First cycle - test c and primo

Already GM so no point. Looks like I'm ditching this cycle at this point whatever I got definitely isn't primo.

Past week I have about 40mg of test injected and everything else has been the 'primo' still developing active swelling in the tits so at this point I'm sure what they sent me wasn't primo. I tried to contact them to ask if it's possible I got sent something else, they couldn't clarify or didnt want to. At this point I got so much I might send it off at some point just to know what I do have. The unfortunate part is that I'm feeling fantastic other than the tits, veins popping lifts were just now starting to take off a bit. I really hope I haven't just injected like a gram of test for over a week or something.

Oh well. Live and learn. Next time I'll have AI ready to go as well
Already GM so no point. Looks like I'm ditching this cycle at this point whatever I got definitely isn't primo.

Past week I have about 40mg of test injected and everything else has been the 'primo' still developing active swelling in the tits so at this point I'm sure what they sent me wasn't primo. I tried to contact them to ask if it's possible I got sent something else, they couldn't clarify or didnt want to. At this point I got so much I might send it off at some point just to know what I do have. The unfortunate part is that I'm feeling fantastic other than the tits, veins popping lifts were just now starting to take off a bit. I really hope I haven't just injected like a gram of test for over a week or something.

Oh well. Live and learn. Next time I'll have AI ready to go as well
Who was your source?

Jesus... No AI on hand?
Who was your source?

Jesus... No AI on hand?
Yeah no AI on hand, this is honestly just a stupid newbie mistake on my end. From all the logs I've read and bloodwork I've seen on primo and anecdotes about primo I thought an AI wouldn't be a necessity. My thought was why take more drugs than necessary but now I see I should have had some ready just in case.
It didnt work well for me. I chased fixing my libido and refused to back down off the primo.

I started learning it was ok to pull doses back during my cruise and can still see plenty of benefits.

If I could redo it with my knowledge now(on how it affects me). I would do 300 test and 300 mast.
Why mast over primo? Out of curiosity.
Who was your source?

Jesus... No AI on hand?
Based on the “at this point I got so much of it”, he might have went with QSC and be sitting on a whole kit. While primo from them appears to test well, lack of labeling is bound to cause mixups every once in a while.

OP, if your source isn’t willing or able to clarify what’s going on, why not share here in your thread who it is? You’re not putting them on blast in their own thread (if they have one and source here). Good for others to be aware of when considering sources.

Side note, AI is inexpensive, especially compared to primo, so stock up. I see your logic with the primo though, and for many, it definitely acts as an AI. Out of curiosity, what’s your body fat percentage?
Based on the “at this point I got so much of it”, he might have went with QSC and be sitting on a whole kit. While primo from them appears to test well, lack of labeling is bound to cause mixups every once in a while.

OP, if your source isn’t willing or able to clarify what’s going on, why not share here in your thread who it is? You’re not putting them on blast in their own thread (if they have one and source here). Good for others to be aware of when considering sources.

Side note, AI is inexpensive, especially compared to primo, so stock up. I see your logic with the primo though, and for many, it definitely acts as an AI. Out of curiosity, what’s your body fat percentage?
Good catch! I did not need an ai with primo when i was lean now that im fat again i need a small dose of ai( half what i needed without the primo)
Getting bloodwork today as today will be 48 hours since last inject. Once I see the bloodwork and can confirm what I'm feeling then I'll say, i wont just throw shade without having at least some confirmation. Ill say this. They didn't have a problem saying what color top the test c had but seemed more cagey about the color of the other saying that if the other thing I ordered was primo then it was primo. I was just asking them if there was a possibility it was something else and a mixup happened mainly because I want to know what I'm using.
Getting bloodwork today as today will be 48 hours since last inject. Once I see the bloodwork and can confirm what I'm feeling then I'll say, i wont just throw shade without having at least some confirmation. Ill say this. They didn't have a problem saying what color top the test c had but seemed more cagey about the color of the other saying that if the other thing I ordered was primo then it was primo. I was just asking them if there was a possibility it was something else and a mixup happened mainly because I want to know what I'm using.
I thought they said the color tops dont matter?
Maybe they don't. I asked if there was anyway for me to tell one way or the other and I said the color tops, they specifically said one of the colors was test c. I'm pretty sure I had everything labeled correctly when I took them out.
Based on the “at this point I got so much of it”, he might have went with QSC and be sitting on a whole kit. While primo from them appears to test well, lack of labeling is bound to cause mixups every once in a while.

