First cycle Test P and Masteron P advice needed <3


New Member
Hey everyone,

I hope you're all doing well! I'm reaching out because I'm relatively new to the world of fitness and could really use some advice from all you experienced folks out there <3

I'm eager to embark on my very first cycle, and after doing some research, I'm thinking of going with Test P and Mast for about 8 weeks. Specifically, I'm considering 250 mg of Test P + 250 Mast.

A little about me: I'm 30 years old, standing at 183 cm and weighing 96kg. While I've been hitting the gym for about 4 years now, I must confess I haven't been the most consistent with my diet, and my results have been rather disappointing. But I'm determined to finally transform my body and see some tangible progress – shedding some weight and gaining muscle along the way.

I'd truly appreciate any kind advice or insights you all might have on whether this planned cycle is worth it or if there are any adjustments I should consider making. Your support means the world to me!

Thank you all in advance for your guidance!
Hey everyone,

I hope you're all doing well! I'm reaching out because I'm relatively new to the world of fitness and could really use some advice from all you experienced folks out there <3

I'm eager to embark on my very first cycle, and after doing some research, I'm thinking of going with Test P and Mast for about 8 weeks. Specifically, I'm considering 250 mg of Test P + 250 Mast.

A little about me: I'm 30 years old, standing at 183 cm and weighing 96kg. While I've been hitting the gym for about 4 years now, I must confess I haven't been the most consistent with my diet, and my results have been rather disappointing. But I'm determined to finally transform my body and see some tangible progress – shedding some weight and gaining muscle along the way.

I'd truly appreciate any kind advice or insights you all might have on whether this planned cycle is worth it or if there are any adjustments I should consider making. Your support means the world to me!

Thank you all in advance for your guidance!
I am starting very similar cycle. I'm older than thou, but Its helped me hitting mast at a higher dose than the Test Prop. It may have been due to being first cycle, but 1=1 I was angry, zombified and when titties started itching I doubled the Mast P and everything got better and more fun. I need to spring for better needles. Consider that.
brother, get that training and diet at a 100% before pinning
if you value your heath
also, once you get that on point, trust me you will see results
no need to jump to ass right away
keep it up!!
As advice, I would not use steroids until I was close to the natural limit. With diet and intense training you should improve a lot