First Cycle Experience

Okay, so turns out my enclo was prob real, this is my Test/Free Test/LH/FSH right after finishing pct, I hadn’t taken the Balkan Clomid yet.


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About 14 weeks deep into my cycle, my PCT source is taking way too long to get here so I lowered my test dose to 200 mgs/week for the meantime.

Blood pressure is 120/80 still, it was way elevated on the Dbol which I took for 4 weeks. After stopping the dbol I upped the test to 400 mgs per week and then 500 4 weeks after that.

Planning on getting a full panel bloodwork soon..

Weight gain: Currently 185 at a similar bodyfat percentage as before. Strength is consistently increasing. Went from a 185lb bench to 2 plates. Happy asf about that.
What was your bp on dbol?
Wasn’t perfect but on avg 130/80. Returned to 120/80 on just test. My bp was much worse when splitting my dose throughout the day, I felt a lot better taking it all Pwo.
Yeah that’s what mines looking like. Trying to get it lower with lisinopril currently.

i just take my orals once a day. My preference lol
Yeah that’s what mines looking like. Trying to get it lower with lisinopril currently.

i just take my orals once a day. My preference lol
Yea if i ever used anadrol during a cut i would split it up because split dosage fucks your appetite more than once. Prob worse for my liver but makes the diet easier lol
Friend you didn't experience low test sympthoms? Like a depression, excessive slepness...
I want run a cycle but i'm doubt about SARM or test e... My concern it's about the shut down of HTPA in test e be more slowly and i lose more part of gains
Friend you didn't experience low test sympthoms? Like a depression, excessive slepness...
I want run a cycle but i'm doubt about SARM or test e... My concern it's about the shut down of HTPA in test e be more slowly and i lose more part of gains
If you want to minimize down-time,
you can switch to prop for the last few weeks so that you can start the pct in less than a week. And I had a little less energy but it wasn’t for long enough to lose gains or anything. As long as you’re eating right and training hard you’ll be able to keep most of your gains.
If you want to minimize down-time,
you can switch to prop for the last few weeks so that you can start the pct in less than a week. And I had a little less energy but it wasn’t for long enough to lose gains or anything. As long as you’re eating right and training hard you’ll be able to keep most of your gains.
Tks for your reply my friend!
The inconvenient of prop is the frequenccy of needles and how many weeks you think the minimum for good gains? maybe a fpp it's a better choice.. I will think about that
So your TPC protocol was :
4 weeks of nolva
4 weeks of clomid
?- ? HCG in how many dose?

i doesn't have a cold local for store the HCG so i'm thinking pin 5000ui post cycle for sinalyzing the jewels and start the SERMS protocol...
Tks for your reply my friend!
The inconvenient of prop is the frequenccy of needles and how many weeks you think the minimum for good gains? maybe a fpp it's a better choice.. I will think about that
So your TPC protocol was :
4 weeks of nolva
4 weeks of clomid
?- ? HCG in how many dose?

i doesn't have a cold local for store the HCG so i'm thinking pin 5000ui post cycle for sinalyzing the jewels and start the SERMS protocol...
i was fine EOD prop, and HCG was every other day, 1500 iu, 1500 iu, 750 iu, 750 iu, 250 iu, 250 iu