Hi guys, at 24 years old and after years of research I'm finally ready to start my first cycle. Am going to be running 600mg of test e e/w, and tren eth e/w at 200mg.
Was looking for advice on pct for this, have just started the cycle today.
The fact that youre starting using AAS a year early is not worth lecturing about. But through ypur years of research did you not learn that tren is definitely not a beginner steroid. Or that your first cycle should consist of strictly testosterone, so that you may observe how your body reacts to it b4 stacking on other more complicated, side effect prone anabolics. Tren is arguably the harshest, strongest anabolic out there. Why do this as your fist cycle?
Furthermore, you didnt mention the use of an AI? What are you gonna do about midcycle e2 control?
Also, you are running test 3x higher than tren.. why? Most folks agree that that is not only a waste, but also more likely to bring out sides of not only the tren, but also estrogen sides.
So b4 we get into pct, u need to do a hell of alot more research, or you can count on messing up your body for life..
As for pct, thats about the most straightforward part of a cycle. Pretty much everyone agrees on running hcg, nolva, and clomid. For dosages and duration just do some research.
Id stop the tren b4 its too late.
Also look up on meso the protocol for pulling bloods. This is probably the most important thing. Research research research.