OP, if your source isn’t willing or able to clarify what’s going on, why not share here in your thread who it is? You’re not putting them on blast in their own thread (if they have one and source here). Good for others to be aware of when considering sources.

Side note, AI is inexpensive, especially compared to primo, so stock up. I see your logic with the primo though, and for many, it definitely acts as an AI. Out of curiosity, what’s your body fat percentage?
I won't even venture a guess on bodyfat % because I haven't specifically tested it. I do have visible abs and my stomach is where I hold pretty all my fat stores. I wouldn't guess too much higher than 15%. 48 hours since last inj nips been holding at the same level.
Well now I'm more confused than anything. Okay, so prior to this bloodwork, 2 days after last dose of primo for ~58mg. And 4 days since my last dose test for 20mg (40mg total in whole week before the bloodwork) and nips were feeling spicy as hell. Screenshot_20220914-170555_Drive.jpg
300-400 primo doesn't do shit for me. Maybe I need a higher dose. Got better reults off 400 test 50 anavar or 500 test with 50 anavar 50 winny stack. Best cycle so far for me was 700 test. I do wanna try mast soon.
Maybe it's all in your head OP
Definitely not, I probably should've also had my prolactin levels checked when i did bloodwork. Unknown why progesterone would be so high, which tends to spike with nandrolone and shit.

Nonetheless, got a scrip for adex in the future and raloxifene to shrink the build up I had in the last few weeks as they're no longer sore but they are without a doubt larger than they were. At least in the future this won't be an issue. Live and learn. Didn't lose too much in the process and learned a lesson.
Your first cycle should be test only. You don't know how your body will react to e2 yet. I suggest you learn to dial in your e2 first on a 500mg/week test blast.

Remember this is not a race it's a marathon and gains don't happen overnight.
Just thought I'd post an update.

Finished a 16 week cycle 2 months ago, 250mg primo a week, 250mg test and 100mg of NPP on top. Had excellent gains, though I had some shit sleep during a decent portion because I had longer work hours and I didn't always prioritize sleep as much as I should. But I kept drinking to a minimum and focused on my food intake.

This cycle was definitely successful for me, definitely not as heavy dosages as some but I had minimal side effects if any really, as a matter of fact I don't think I could have kept up my work schedule and exercise regiment without it, recovery was great all things considered.

Weight went from 211 lbs to 237 lbs over the course of cycle, a little bit of fat but mostly stayed where I was at bodyfat wise. Post cycle bloodwork a month after showed my ldl was a tad high but hdl was still good.

Currently working on a small cut on my trt trimming down before I start things up again. Strength is sliding down a tad but that's par for the course on a cut.

Next cycle will hopefully be soon.
Just thought I'd post an update.

Finished a 16 week cycle 2 months ago, 250mg primo a week, 250mg test and 100mg of NPP on top. Had excellent gains, though I had some shit sleep during a decent portion because I had longer work hours and I didn't always prioritize sleep as much as I should. But I kept drinking to a minimum and focused on my food intake.

This cycle was definitely successful for me, definitely not as heavy dosages as some but I had minimal side effects if any really, as a matter of fact I don't think I could have kept up my work schedule and exercise regiment without it, recovery was great all things considered.

Weight went from 211 lbs to 237 lbs over the course of cycle, a little bit of fat but mostly stayed where I was at bodyfat wise. Post cycle bloodwork a month after showed my ldl was a tad high but hdl was still good.

Currently working on a small cut on my trt trimming down before I start things up again. Strength is sliding down a tad but that's par for the course on a cut.

Next cycle will hopefully be soon.
Thanks for the update man. Glad things went well for you.
Me too, I was sweating all the stuff I was getting from this thread. But all in all like I mentioned I learned some lessons without really having too much detriment. I will say I'm excited to get back on again. At the end of the 16 weeks I was ready to be back down at normal levels but now that some time has gone by I'm ready to feel that feeling of being on again.