Finally got labs me guys

Try 100mg test , no GH . no AI . Wait a month then retest . You"ll see much better numbers....
Shit just looked back at my last two blood works of 2020 and shbg was 19 and then 20 but I was taking an ai but same dose of test ....I thought exemstane lowered shbg..
I'd be most concerned with your HDL score. From the labs, it appears you are taking an oral. I assume this is not the case?
I'd be most concerned with your HDL score. From the labs, it appears you are taking an oral. I assume this is not the case?
No orals
Again it’s usually in the 40s I’m not sure what dropped it tbh
I’m thinking it’s diet related or not enough cardio
But my ldl is the same as it usually is so it’s a mystery to me at this point
I only get labs drawn every 6 months so I’ll have to wait till then to see if it goes back up
The only really unusual thing about your labs is that they managed to bring @Oregongearhead into this part of the forum again!

I step-out of my foodie thread every once in a while !! :D After 10 yrs of TRT Ive learned a few things and am still learning....;)

PS - I see you put on a few ounces of weight there @grey , looking good ! lol ~Ogh :cool:
I know I fuck this part up every time cause I do the bloods early in the am and I haven’t drank any water and I’m sure I’m dehydrated
And every time I’m like “gonna chug water prior”
But yeah I’m not worried never had been
More concerned about the thyroid part
I learned then and my last few blood tests showed exactly like yours. My last one chugged 1.5 L half an hour before and I was perfectly normal in range.

blood came out WAY faster too. Usually it’s a slower fill on the vials
Creatinine is norm
But the barely elevated BUN is from high protein diet and intense exercise within 72 hours of blood
In no way does this mean issues with the kidney unless I ate a normal diet
Also no GFR done which would be able to tell kidney function
I thought 99% of people here knew this info....
Please research a little
Kidney issues....
Sounds like you’re a little moody.. must be the High estradiol