My training is good, i work out 2 hours every day, 3 day rotation, day 1 chest and triceps, day 2 back and bis, day 3 legs and repeat. My diet is very high calorie. I go for all you can eat deals allot which are usually fish and chips. Which i know isnt the best. I also eat a kg of ground beef daily along with tons of oatmeal.6 weeks and 15lbs is water and fat I'd guess by looking.
No offence, but id take a hard look at your diet and workout routine. Something is wrong. You honestly look like a lot of people do when they just start working out.
Keep in mind i am pretty big, close to 200 pounds. I think the reason my gains arent showing well is because im bloated the fuck up from high sodium foods. Any suggestions on how i can inprove?