First cycle - best combo with nandrolone?

Decades ago, I realise BBer's ran cycles of just Deca, DBol and WInstrol with no Test base - this is what Arnold use to run and is probably what you based your cycle on. However this was also the time when they never realised that Orals were liver and kidney toxic, so their knowledge on compounds and cycling was pretty limited compared to today. The correct way to run a first cycle is testosterone only, 99% of people will tolerate this the best and still have a good libido and state of well being. I know a few guys who will only run Deca only cycles as they do not tolerate Test well, but they are in the minority. I would have thought most people on a Deca only cycle would feel suicidal.
I had no psych problems at all on Deca. It was test that made me terribly aggressive and horribly depressed.
I will post my entire story when I get home. I am NOT asking for myself. I’m done with gear. I did tons of research when I was on in the 90s and everything I have posted is absolutely true.
So then you would know Test is Best and not give your friend stupid advice on a deca only cycle or what to stack with deca lol.
No! People said DON"T DO DECA! Because it's too toxic. Just do test! I never said he couldn't combine test with Deca - you all just jumped on me for even thinking about Deca.
No one saying don't do Deca lmao it's dont do deca only. Also you're asking for a first cycle....well guess what TEST is the only compound for a 1st cycle...why because then you see how you react to Test.....why the hell would I tell someone who never put anything in their system to jump on multiple setriods so when issues occur. This is why 99% of us won't recommend deca base or deca and this and that. A basic 500mg test cycle can push yout test levels into 3000s that's plenty to change your physical level.
So then you would know Test is Best and not give your friend stupid advice on a deca only cycle or what to stack with deca lol.

No one saying don't do Deca lmao it's dont do deca only. Also you're asking for a first cycle....well guess what TEST is the only compound for a 1st cycle...why because then you see how you react to Test.....why the hell would I tell someone who never put anything in their system to jump on multiple setriods so when issues occur. This is why 99% of us won't recommend deca base or deca and this and that. A basic 500mg test cycle can push yout test levels into 3000s that's plenty to change your physical level.

The Deca bashing on here has been extreme. I don't want to push his test levels that high (Again, this is NOT for me - a 67-year-old man). I want to maximize his anabolic response. I found the answer elsewhere: a Deca/Sustanon pair.I was always open to test - just not so much of it.
I had no psych problems at all on Deca. It was test that made me terribly aggressive and horribly depressed.
I don't care about your experience or the 1980s.

Deca can come with some serious and nasty side-effects regardless of what you experience 40 years ago.

These days a safe route is something like this.

1st 250mg 16 weeks

2nd 500mg 16 weeks

3rd 250-500mg test with Anavar

4th. 250-500 test- Tbol or dbol

5th- Test Deca Tbol

Now see the issue you want to hop your friend who NEW right Into a intermediate cycle.

Funny thing is you trusted bro science in 1980 no question ask pre Internet and in 2023 when research and all the pros and bros can share and want to argue for Deca because of your own experience.
I don't care about your experience or the 1980s.

Deca can come with some serious and nasty side-effects regardless of what you experience 40 years ago.

These days a safe route is something like this.

1st 250mg 16 weeks

2nd 500mg 16 weeks

3rd 250-500mg test with Anavar

4th. 250-500 test- Tbol or dbol

5th- Test Deca Tbol

Now see the issue you want to hop your friend who NEW right Into a intermediate cycle.

Funny thing is you trusted bro science in 1980 no question ask pre Internet and in 2023 when research and all the pros and bros can share and want to argue for Deca because of your own experience.
I completely disagree on Deca. It has very low side effects, unlike test. I'm starting him on a good, not too high-dose cycle of Deca and Sust. He will make great gains on that without major side effects.
Also if you read everyone here was saying test lmao, sust is test you didn't get your answer some where else we been saying it the whole time lmao FFS you are just hell bent on getting your friend on deca as well.....all the best to your buddy.....BTW being 67 has nothing to do with roids may men run TRT at your age I will be that's for sure.
I had no psych problems at all on Deca. It was test that made me terribly aggressive and horribly depressed.
You should have a certain amount of aggressiveness in your training - that is one of the benefits of running steroids. All I have seen you doing is arguing with everyone giving you advice, which is what you were asking for in the first place - everyone has wasted their time here so you just go ahead and instruct your friend on what YOU want him to run.
I completely disagree on Deca. It has very low side effects, unlike test. I'm starting him on a good, not too high-dose cycle of Deca and Sust. He will make great gains on that without major side effects.
Hey what would I know I only been on juice for 20 years lol and I can't Handle deca over 250mg 300mg with out sides. To this day. I love other compounds than test, even deca. I'm about to run Test Tren Tbol Anavar HGH over the next 20 weeks. I am all for Synergy effects of 19nor DHT and Test based roids mixed together.....

What I will never do is steer someone
new to anything with multiple compounds a oral only etc.

