day 7
Friday, January 2, 2009
This is the 7th day of the PCT and there are 49 days remaining. I had my share of fuck ups with this protocol and one of them is using needles. i was trying to inject HCG into my thigh sub q while standing. i lifted my leg up (picture a Captain Morgan stance), so i was injecting the hcg in the thigh then my leg got tired. when you try this, you'll notice that you can't just push the plunger rapidly b/c your body can only accept so much at a time. It should take about 30-60 secs for 0.5-1 cc respectively for the injection. So my leg was getting tired and couldn't hold that position anymore then my leg dipped and needle came out. My dilemma was do i stab the need back in or reload a fresh needle with fresh hcg. I decided to be safe than sorry and went with the fresh hcg and syringe. For ppl out there, you already have issues with propecia and you don't need to introduce more issues into your life b/c of a non sterile syringe. So sterilty is paramount and don't fuck this up. I had .28 cc left in the old syringe and just added fresh .28 cc of hcg from the sterile vile into a fresh syringe. Since i used my right leg already, i pinched some skin from my left leg while sitting down this time and injected the fluid sub q.
here was my calculation for hcg:
(how much I want to take/size of ampule) x bateriostatic water ml = number of cc to inject
( 300 IU / 2500 IU ) x 4 ml = 0.48 cc
I didn't mix a fresh batch and this calculation was based on how much I mixed the batch originally. The amount of 2500 IU was the size of the ampule (glass bottle of powder hcg) and the 4 ml is the bateriostatic water i used. I didn't add any fresh fluid or powder to the batch and i had to recalculate b/c i increased my dosage from 250 IU to 300 IU and you have to figure out how many cc are you suppose to take. For a dosage of 300 IU, i took 0.48 cc this at 11:30pm
This morning I was erected again and throughout the night, and i can definitely get use to this. Now i almost expect to have an erection every morning, but one thing that is surprising is that after i had my 4am pee session, i was still erected. So i wake up at 9am and go through my routine which testing out my testicular size. there was no improvement in size, but wanted to mention that there was improvement since day 2. (this is for people out there who wants specifics) On day 2, my testes were cylindrical in shape analogous to a submarine torpedo and it has been gradually taken the shape of a slice of clementine. As for my morning erections, they are somewhat bendable (70%) but if i think about something erotic or concentrate on kegel exercises then it will go from 70% to 85% which is unbendable along the shaft. Everyone's scale for a good erection is different, so here is my scale:
70% - 79%
erected enough to have shape (pitch a tent),
but it is still bendable
80% - 89%
erected and the only point that it is bendable at the pivot point at
the shaft and balls
90% - 95%
great to have sex with and don't have to worried
about the performance of your equipment
96% - 100%
erected and throbbing which is my goal
later ppl. oneday
Friday, January 2, 2009
This is the 7th day of the PCT and there are 49 days remaining. I had my share of fuck ups with this protocol and one of them is using needles. i was trying to inject HCG into my thigh sub q while standing. i lifted my leg up (picture a Captain Morgan stance), so i was injecting the hcg in the thigh then my leg got tired. when you try this, you'll notice that you can't just push the plunger rapidly b/c your body can only accept so much at a time. It should take about 30-60 secs for 0.5-1 cc respectively for the injection. So my leg was getting tired and couldn't hold that position anymore then my leg dipped and needle came out. My dilemma was do i stab the need back in or reload a fresh needle with fresh hcg. I decided to be safe than sorry and went with the fresh hcg and syringe. For ppl out there, you already have issues with propecia and you don't need to introduce more issues into your life b/c of a non sterile syringe. So sterilty is paramount and don't fuck this up. I had .28 cc left in the old syringe and just added fresh .28 cc of hcg from the sterile vile into a fresh syringe. Since i used my right leg already, i pinched some skin from my left leg while sitting down this time and injected the fluid sub q.
here was my calculation for hcg:
(how much I want to take/size of ampule) x bateriostatic water ml = number of cc to inject
( 300 IU / 2500 IU ) x 4 ml = 0.48 cc
I didn't mix a fresh batch and this calculation was based on how much I mixed the batch originally. The amount of 2500 IU was the size of the ampule (glass bottle of powder hcg) and the 4 ml is the bateriostatic water i used. I didn't add any fresh fluid or powder to the batch and i had to recalculate b/c i increased my dosage from 250 IU to 300 IU and you have to figure out how many cc are you suppose to take. For a dosage of 300 IU, i took 0.48 cc this at 11:30pm
This morning I was erected again and throughout the night, and i can definitely get use to this. Now i almost expect to have an erection every morning, but one thing that is surprising is that after i had my 4am pee session, i was still erected. So i wake up at 9am and go through my routine which testing out my testicular size. there was no improvement in size, but wanted to mention that there was improvement since day 2. (this is for people out there who wants specifics) On day 2, my testes were cylindrical in shape analogous to a submarine torpedo and it has been gradually taken the shape of a slice of clementine. As for my morning erections, they are somewhat bendable (70%) but if i think about something erotic or concentrate on kegel exercises then it will go from 70% to 85% which is unbendable along the shaft. Everyone's scale for a good erection is different, so here is my scale:
70% - 79%
erected enough to have shape (pitch a tent),
but it is still bendable
80% - 89%
erected and the only point that it is bendable at the pivot point at
the shaft and balls
90% - 95%
great to have sex with and don't have to worried
about the performance of your equipment
96% - 100%
erected and throbbing which is my goal
later ppl. oneday