First cycle please help


New Member
just need a bit of advice. I have tren ace and sus 450. All the research I've done leads me to believe that tren is way too intense for my first cycle. So I was thinking about just starting with a low dose sus cycle. Possibly .5 cc per week... Because of the esters inject twice a week or will once suffice?? Was thinking 12 weeks at .5 will be easy enough on my body. Is that even worth it??? Is that too much. I'm
Not trying to get crazy just want to cut some fat, lean out, and shape a bit more. Also do i need hcg and pct with a low dose when I'm done??) any advice would really help me. Or should I just scrap the idea all together???
Cutting fat would be more related to your diet than doing a cycle of test. Have you ever seen power lifters? A lot of them are on a ton of gear and they are usually fat.
Cutting fat would be more related to your diet than doing a cycle of test. Have you ever seen power lifters? A lot of them are on a ton of gear and they are usually fat.
Man I hate how everyone who isn't on gear thinks that they will just get shredded and loose fat by taking some..
Oh u sure as hell will get shredded and loose fat depending on your stack. I've done both. All depends on diet and training changes

The MOA of AAS is to build muscle they do NOT "cut the fat" from a metabolic perspective per say. (The indirect benefit of building muscle is an increase in ones BMR which does burn more calories however)

It's one of the largest misconceptions on AAS forums, and no "stack" will change that fact.

However bc certain AAS or ancillaries may result in a reduction total body water, many still believe they have "cut fat"!

The truth of the matter has not changed in decades, cutting fat can only be achieved, on an absolute basis, thru exercise and dietary modifications.
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The MOA of AAS is to build muscle they do NOT "cut the fat" from a metabolic perspective per say. (The indirect benefit of building muscle is an increase in ones BMR which does burn more calories however)

It's one of the largest misconceptions on AAS forums, and no "stack" will change that fact.

However bc certain AAS or ancillaries may result in a reduction total body water, many still believe they have "cut fat"!

The truth of the matter has not changed in decades, cutting fat can only be achieved, on an absolute basis, thru exercise and dietary modifications.

Nice vocabulary and well put argument but considering you don't know that your metabolic perspective, lmao, is talking out your ass. You should consider not regurgitating everything false you find on the Internet. Trenbolone and testosterone aid in fat loss. Studies prove this theory unlike that of your ass crack growing a mouth. I went from 16%bf to 10%bf in 4 weeks on tren. Of course with the correct diet needed. As I said before. But loosing 6% bf within 4 weeks is impossible without a fat loss aid. Cycle results are different for everyone, but the misconception you have developed needs to talk to my gut and any other man that has cut weight faster thanks to AAS. Not a 13 year old kid that does too much research and believes the uncredited sources.
Thanks Jim that was my point exactly. Art you might want to take a look at who you are talking to, he has been around a long time, and you are dead wrong. AAS absolutely DO NOT burn fat. They can preserve your muscle while you eat at a deficit and get shredded, but the steroid itself is not burning fat.
Putting words in my mouth. Yes AAS doesn't burn fat, you won't sit around and loose weight that is one of the biggest misconceptions you are correct. However AAS does aid in fat loss. You have to put in time, diet, and training though, and your results with be great.
Nice vocabulary and well put argument but considering you don't know that your metabolic perspective, lmao, is talking out your ass. You should consider not regurgitating everything false you find on the Internet. Trenbolone and testosterone aid in fat loss. Studies prove this theory unlike that of your ass crack growing a mouth. I went from 16%bf to 10%bf in 4 weeks on tren. Of course with the correct diet needed. As I said before. But loosing 6% bf within 4 weeks is impossible without a fat loss aid. Cycle results are different for everyone, but the misconception you have developed needs to talk to my gut and any other man that has cut weight faster thanks to AAS. Not a 13 year old kid that does too much research and believes the uncredited sources.

Really what studies show that AAS TREN or otherwise "cut fat"? And how about the metabolic mechanism by which this is proven to occur. Let's see MUSCLE must prefer FAT as an energy source over glycogen, glucose or perhaps it's a "brown fat" thing, LMAO CLOWN.

Spend a little more time on bro science boards where you can impress others with that which is unproven or false!

So every time someone uses AAS and "weight is lost" the bro boys come to the conclusion AAS cut fat!

