of irony.
I would hang out in that comment section then. Lots of like minded people
The entire premise of the article ignores the definition of disease and draws false implications- it alludes to disease being an "end state" when the definition makes no such distinction.

The funniest part? A Canadian doctor from the Netherlands wrote it. So when you go to give me shit that I am not smarter than a doctor in the same breath you would disagree with everything else that comes out of this guys mouth without a hint of irony.

I liked the part at the start where it says leading health organisation stipulate addiction is a disease BUT mr neuroscientist is gonna disprove thar with 5 (five) clinical cases, real life experiences !

Then a indisturbed flow of idiotic comments starts

Like for instance as you said:
"Saying addiction is a disease suggests that the brain can no longer change…that it’s an end state. But no, it’s not end state"

Thats just dumb on so many levels i dont even know where to start
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I would hang out in that comment section then. Lots of like minded people
The entire premise of the article ignores the definition of disease and draws false implications- it alludes to disease being an "end state" when the definition makes no such distinction.

The funniest part? A Canadian doctor from the Netherlands wrote it. So when you go to give me shit that I am not smarter than a doctor in the same breath you would disagree with everything else that comes out of this guys mouth without a hint of irony.
Blah, blah, blah sorry I cant read your long winded shit talking posts.
I liked the part at the start where it says leading health organisation stipulate addiction is a disease BUT mr neuroscientist is gonna disprove thar with 5 (five) clinical cases, real life experiences !

Then a indisturbed flow of idiotic comments starts

Like for instance as you said:
"Saying addiction is a disease suggests that the brain can no longer change…that it’s an end state. But no, it’s not end state"

Thats just dumb on so many levels i dont even know where to start
You guys are to butt hurt to miss the point. That article wasn't attached to prove anything other then the side of the questions I'm presenting.

The point being your brain constantly changes and responds differently to different things. The most successful guy I know is no doubt what you guys would classify as being one with the "disease". Hooked on drugs for many years and dodnt have squat. He really shifted his addiction to work and his business. He is crazy obsessed and driven by work, he is addicted to it. He has amassed hundreds of millions of dollars and has grown one of the largest construction companies in my area.so by your definition he does not have the "diseaee" because he got off drugs and his new drug has made him a millionaire just like @brutus79 lol.

So no addict with the disease is can ever stop the disease?

I am a believer in things I can touch or see. The disease you guys describe seems very gray, undefined and a result of our societal norms. Not everyone is the same, we are all wired differently.

This debate brings up one of the biggest problems in the US right now. That's difference of opinion. Hust watch an media or read any news, if you disagree with a liberals opinion they resort to attacks and childish name calling as @brutus79 has so poetically demonstrated for us. It's ok to debate, discuss, disagree. Everyone thinks their feelings are the only right ones and cannot be wrong. Oh well, I did call him a woman beater, but that is because he is and has admitted it. I have called him out in the past about it. If I get time one of these days I will look up his old posts to show why I'm not just making up bullshit. I dont know where y'all are from but me, I dont accept that cowardism.
You guys are to butt hurt to miss the point. That article wasn't attached to prove anything other then the side of the questions I'm presenting.

The point being your brain constantly changes and responds differently to different things. The most successful guy I know is no doubt what you guys would classify as being one with the "disease". Hooked on drugs for many years and dodnt have squat. He really shifted his addiction to work and his business. He is crazy obsessed and driven by work, he is addicted to it. He has amassed hundreds of millions of dollars and has grown one of the largest construction companies in my area.so by your definition he does not have the "diseaee" because he got off drugs and his new drug has made him a millionaire just like @brutus79 lol.

So no addict with the disease is can ever stop the disease?

I am a believer in things I can touch or see. The disease you guys describe seems very gray, undefined and a result of our societal norms. Not everyone is the same, we are all wired differently.

This debate brings up one of the biggest problems in the US right now. That's difference of opinion. Hust watch an media or read any news, if you disagree with a liberals opinion they resort to attacks and childish name calling as @brutus79 has so poetically demonstrated for us. It's ok to debate, discuss, disagree. Everyone thinks their feelings are the only right ones and cannot be wrong. Oh well, I did call him a woman beater, but that is because he is and has admitted it. I have called him out in the past about it. If I get time one of these days I will look up his old posts to show why I'm not just making up bullshit. I dont know where y'all are from but me, I dont accept that cowardism.

Obviously a disease is deffined by societal norms, lol

Im not but hurt i actually like you, you re not dumb just uneducated, i keep answering to your posts because i m sure you can actually improve

Would you please look up dsm v definition of addiction as a disease and come back here, just google it its pretty simple
You guys are to butt hurt to miss the point. That article wasn't attached to prove anything other then the side of the questions I'm presenting.

The point being your brain constantly changes and responds differently to different things. The most successful guy I know is no doubt what you guys would classify as being one with the "disease". Hooked on drugs for many years and dodnt have squat. He really shifted his addiction to work and his business. He is crazy obsessed and driven by work, he is addicted to it. He has amassed hundreds of millions of dollars and has grown one of the largest construction companies in my area.so by your definition he does not have the "diseaee" because he got off drugs and his new drug has made him a millionaire just like @brutus79 lol.

So no addict with the disease is can ever stop the disease?

I am a believer in things I can touch or see. The disease you guys describe seems very gray, undefined and a result of our societal norms. Not everyone is the same, we are all wired differently.

