Fiancee going through perimenopause. Advice?


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Hi All! My fiancee is 44 and has been having perimenopausal symptoms for about 2 years now. The only thing she ever takes is 10-15mgs of Anavar which she cycles on and off during the year.

I'm curious what you ladies who are in peri or full menopause are using for HRT? I was thinking a very low dose of test (7mgs ish? ) once per week. Would that amount cause a reasonable increase in estrogen? We'll be pulling a full hormone panel soon. I'm just trying to research well in advance.
My wife takes 15mg of test per week(split into 2 doses). She also takes progesterone nightly.
It has been a game changer for energy/mood/libido.
Make absolutely certain she's on top of her mammograms. Most breast cancers are "hormone positive", meaning estrogen speeds up development. Can go from "nothing detected" to significant malignancy in one year. You don't want to be responsible for that by encouraging HRT without also insisting on diligent mammograms.
My wife takes 15mg of test per week(split into 2 doses). She also takes progesterone nightly.
It has been a game changer for energy/mood/libido.
Thanks bud. Did you guys pull lab work to get initial values?
Make absolutely certain she's on top of her mammograms. Most breast cancers are "hormone positive", meaning estrogen speeds up development. Can go from "nothing detected" to significant malignancy in one year. You don't want to be responsible for that by encouraging HRT without also insisting on diligent mammograms.
Thanks and very true! She gets one every year and has also been tested for the BRCA genes.
Thanks and very true! She gets one every year and has also been tested for the BRCA genes.

OK great. I think HRT is good for women's quality of life. and unnecessarily maligned by bad studies from decades ago, but breast cancer can strike any time, and even if it were just a coincidence (levels are ever increasing unfortunately), you wouldn't want even the remotest possibility of having to wonder, if god forbid something happened with a delayed diagnosis, hanging over your relationship.
Thanks bud. Did you guys pull lab work to get initial values?
Yes. She is perimenopause. Her testosterone was extremely low. Estrogen was on the low end of normal(I don’t know the #’s off the top of my head).
Her provider did not want to put her on estrogen until after menopause.
I give my wife 10mg of Test C once a week and she says she feels amazing. She has already had breast cancer (about seven year ago) and had them removed. As far as estrogen, her levels really didn't go up on that dose. The only side effects she has noticed was water weight.

t has been a game changer for energy/mood/libido.
Same with my wife especially libido. The other day in the gym she said "feeling powerful is awesome". Lol. I told her "Yes my love it sure does"
Yes. She is perimenopause. Her testosterone was extremely low. Estrogen was on the low end of normal(I don’t know the #’s off the top of my head).
Her provider did not want to put her on estrogen until after menopause.
I would think (and I'm talking out of my ass ) that we'd want women to have the estrogen level they had in their prime. Do you recall if she got an estro bump from the testosterone?
I give my wife 10mg of Test C once a week and she says she feels amazing. She has already had breast cancer (about seven year ago) and had them removed. As far as estrogen, her levels really didn't go up on that dose. The only side effects she has noticed was water weight.

Same with my wife especially libido. The other day in the gym she said "feeling powerful is awesome". Lol. I told her "Yes my love it sure does"
I'm happy to hear she made it through the other side. Cancer is fucking awful.
Yes. She is perimenopause. Her testosterone was extremely low. Estrogen was on the low end of normal(I don’t know the #’s off the top of my head).
Her provider did not want to put her on estrogen until after menopause.
This isn’t keeping up with current clinical guidelines, estrogen is indicated based on symptoms not full menopause. I’m perimenopausal and on estrogen, progesterone, and test. She should look for a new physician. I wasted thousands on in person drs and use telemedicine now.
This isn’t keeping up with current clinical guidelines, estrogen is indicated based on symptoms not full menopause. I’m perimenopausal and on estrogen, progesterone, and test. She should look for a new physician. I wasted thousands on in person drs and use telemedicine now.
Do you recall your estrogen and testosterone numbers pre-treatment? And what numbers were you and your Dr. working towards? Are you feeling pretty good now?
This isn’t keeping up with current clinical guidelines, estrogen is indicated based on symptoms not full menopause. I’m perimenopausal and on estrogen, progesterone, and test. She should look for a new physician. I wasted thousands on in person drs and use telemedicine now.
All symptoms were resolved with just testosterone and progesterone. Estrogen will be added in the future.
My wife takes 15mg of test per week(split into 2 doses). She also takes progesterone nightly.
It has been a game changer for energy/mood/libido.

