Finally got labs me guys


All right so background been on trt now almost 5 years same dose since day one 180mgs a week split into 3 shots
Also used to take aromasin three times a week but stopped about 6-7 weeks prior to these bloods and noticed my acne got waaaay better. Upon pulling bloods I was on gh 2iu a day for 4 and a half weeks and the week I pulled I upped it to 3iu so I’m sure it didn’t have time to saturate igf 1 levels
So just for reference my igf1 prior to this draw was 170
Total test is normally 800-1000 on this dose
I’m just gonna post the tests that stood out as I got a SHIT TON of lab work done lol thank god for insurance
I’m guess I need to start t4 ASAP
Which I do have on hand gonna probably start at 50mcg a day but I’m assuming my t4 is even lower now that my dose is up and I’m tired as fuck all day
But give me your guys input I know I had told a few guys here I was gonna post bloods

Creatinine is norm
But the barely elevated BUN is from high protein diet and intense exercise within 72 hours of blood
In no way does this mean issues with the kidney unless I ate a normal diet
Also no GFR done which would be able to tell kidney function
I thought 99% of people here knew this info....
Please research a little
Kidney issues....
kidney issues... high creatinine and high urea nitrogen
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You don't need T4 lol.

I guess you don't know how to read thyroid bloods.

Your total T4 and T3 is useless most of the time, get TSH and free T3 and free T4 are more then enough (in case you pay extra for all those tests)
Your TSH is below 2 and it's good, your thyroid is healthy and working properly.

Your total T4 is low because your free T3 is high! HGH speed up the conversion of T4 to T3, in few weeks it will normalize. No reason to supplement T4 you are already have plenty of T3 in your body.
You don't need T4 lol.

I guess you don't know how to read thyroid bloods.

Your total T4 and T3 is useless most of the time, get TSH and free T3 and free T4 are more then enough (in case you pay extra for all those tests)
Your TSH is below 2 and it's good, your thyroid is healthy and working properly.

Your total T4 is low because your free T3 is high! HGH speed up the conversion of T4 to T3, in few weeks it will normalize. No reason to supplement T4 you are already have plenty of T3 in your body.
Naw I don’t pay a dime cause of the icd codes used lol
Didn’t really understand the condescending shit of “guess you don’t know how to read thyroid blood” hence why i posted specifically asking about it cause I’m not sure
I thought it was weird the free was norm but total was low
But thanks for the reply anyhow
Naw I don’t pay a dime cause of the icd codes used lol
Didn’t really understand the condescending shit of “guess you don’t know how to read thyroid blood” hence why i posted specifically asking about it cause I’m not sure
I thought it was weird the free was norm but total was low
But thanks for the reply anyhow
You directly assumed: I need to supplement t4 asap so I guess you don't know how to read bloods or how thyroid works.

I believe now you have a maybe tiny better idea, your bloods look more or less fine, maybe try to improve the HDL a bit ;)
You directly assumed: I need to supplement t4 asap so I guess you don't know how to read bloods or how thyroid works.

I believe now you have a maybe tiny better idea, your bloods look more or less fine, maybe try to improve the HDL a bit ;)
Well I had read several pots on here about taking t4 regardless on gh but I thought that’s stupid without blood work
Then I saw all that low shit so yeah I was guessing I should
Yeah but since I got the bloods drawn early should I re do t4 and t3 free in a few months?
yeah I don’t know why that’s is so low I usually float around the 40s
I guess I need to up my good fats for now
Do some more cardio
But on a good note my lipoprotein a went from a 209 to 58
No fucking clue how tho lol
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Well I had read several pots on here about taking t4 regardless on gh but I thought that’s stupid without blood work
Then I saw all that low shit so yeah I was guessing I should
Yeah but since I got the bloods drawn early should I re do t4 and t3 free in a few months?
yeah I don’t know why that’s is so low I usually float around the 40s
I guess I need to up my good fats for now
Do some more cardio
But on a good note my lipoprotein a went from a 209 to 58
No fucking clue how tho lol
Yeah just draw bloods again in 6 weeks to see if your T4 T3 conversion has stabilized. For the moment all is good anyway you have a very active thyroid working perfectly.
Looks pretty normal to me... maybe fix the cholesterol a bit but whoever said kidneya tard.

probably got the test in the morning and didn’t drink water plus you probably eat high protein... your kidneys are fine.