This debate brings up one of the biggest problems in the US right now. That's difference of opinion. Hust watch an media or read any news, if you disagree with a liberals opinion they resort to attacks and childish name calling as @brutus79 has so poetically demonstrated for us. It's ok to debate, discuss, disagree. Everyone thinks their feelings are the only right ones and cannot be wrong. Oh well, I did call him a woman beater, but that is because he is and has admitted it. I have called him out in the past about it. If I get time one of these days I will look up his old posts to show why I'm not just making up bullshit. I dont know where y'all are from but me, I dont accept that cowardism.
every woman in your family deserves a smack in the mouth for not killing you as a child. Suck my dick bitch. Trying to keep it short.
You guys are to butt hurt to miss the point. That article wasn't attached to prove anything other then the side of the questions I'm presenting.

The point being your brain constantly changes and responds differently to different things. The most successful guy I know is no doubt what you guys would classify as being one with the "disease". Hooked on drugs for many years and dodnt have squat. He really shifted his addiction to work and his business. He is crazy obsessed and driven by work, he is addicted to it. He has amassed hundreds of millions of dollars and has grown one of the largest construction companies in my area.so by your definition he does not have the "diseaee" because he got off drugs and his new drug has made him a millionaire just like @brutus79 lol.

So no addict with the disease is can ever stop the disease?

I am a believer in things I can touch or see. The disease you guys describe seems very gray, undefined and a result of our societal norms. Not everyone is the same, we are all wired differently.

This debate brings up one of the biggest problems in the US right now. That's difference of opinion. Hust watch an media or read any news, if you disagree with a liberals opinion they resort to attacks and childish name calling as @brutus79 has so poetically demonstrated for us. It's ok to debate, discuss, disagree. Everyone thinks their feelings are the only right ones and cannot be wrong. Oh well, I did call him a woman beater, but that is because he is and has admitted it. I have called him out in the past about it. If I get time one of these days I will look up his old posts to show why I'm not just making up bullshit. I dont know where y'all are from but me, I dont accept that cowardism.
The real problem is you are disputing facts with feelings. This celebration of ignorance brought about by a moron president has made people think their feelings are more relevant than facts. You just think you are debating... when you are just whining about your feelings- snowflake style.
Obviously a disease is deffined by societal norms, lol

Im not but hurt i actually like you, you re not dumb just uneducated, i keep answering to your posts because i m sure you can actually improve

Would you please look up dsm v definition of addiction as a disease and come back here, just google it its pretty simple
You are wasting your breath. If it ain't on Breitbart he ain't readin' it hoss.
Liberals are no quicker to use childish insults than conservatives.

All this back and forth about the definition of disease is kind of irrelevant.
Addition is real, and some experience it way more intensely than others.

My experience with activites that release dopamine or seratonin are not the same as someone else's.
It's a human condition.
I can say my gov't job considers addiction a "disease". Hence they paid for my treatment and a salary for 2 years off work. You can bet your ass if addiction wasn’t medically diagnosed as a "disease". Those cheap fuckers would have cut me off day 1!!!!! Just saying...
There are so many "diseases" that nearly anything can be classified as a disease.

Obesity is classified as a disease even though it can be self induced. That is my point.

Still yet no one has been able to answer where you draw the line between the disease addiction and being addicted.

You can label it anything you want it I dont buy into it.
@brutus79 is a fat slab who cant keep ding dongs, dick, cheeseburger out of his mouth. But it's not his fault he is obese it is a disease.

Call it what you all want I'll just call it him being a fat fuck with no self control.

This whole labeling it a disease thing is a new progressive mindset that is ruining a generation of kids soon to be pussies. Let's call a spade a spade, dont sugar coat it.

In this day in age you can be anything you want, boy, girl, dog, why not call your pour choices a disease because it's hard for you to make the good ones.
Fentanyl is fucking awful. When I first started having back issues about six or seven years ago, my family practice doctor first prescribed me hydrocodone 10 mg which unfortunately wasn’t even barely scratching the surface of the pain. On my next follow up with him, since I had to see him a couple times before getting referred over to a surgeon or pain management clinic, I informed him that it wasn’t doing the trick and he immediately jumped me up to 75 mg ER Fentanyl patches. I had never even heard of the stuff at the time and didn’t know much about it, so I looked it up and got a bit concerned about it, but I went ahead and followed his instructions and tried one of the ER patches that you had to stick on a hairless flat part of your body and I believe they lasted three or four days. Within three or four hours of putting that thing on I was vomiting everything out of my system, vomited like crazy the next morning at the gym and then again in the afternoon when it was time to eat lunch. I was constantly nauseous, could actually taste the bitterness of the medication it was so strong and absolutely nasty, had horrible heart burn and felt horrible. I ended up throwing the rest of the shit away and never touched that shit again. I have never felt so awful from any medication in my life. That stuff is fucking awful.
Opioids cause nausea, especially at higher doses (generally too high). That is why hospitals usually administer anti-emetics with morphine/hydromorphine/Fentanyl/etc.

Well, who should regulate & enforce quality control of the drug supply?
It is clear that people who produce and/or sell an adulterated product need to be prosecuted, it is fraud. With products that kill, it is manslaughter.

Ironically, there would not be an black market without Big Brother criminalizing drugs. They have essentially created the cartels just as Prohibition created powerful mobs ... didn't learn the lesson.

As long as people want drugs, they will be produced and supplied by someone.

Many have proposed decriminalization like has been done in Portugal. But don't hold your breath.

Even if decriminalized, pharmaceutical companies (which seem to be regulated sufficient to produce a clean product) often over inflate prices. When that is done, then there is fuel for a black market.

Though there are multiple factors, it is easily changed. But too many like the status quo.