My current situation.
Have a Yo score of 30, which means I'm more fertile than 30% of men who have had kids. Over 20 million swimmers with normal motility. We are trying to get pregnant. Morphology hasn't been tested but from my video they look normal.
I've been off TRT for 2 months and running running HCG, HMG, and Clomid for 3 months and I feel like crap. But managed to increase my sperm count from zero to where I am now. I have zero drive for sex however, and with meds no ED, but its almost impossible to get off. This is making things difficult but we've managed.
Due to cruises we have planned the latest I can get her pregnant this year is October. I want to return to low dose TRT and maintain my fertility protocol even if we weren't successful this month.
Looking for informed input on how this will likely effect my fertility, I only need to maintain it until October, money is no issue, so I can load as much HCG and HMG as needed. I believe as long as I maintain the HCG and keep FSH flowing I should maintain my current count or even continue to improve it.