Fix your diet and cholesterol a bit wait a few weeks draw again before making a choice.
@Pineapples4Puss is right . Hes dehydrated . High BUN with low creatinine is usually dehydration . Drink a ton of water then retest..... ;) ~Ogh
I know I fuck this part up every time cause I do the bloods early in the am and I haven’t drank any water and I’m sure I’m dehydrated
And every time I’m like “gonna chug water prior”
But yeah I’m not worried never had been
More concerned about the thyroid part
I know I fuck this part up every time cause I do the bloods early in the am and I haven’t drank any water and I’m sure I’m dehydrated
And every time I’m like “gonna chug water prior”
But yeah I’m not worried never had been
More concerned about the thyroid part

The only way to get a accurate bloodtest is to knock off all the "muscle dope" except a low TRT dose (100-150mg/wk) then retest . Especially the anti-estrogens . Then retest . Your SHBG is almost tanked.....
The only way to get a accurate bloodtest is to knock off all the "muscle dope" except a low TRT dose (100-150mg/wk) then retest . Especially the anti-estrogens . Then retest . Your SHBG is almost tanked.....
I was only on my normal trt dose nothing else
And the gh but no aas of any kind
Yeah it’s always super low ever since I started trt
But when I research it
It doesn’t look like there’s a way to make it higher
But if you know of anything on raising it I’m all ears
Your estridiol is high because your TRT dose is too high ....
I don’t take any ai but honestly I feel better at this range vs in the low to mid 20s which everyone shoots for and I’ll admit me as well over the years
But I noticed an increase in my strength, my joints hurt less, and acne is much better which for years I’ve always thought it being higher is what agitated my acne but I guess I was wrong
I have tons of my pharm aromasin on hand my dr still prescribes it I just stopped it
But yeah when I return to a trt dose after my little cycle I just started imma reduce to possible 150 a week and see what happens
My TRT doctor (10yrs now) would never let my test results go over 700-800ng . And thats fine with me cause I need the rest inbetween cycling ....
I test average 600-650ng on 120mg test cyp/wk . and I feel better than I did at 200mg/wk . If I go higher then my RBC"s and Hematocrit gets too high . If you get the bright red cheeks in the morning your too high . And no more AI"s for me , like a friend says your not a woman with cancer , stop treating your body the same way...
I test average 600-650ng on 120mg test cyp/wk . and I feel better than I did at 200mg/wk . If I go higher then my RBC"s and Hematocrit gets too high . If you get the bright red cheeks in the morning your too high . And no more AI"s for me , like a friend says your not a woman with cancer , stop treating your body the same way...
Yeah my total test is usually towards 1000 but for whatever reason this time around it was only 492 tho my free t was high
So I’m not sure wtf is going on there the only difference would be the gh and stopping my ai completely
My hematocrit hemoglobin and rbc are always good I donate once to twice a year and this is the numbers I usually pull but I inject frequently (mon wed fri) but I’ll try what you said after my cycle to lower my over dose and retest
I’m kinda wanting to stay on gh for a while because it seems like that is what decreased my lipoprotein a to an acceptable range (for years even prior to touching trt I have always tested over 200++) so seeing that was a big shock to me
But I think your correct about the trt dose I’ll have to just try it out and see
Question for you tho
Do you use an ai on cycle ??
Cause right now I’m on 300mg test 600mg primo and no ai cause I’ve always had the notion primo lowered conversion of e2