Simple Test
Hey what would I know I only been on juice for 20 years lol and I can't Handle deca over 250mg 300mg with out sides. To this day. I love other compounds than test, even deca. I'm about to run Test Tren Tbol Anavar HGH over the next 20 weeks. I am all for Synergy effects of 19nor DHT and Test based roids mixed together.....

What I will never do is steer someone
new to anything with multiple compounds a oral only etc.

Simple Test

Not my experience, nor the experience of my friends. Deca has always been the best at anabolic gains and few or no side effects.
I have run nandrolone only a couple times.
For me personally is good just good.
I add lbm side effect free. Around week 6 low e2 symptoms start to show.

For me is my favourite anabolic I grow side effect free I don’t feel anything I just getting bigger.
BUT after nandrolone was over I start my TRT again. And I felt ALIVE my dick grew some inches and had crazy dopamine boost.
This along with heart side effects. I try to avoid it and If im going to blast would be testosterone (I have more sides with test but I still feel is safer) if I add something would be low dose teen to get the good results without the sides , and we don’t know something bad for teen in comparison to nandrolone and the results are x10 better.

Also my heart skips a beat from time to time on nandrolone.
This guy doesn’t want help. He just wants you to agree with everything he believes even though his level of knowledge is insanely low. He’s not trying to learn anything new he just wants to hear people confirm his own bias, which is rooted in absolutely nothing but bro science and misinformation.

Im finding it to be quite obnoxious. I don’t see any reason to continue to go back and forth with this guy, he’s clearly got his mind made up and thinks he knows what he’s talking about when he’s spewing pure nonsense.

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.
This guy doesn’t want help. He just wants you to agree with everything he believes even though his level of knowledge is insanely low. He’s not trying to learn anything new he just wants to hear people confirm his own bias, which is rooted in absolutely nothing but bro science and misinformation.

Im finding it to be quite obnoxious. I don’t see any reason to continue to go back and forth with this guy, he’s clearly got his mind made up and thinks he knows what he’s talking about when he’s spewing pure nonsense.

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.

Maybe it's the age brother. Reminds me many of my relatives..if they have something stuck in their mind, you won't change it no matter what. It's one of the things i'm afraid to become when (if) i get older.
I completely disagree on Deca. It has very low side effects, unlike test. I'm starting him on a good, not too high-dose cycle of Deca and Sust. He will make great gains on that without major side effects.
Again, you can disagree all you want, but you do not have the knowledge or the experience to formulate a valid opinion.

its test only for a first cycle for a reason.
You are doing your friend a disservice by offering him advice that you arent qualified to make.

if you really want to help your friend, listen to what every single person here, who is more experienced and more informed than you are saying.
This guy doesn’t want help. He just wants you to agree with everything he believes even though his level of knowledge is insanely low. He’s not trying to learn anything new he just wants to hear people confirm his own bias, which is rooted in absolutely nothing but bro science and misinformation.

Im finding it to be quite obnoxious. I don’t see any reason to continue to go back and forth with this guy, he’s clearly got his mind made up and thinks he knows what he’s talking about when he’s spewing pure nonsense.

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.

BS. I came here genuinely looking for a drug to pair with Deca. Instead, I got a lot of insults like this. I found the advice I needed elsewhere, and my friend is ready to start Deca and Sust. Had someone here actually recommended a good combo with Deca, I would’ve loved that.
BS. I came here genuinely looking for a drug to pair with Deca. Instead, I got a lot of insults like this. I found the advice I needed elsewhere, and my friend is ready to start Deca and Sust. Had someone here actually recommended a good combo with Deca, I would’ve loved that.

You keep not understanding the fact that no one here said deca it's a bad or worthless compound, it's just doesn't fit the purpose. He can use it afterwards.. Also in the end because your friend is going to do this anyways, it's not advisable by anyone to start a first cycle with 2 compounds. As you see no one suggested test and primo, or eq or whatever. Tell him to keep deca on hand, run a sust first cycle, monitor the progress and if any potential side effects and in his next cycle he can add the deca to a sust base. Now if he gets a crazy bp or water retention, or depression, or ed..who's to blame?
BS. I came here genuinely looking for a drug to pair with Deca. Instead, I got a lot of insults like this. I found the advice I needed elsewhere, and my friend is ready to start Deca and Sust. Had someone here actually recommended a good combo with Deca, I would’ve loved that.
So go take yourself elsewhere. Anyone that gives multiple compound advice to a first time gear user knows as much as you do. Sust is great for a first cycle...Sust and Deca is not...lots of us have ran a test/deca combo it's just not for first time users

Anyway this thread is pointless.
So go take yourself elsewhere. Anyone that gives multiple compound advice to a first time gear user knows as much as you do. Sust is great for a first cycle...Sust and Deca is not...lots of us have ran a test/deca combo it's just not for first time users

Anyway this thread is pointless.

I see no reason why a Deca/Sust cycle is bad. Deca was great for me and will be for him.