First Cycle - First Log.


New Member
Wanted to share my experience with first Var cycle, hopefully you'll enjoy!

Just for the record - I am 34 years old and have been doing a lot of different workouts/training the passed 8 years - mostly heavy strengthtraining, but also - running halfmarathons, been doing a lot og HIIT, spinning and crossfit as-well.
- I did never really think roids as anything, before researching and got curious and well, now I'm here and in it!

Cycle (5 weeks):
5mg/day Anavar first week - increased to 10mg/day last 4 weeks and then 4 weeks off (pretty standard, as I can read).
If all goes well, I plan to get another cycle after 5 weeks off.

My stats:
Height: 167cm // 5ft 5.75
Weight: 66kg // 145.5 pounds
Nutrition: 1620kcal p30%/c50%/f20% - no cheatmeals.
Nutrients: 2000mg omega3 fishoil, 1x multitab, extra B/C/D and Calcium in the morning. 1000mg omega3 fishoil with my PM dosis, 1 tab of electrolyte (containing caffeine) with 3-5g creatine.
Water: 3L/day
Training: 4 workouts/week + 1h cardio, +10.000 steps everyday. I do push/pull with legs both days and if I push 5th training in, I do FB or legs.

Stats on bloodwork, I was able to collect:

Vitamin B12: 598 pmol/L (range: 150-600 pmol/L)**
(IFCC);Hb(B): 35 mmol/mol (range: 31-44 mmol/mol)**
Glucose: 5.9mmol/L (range: 5.4-7.3 mmol/L)**
TSH: 1,1x10^-3 IU/L (range: 0.30-4.5)**
B-Haemoglobin(Fe); 7mmol/L (range: 7.3-9.5)
E2: 0,07 nmol/L
Test: 0,6 nmol/L (range: <1.9)
Free-test: 0,0119nmol/L (range: 0.0030-0.0260)
SHBG: 31nmol/L (range: 30-135)
DHEAS: 6120 nmol/L (range: 2680-9230)

**these numbers are from 4 days into my Var cycle.

Week 1: (It' did pass already - week 2 is up).
(I take my dosis on empty stomach, so at least 4h after last meal - with caffeine).

Headages was coming and going - nothing that couln't be tolerated, but it was definitly annoying. I "suffered" from lethargy everyday, but my workouts was definitly on point I had a lot of excess energy to execute my lifts and was very happy and super satisfied too. Awfully thirsty. Felt strong and didn't really experience "bad" pumps, but they were definitly there. I kinda felt how my blood was pumping through my veins. Also, I can't really figure if it's the Var that causes my bad temper or me getting my period a few days into my cycle (cont.)

Week 2:
(I still take my dosis on empty stomach - found out taking it with Omega-3 capsules, works very good). Doesn't get immediatly headage anymore.

Weight: No changes.

Decided to increase my dosis, since I didn't have any real bad sides - if you don't take the lethargy into account (which isn't that bad, I'll cope with time). So I'm up to 2x 5mg/day which I take am/pm. I did also buy a pill-cutter, since it makes my life much easier, when I have to split my tablets. Still have moodswings - but I guess it's a part of it. No other changes. I feel my muscles tightens up - I do get some musclecramps at night, when my body relaxes (ideas?). Luckily NO insomnia, I still sleep like a charm. Still really happy with my results - I feel the Var stalls my hunger/crawings I normally would deal with - still very thirsty. So I decided to start with electrolytes again, to keep my salt balance checked and hopefully to prevent further musclecramps.

Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
My wife doesn’t really “feel” any differences in strength until over two weeks in. Maybe your feelings are placebo being that you are only just ending your second week? I do understand that everyone is different. It was similar in her very first run as well. I probably would have stayed at the 5mg dose for at least another week into your run and then assess from there. Basically to give your body more time to adjust to the hormonal changes.

There were a lot of female members on here that were very helpful, well versed, and experienced but it seems though that as of late they have not posted in a while. A lot of their older logs were helpful for my wife in the past.