Right, feel better as you now qualify for the Jerry Springer show!
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Putting words in my mouth. Yes AAS doesn't burn fat, you won't sit around and loose weight that is one of the biggest misconceptions you are correct. However AAS does aid in fat loss. You have to put in time, diet, and training though, and your results with be great.

Great let's see these studies you so willingly cite that AAS aid or enhance fat loss!

Go for it before your foot "finds the crack in your ASS"
Really what studies show that AAS TREN or otherwise "cut fat"? And how about the metabolic mechanism by which this is proven to occur. Let's see MUSCLE must prefer FAT as an energy source over glycogen, glucose or perhaps it's a "brown fat" thing, LMAO CLOWN.

Spend a little more time on bro science boards where you can impress others with that which is unproven or false!

So every time someone uses AAS and "weight is lost" the bro boys come to the conclusion AAS cut fat!

Right, feel better as you now qualify for the Jerry Springer show!
Doc, you are definitely right. However, tren is anti-catabolic from what I know. I think people correlate that with fat loss as tren is mostly used with a cut diet, routine and drug regimen. To me, that's where tren shines as it spares the muscle and allows the other processes to eliminate the fat.

Am I correct?

I do believe tren speeds up your metabolism, but I have no science to prove it, just a personal feeling/hunch.
There is no doubt all AAS have one thing in common, they enhance protein synthesis. Its for this reason they are classified as ANABOLIC HORMONES. Another advantageous metabolic effect of AAS is they bind GCC receptors. The net benefit is synergistic bc GCC exhibit a catabolic effect on protein synthesis.

However while GCC inhibit AA and glucose uptake they also enhance lipolysis in adipose tissue. Now what the latter means is, when a mate uses AAS and the GCC receptor becomes bound and less effective, LESS adipose tissue FAT is available to fulfill metabolic needs.

Another, perhaps less important, benefit of reduced GCC receptor activity is an overall reduction of TBW, as GCC enhance sodium and water resorption in the renal tubule.

Want a "source" try any basic HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY TEXT
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Great let's see these studies you so willingly cite that AAS aid or enhance fat loss!

Go for it before your foot "finds the crack in your ASS"

"testosterone was recently found to be effective for fat loss in young men even in small doses. One recent study showed that men given only 100 milligrams per week of testosterone enanthate lost an average of six percent of their bodyfat after eight weeks.(6) 100 mg per week is generally considered a very low dose by bodybuilding standards. Most impressive about this study was that the result was obtained in young, normal healthy men (aged 18 to 45), not obese or testosterone deficient. Most of the studies showing positive effects with hormone replacement therapy are on subjects who are obese or hormone deficient – i.e. the very subjects most likely to respond. While the amount of muscle gain reported in this study was not reported (it is still just in abstract form), another study showed 100 mg per week of testosterone enanthate was not anabolic.(7) It appears that testosterone has a strong mechanism for fat loss other than increased metabolic rate from increased muscle. Considering how much cheaper testosterone is than growth hormone, it may well be the cost-effective choice for burning fat even if it is slightly less effective overall."

Anawalt, BD, et al. testosterone administration to normal men decreases truncal and total body fat . Presented at 1999 Endrocrine Society conference, San Diego, California
Your basically saying AAS doesn't help in any way to loose fat. Boy u tickle the hairs in my crack;) some people are just too ignorant to debate with. I agreed with you but on the contrary you are not proposing a buck load of true information.

AAS doesn't burn fat.. But sure as hell helps many people to loose fat. Maybe you should try it yourself.
idiot ,,,

Your basically saying AAS doesn't help in any way to loose fat. Boy u tickle the hairs in my crack;) some people are just too ignorant to debate with. I agreed with you but on the contrary you are not proposing a buck load of true information.

AAS doesn't burn fat.. But sure as hell helps many people to loose fat. Maybe you should try it yourself.
The MOA of AAS is to build muscle they do NOT "cut the fat" from a metabolic perspective per say. (The indirect benefit of building muscle is an increase in ones BMR which does burn more calories however)

I made this statement in my first post on the subject, but pseudo-Arnie did not, or could not understand its significance as some of the calories from an enhanced BMR would come from FAT!

Your basically saying AAS doesn't help in any way to loose fat. Boy u tickle the hairs in my crack;) some people are just too ignorant to debate with.
AAS doesn't burn fat.. But sure as hell helps many people to loose fat. Maybe you should try it yourself.

Some people can't read or understand ENGLISH!