First cycle - best combo with nandrolone?



My friend is ready to start gear after years of working out. He realizes he has gained all he can without them.

He has a source for nandrolone, which I really like since I used it myself.

What pairs well with that for a first cycle if he wants major gains but not too toxic? He's not in the US so has access to almost everything.

Another injectable or a pill?


Because my first cycle was nandrolone and I had big gains with absolutely no side effects, which he really wants to avoid.
Test and once again test. Lol Test is Best. 250-500 mg for 12-16 weeks with blood work to monitor. That's the best and only 1st cycle anyone should do. Leave the Deca Tren Dbol etc for down the road. Shit if i ran Deca only id have deca dick in no time lol every cycle should start with Test base.... regardless of what anyone in the past has done or sides experience
And what was awful about using a compound and hormone that the human. Body naturally produces. I'm sorry but I could never give out advice on anything that doesn't have test base. Don't get my wrong Deca only has been done but personally and probably 99% of the bro science advice will agree Test is Best. Why do you think TRT is test and not deca. Also your body isn't your buddies body lol.
My experience with nandrolone was great and my experience with test cyp was awful. I don’t see why that info is useless.
Do you know what to do if your estrogen crashes do to deca not converting to estrogen ? Yes rare but people do have bad reaction to test but deca only starts to get complicated quick if you don't know what you're doing
Test cyp made me crazy. Extreme aggression and depression. And balding! Deca gave me big gains with zero side effects.

Steroids were specifically created to maximize the anabolic effects of testosterone and minimize the androgenic effects. Test at replacement levels is fine. Higher levels for big gains come with significant side effects.

Still looking for something he can pair with nandrolone.
Test cyp made me crazy. Extreme aggression and depression. And balding! Deca gave me big gains with zero side effects.

Steroids were specifically created to maximize the anabolic effects of testosterone and minimize the androgenic effects. Test at replacement levels is fine. Higher levels for big gains come with significant side effects.

Still looking for something he can pair with nandrolone.


Doc talking about deca only. Just because you didn't get sides doesn't mean the bloods good. Talks about a patient on 300mg deca only. SBHG crashed test crashed high Estro high red blood cells and high free test. It can work but for me I'd always suggest a test base even if it's low to mitigate sides.

Also, the quality of the gear in question and the supply.

I also assume you tried test from other sources, other cycles than 1 ? I mean I'm deep in my cycle history and still don't run huge doses.
Test cyp made me crazy. Extreme aggression and depression. And balding! Deca gave me big gains with zero side effects.

Steroids were specifically created to maximize the anabolic effects of testosterone and minimize the androgenic effects. Test at replacement levels is fine. Higher levels for big gains come with significant side effects.

Still looking for something he can pair with nandrolone.
Seems like you already know enough to advise your friend lol
lol is this another dansh dick face account> lol dude everyone is here to help you out remember you came to this forum it didnt come to you. Don't ask for advice and say everything you know if you know so much gtfo the forum and guide your friend seems like you and him must be brothers as we know genetics help the sides so assuming he wont have any sides is pretty fucking dumb on your part. But again you know everything cheers
The truth is no one knows how will respond to Test or Deca or any other substance until you actually try it. Although, chances something goes wrong with Test is minimum while with Deca, a lot. Nandrolone is a compound that many guys with enough cycles and experience still can't handle regarding side effects.. I'm doing my first cycle with T only for the moment and everything is cool. From what i've read and all the possible side effects i'll probably never gonna try nandrolone or any 19nor.
The truth is no one knows how will respond to Test or Deca or any other substance until you actually try it. Although, chances something goes wrong with Test is minimum while with Deca, a lot. Nandrolone is a compound that many guys with enough cycles and experience still can't handle regarding side effects.. I'm doing my first cycle with T only for the moment and everything is cool. From what i've read and all the possible side effects i'll probably never gonna try nandrolone or any 19nor.
lol is this another dansh dick face account> lol dude everyone is here to help you out remember you came to this forum it didnt come to you. Don't ask for advice and say everything you know if you know so much gtfo the forum and guide your friend seems like you and him must be brothers as we know genetics help the sides so assuming he wont have any sides is pretty fucking dumb on your part. But again you know everything cheers
Roll up, Roll up for the Mystery Tour
Step right this way.........
Test cyp made me crazy. Extreme aggression and depression. And balding! Deca gave me big gains with zero side effects.

Steroids were specifically created to maximize the anabolic effects of testosterone and minimize the androgenic effects. Test at replacement levels is fine. Higher levels for big gains come with significant side effects.

Still looking for something he can pair with nandrolone.
You have a lot to learn, skip the drugs for now and just read
Again, my experience with Deca was great - no problem with bloodwork. So no one will recommend something to pair with it? It’s a simple question.

My friend is ready to start gear after years of working out. He realizes he has gained all he can without them.

He has a source for nandrolone, which I really like since I used it myself.

What pairs well with that for a first cycle if he wants major gains but not too toxic? He's not in the US so has access to almost everything.

Another injectable or a pill?


Ok so clearly your "friend" is an utter and absolute retard (pls tell him I said that)... I'm not a stickler for the 500mg test for 12 weeks as a first cycle but it's waaaaayyyy better than this, do any fuckin amount of research and your "friend" should know that...he probably just looked up what steroid is safest and came across deca, tell him of the serious mental sides that some people get, of the notorious "deca dick" where your 2 millimeter defeater decides to take a long ass nap. ALSO. TEST IS NEEDED IN ALMOST EVERY CYCLE AND IT IS DEF NEEDED WITH DECA.
My friend knows little. I’m the one that did Deca for my first cycle, years ago. It was great, as I posted earlier. Deca was hugely popular in the US before it disappeared. I had no side effects and big gains. Why are you so upset?
My friend knows little. I’m the one that did Deca for my first cycle, years ago. It was great, as I posted earlier. Deca was hugely popular in the US before it disappeared. I had no side effects and big gains. Why are you so upset?
no one is upset.

you just dont know what youre talking about in any capacity. Deca never disapeared, your anecdotal first cycle is worthless.

Your "friend" should do test only. no additions, nothing added.
no additional injectables, no orals.

That is the only correct answer.

Now you have your answer, so now, instead of perpetuating this silly thread, spend some time reading and at least learn the bare minimum basics.
test is going to be the best option for a first cycle. Nandrolone and you will get ED which is a bitch. I dont use nandrolone anymore the sides arnt worth it to me.
no one is upset.

you just dont know what youre talking about in any capacity. Deca never disapeared, your anecdotal first cycle is worthless.

Your "friend" should do test only. no additions, nothing added.
no additional injectables, no orals.

That is the only correct answer.

Now you have your answer, so now, instead of perpetuating this silly thread, spend some time reading and at least learn the bare minimum basics.

What I know is my personal experience. Deca was great for me, test cyp was horrible. Deca was taken off the market in the U.S. years ago - we were all bummed, since it was so popular. Have you done Deca? If not, don’t deny the experience of people who have.

