First cycle cyp/Decca what pct is best option.


New Member
I'm doing my first cycle.
Test Cypionate 500mg/week 1-12
Decca 400mg/week 1-10

Confused on all the contradicting info out there on PCT. Had a few questions.
1. Should I use Arimidex or not? If so when?
2. Can I use Nolva alone and what length of time/ dose is sufficient?

I'm 6'2, 230lbs

I'm doing my first cycle.
Test Cypionate 500mg/week 1-12
Decca 400mg/week 1-10

Confused on all the contradicting info out there on PCT. Had a few questions.
1. Should I use Arimidex or not? If so when?
2. Can I use Nolva alone and what length of time/ dose is sufficient?

I'm 6'2, 230lbs

I'd cut the deca, and no adex on PCT. Look into Scally's power PCT, that's your best bet. Also, HCG on cycle would be nice.
IMO it's just unnecessary for a first cycle. I'd like you to familiarize yourself with test first. Deca can come into play next cycle if this goes well, no need to over complicate, trust me.
To be honest I think your right. I can sit on the Decca until next cycle. This shit is already confusing enough. Thanks for the input and time! Appreciate it.
To be honest I think your right. I can sit on the Decca until next cycle. This shit is already confusing enough. Thanks for the input and time! Appreciate it.
No need to confuse or complicate things man. If you don't experiment slowly than you never know what's doing what.
Use your adex on cycle if you get some itchy nips or blood work shows a need.
I'd cut the deca, and no adex on PCT. Look into Scally's power PCT, that's your best bet. Also, HCG on cycle would be nice.

Fella PLEASE familiarize yourself with Meso's home page and delay this cycle until you have expanded your fund of knowledge.

BECAUSE at the most ONLY one SERM IF THAT is needed for someone your age (and I doubt your 26) especially if you do as WP suggested and run TT alone.

In addition an AI is also probably not required at that TT dose but probably will be IF you add Deca

FINALLY for Gods sake obtain PRE-CYCLE labs to include at least a: TT, E-2 AND an LH level
Fella PLEASE familiarize yourself with Meso's home page and delay this cycle until you have expanded your fund of knowledge.

BECAUSE at the most ONLY one SERM IF THAT is needed for someone your age (and I doubt your 26) especially if you do as WP suggested and run TT alone.

In addition an AI is also probably not required at that TT dose but probably will be IF you add Deca

FINALLY for Gods sake obtain PRE-CYCLE labs to include at least a: TT, E-2 AND an LH level
TT was 542, E-2 38, LH 7.3
Also I have read tons and got nothing but contradicting information. I figured I need the Adex if I ran the Decca but several said no way don't bother as long as you keep you test mg higher than the Decca dose which really made no sense to me, I figured I would ask. And I'm 36.
I would recommend using an ai for sure. And whoever said u dont need an ai as long as your deca is lower than your test, dont take any advice from them as its obvious they have no idea what their talking about. I developed gyno on 200mg test and 200mg deca per week so there goes that theory. At 500mg test per week alot of guys dont need an ai so if u dont want to use one then dont!!! But keep them on hand in case your one of the guys that converts test to estro a bit more then some. Also deca is a tough recovery compared to test so if i were giving you advice , i would say do the test only cycle and save the deca for when you know a little more how your gonna respond" sides" wise to these compounds.
Good luck with your first cycle!!
I would recommend using an ai for sure. And whoever said u dont need an ai as long as your deca is lower than your test, dont take any advice from them as its obvious they have no idea what their talking about.

I developed gyno on 200mg test and 200mg deca per week so there goes that theory.

At 500mg test per week alot of guys dont need an ai so if u dont want to use one then dont!!! But keep them on hand in case your one of the guys that converts test to estro a bit more then some. Also deca is a tough recovery compared to test so if i were giving you advice , i would say do the test only cycle and save the deca for when you know a little more how your gonna respond" sides" wise to these compounds.
Good luck with your first cycle!!

While the notion an AI is only needed if one cycles Nandrolone at a dosage higher than TT is utter nonsense, the primary reason folk develop GCM (in this instance, exclusive of the fact both TT and Nandrolone raise E-2 levels in a dose related manner) is they are predisposed bc of the presence of estrogen dependent breast tissue.

To that end if there is a reason to recommend TT alone cycle as the FIRST that's certainly an excellent one bc TT aromatizes and even minor elevations in E-2 may be sufficient for cyclists to know if they are predisposed to GCM. This is also THE reason a SERM and an AI should be in your possession BEFORE running AAS.

Alternatively most mates don't need either an AI or a SERM bc they DONT HAVE estrogen dependent breast tissue.

The absolute percent of those that do have such tissue is largely unknown (meaning it has not been adequately studied) but seems to hover around the 30 percentile range based on retrospective studies, which correlates with my experience
and that of a few other docs I know who are willing to treat BB.

If such is the case the carte blanche use of SERMS and/or AIs,
is unwarranted in some SEVENTY PERCENT of cyclists, IF the objective is to prevent the onset or progression of GCM.
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