First cycle - best combo with nandrolone?

So you are stupid, your friend that gave you that cycle originally is stupid, and your friend that you are helping now is stupid to get help from you. Lots of stupid in your circles.

So all my many friends who did Deca were also "stupid"? No - we knew a good anabolic when we saw one. Again, my experience on two cycles of Deca was great. It was the cyp that was horrible.
So all my many friends who did Deca were also "stupid"? No - we knew a good anabolic when we saw one. Again, my experience on two cycles of Deca was great. It was the cyp that was horrible.
Jesus Christ you're a brain dead fuck. You can leave now - you won't gain anything of value here because you're too hard headed.
And my e2 levels were also responsible for my extreme aggression and rage? I doubt it. I'm not buying all the Deca-bashing here. It's a great drug, especially in combo with a test like Sust.
Nobody is bashing deca. They are saying testosterone (with e2 levels in check) is safer with less side effects. You are probably an easy aromatizer and should have gotten your e2 checked or taken an ai.

Since you are definitely going to give him nandrolone instead of test only, can I suggest going with NPP instead of deca? It is the same compound but a shorter half life so if he has issues he can lower the dose or remove it quicker than deca.
I never said your dose was excessive. I said uncontrolled e2 will cause those exact symptoms.

Many, many men on 200mg/week of test c require an aromatase inhibitor to control their e2. Many men require changing their dosing schedule to prevent side effects -- I'm fine without an AI on 200 if I inject 3 days per week. If I inject every 3.5 days, I need an AI.

Sustanon carries the same side effect profile as test cyp. Esters do NOT change the mechanism of action of the hormone, or their side effect profile. Esterization controls the rate of release into the body, allowing for longer or shorter injection intervals. Sustanon is a combination of four esters intended to balance long injection intervals with minimizing peaks and valleys in testosterone values.
High e2 levels had nothing to do with the aggression I experienced.
And my e2 levels were also responsible for my extreme aggression and rage? I doubt it.
dude literally just fuck off. You are so brain dead it’s honestly an incredible phenomenon I’m witnessing watching someone who is so fucking clueless about every single aspect of using hormones, yet thinks they know so much.

Please just leave, go give your friend whatever advice you want, and cross your fingers that it works out for him.

You are incredibly insufferable and act like a child.
dude literally just fuck off. You are so brain dead it’s honestly an incredible phenomenon I’m witnessing watching someone who is so fucking clueless about every single aspect of using hormones, yet thinks they know so much.

Please just leave, go give your friend whatever advice you want, and cross your fingers that it works out for him.

You are incredibly insufferable and act like a child.
I'm happy to end this - just stop posting. The children here are the "destroyers" who think they know everything about a complete stranger. Typical toxic gym culture.
I have my lived experience, and advice from friends who are experts. Much better than the culture here.
You don’t even have a fucking clue what your own experience was. You even said yourself you didn’t measure your estrogen levels, so how would you know if they were out of range or possibly causing some side effects.

You don’t.

You’re just making shit up in your head and then stating it as fact.

refer your friend to a trt clinic or doctor and just fuck off.
This was in the early 90s, so no one I knew was checking e2 levels.

High e2 levels had nothing to do with the aggression I experienced.

How do you know that if you don't know what your e2 levels were?

How do you know that if you don't know what your e2 levels were?

He doesn't care about your silly facts! He ran 3 cycles 35 years ago and as a result he knows everything there is to know.
Because my first cycle was nandrolone and I had big gains with absolutely no side effects, which he really wants to avoid.
If your first cycle was nandrolone, why not have your “friend” run same thing since it worked so well for you
Then why the fuck are you here asking for advice. Go to your retard friends for advice. I'm sure they can take a minute away from posting on reddit to help you out.
I asked for advice before I was able to contact him. Rather than answering my question, I got immediately attacked. What a toxic group.