I hope your run goes smooth and you crush whatever your goals are.

If you get no help here on the forum for whatever issues you may potentially face teamevilGSP and John Jewett put out some great and informative content.
My wife doesn’t really “feel” any differences in strength until over two weeks in. Maybe your feelings are placebo being that you are only just ending your second week? I do understand that everyone is different. It was similar in her very first run as well. I probably would have stayed at the 5mg dose for at least another week into your run and then assess from there. Basically to give your body more time to adjust to the hormonal changes.

There were a lot of female members on here that were very helpful, well versed, and experienced but it seems though that as of late they have not posted in a while. A lot of their older logs were helpful for my wife in the past.

I hope your run goes smooth and you crush whatever your goals are.

If you get no help here on the forum for whatever issues you may potentially face teamevilGSP and John Jewett put out some great and informative content.
I was actually thinking that it could be placebo, but I do feel a difference in my body, like “something is going on”. So maybe a mix of both?

I was inspired to make this log from the other women who posted here previously, so I maybe some of them was around still.

Thanks for the advice with informative content about it. I’ll definitely check it out.
Week 3: (For some reason I can't edit my post. Just gonna keep my updates seperately then).

Weight: I gained 800g (I got my period - definitly the reason)

I am almost on the end of week 3. Last week I increased my dosis to 10mg/day which was a lot better on sides that I imagined. My first week of 5mg was very hard with headages and lethargy - I'm over both sides and I am feeling great! I sleep through the nights, still taking my dosis split am/pm, not as thirsthy either. But still drinking ½ gallon a day.
- I dropped 110 calories in my daily calory intake also. So I am now eating 1490 calories a day, still same macrosplit. Gonna keep the weightloss grind until I hit 59-60kgs (130-132lbs) - then I'm gonna build some mass afterwards. Nevertheless - week 3 is so far, so good. High energy levels, hitting my workouts on point and are increasing strength also.

(Gonna post psychique when I end my first cycle).

Nutrients: I ordered taurin 1000mg and TUDCA for optimal restitution and protection.
Alright, week 4 went a little faster for me than expected (week 8 is vacation week in Denmark, so). This week is writting in passed-time, since week 4 of cycle is over.

Weight: 67,3kg - so gained some weight. Even that anarvar is supposed to "dry you out" I actually think I retain som water from my heavy training passes. I have increased my strenght notabel and I really love it! The before and after pictures is talking - I have one week left on my cycle. Stay tuned for the pictures (I will upload them next week).

I increased my dosis with another 5mg. So I ended up having one week with 15mg/daily - 10mg/am and another 5mg/pm. Had some sides, headages was back and heavy heatbeats. Got over them after a couple of days and I am fine yet again. I will go back down to 10mg on week 5.
Turbolent days - totally forgot to post my B/A pictures during my first cycle of Anavar. Defo not the last. Gonna "deload" now and then go again in a few weeks. Thanks to all of you who actually took time off to read all this. I am very inspired by all of your journeys and it gives something, that people actually want to participate in mine as-well! Thanks!


Pictures are taken during my 5 weeks of anavar. I had 2 "cheat-days" or else I followed my diet with 1490-1600 calories, 3-5 workouts per week - and 10.000 steps each day. There's 2kgs difference on the pictures (lost).

I increased an insane amount of load in the gym, but I also started from scratch, with almost no workouts the passed year.

Previous PR's: (1RIR)

Squats: 8x80kgs
DB DL: 8x60kgs (30kg DB each hand)
Legextension: 8x60kgs
BB BP: 2x60kgs
DB incline BP: 8x20kgs
Lat PD: 10x50kgs

I'm very happy with whatever I gained. My cycle did definitly do something for me!


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I am very happy with the results too - but theres still a long way where I want to be - but one step at a time, right? Also, this was just my first cycle, wanted to see if I managed to actually could keep logging.
Exactly! With that mentality and the progress you made already I’m sure you’ll get there. You should definitely keep logging it’s exciting to see people’s hard work get them closer to their goals and a lot of people can learn from it as well.