I give my wife 10mg of Test C once a week and she says she feels amazing. She has already had breast cancer (about seven year ago) and had them removed. As far as estrogen, her levels really didn't go up on that dose. The only side effects she has noticed was water weight.

Same with my wife especially libido. The other day in the gym she said "feeling powerful is awesome". Lol. I told her "Yes my love it sure does"

Grey Spartan, 10mg of Test C
10/200= .05 I assume you are backfilling a small insulin syringe?

220, 15mg of Test split into two doses, so 7.5mg . . .
Ok, how do you do that?
7.5/200= .0375, too fine for the tick marks on even my smallest insulin syringe, and the smallest ones cannot handle oil because the diameter is too small and air is trapped and the oil cannot move.
This isn’t keeping up with current clinical guidelines, estrogen is indicated based on symptoms not full menopause. I’m perimenopausal and on estrogen, progesterone, and test. She should look for a new physician. I wasted thousands on in person drs and use telemedicine now.
Since you are the only woman who posted here, could you tell us a little more, please?

Like what was going on before, how did the HRT help, and how are you doing now? You mentioned symptoms, like what? What were the doses of estrogen, progesterone, and test, how are they administered, and did they need to be changed to get you where you need to be?

What is the "right" place to be for those hormones? For men, we have a reference range, and most of us like to be at the top of it. Some doctors disagree and others are ok with it.

Are there other hormones that matter when testing your blood levels than those three - estrogen, progesterone, and test?

In the Men's Health section, we have a thread devoted to TRT clinics with reviews from folks who use them. I am not aware of anything like that for women here. Would you mind sharing where you had a good experience with telemedicine and any recommendations for women in the same boat?

My wife is about to test her hormones because she (late 40s) feels like something is off, so I have a personal interest in your responses, as do others here posting and reading.

Thank you.
Grey Spartan, 10mg of Test C
10/200= .05 I assume you are backfilling a small insulin syringe?

220, 15mg of Test split into two doses, so 7.5mg . . .
Ok, how do you do that?
7.5/200= .0375, too fine for the tick marks on even my smallest insulin syringe, and the smallest ones cannot handle oil because the diameter is too small and air is trapped and the oil cannot move.
She uses a 31gauge insulin syringe. It’s not as hard as you might expect.
She uses a 31gauge insulin syringe. It’s not as hard as you might expect.
I have used the 0.5 syringes, which is harder than the 1ml syringes, but I cannot get oil to work in the .3cc syringes. The tube is too narrow even tapping on it to get the air bubbles to move through the oil.

Are you talking about the 0.3 ml syringe?

And you get it to a mark 3 and three quarters of the way to the fourth mark?

I am just trying to understand how you do that. This is not a challenge - I have personal reasons for wanting your help in figuring this out.
I have used the 0.5 syringes, which is harder than the 1ml syringes, but I cannot get oil to work in the .3cc syringes. The tube is too narrow even tapping on it to get the air bubbles to move through the oil.

Are you talking about the 0.3 ml syringe?

And you get it to a mark 3 and three quarters of the way to the fourth mark?

I am just trying to understand how you do that. This is not a challenge - I have personal reasons for wanting your help in figuring this out.
Thanks for asking. I didn’t take it that way.
0.3 syringe; tick mark 3 and 4 are clearly visible. When I load her syringe I just pull to just shy of the 4th mark.