First Cycle- Usaspetz (anabolix)


New Member
Hey fellas,

Super excited to run my first cycle and share my experiences through this log. I really enjoy reading other guys' and seeing their progress, and hopefully this log will be helpful to someone down the road. I decided to run a 12 week Test Cyp cycle after reading about all of the test E quality issues lately. It probably won't make much of a difference, but I figured I may as well hedge my bets. I ordered from USASpetz after much deliberation. His cyp comes in a concentration of 200mg/ml, so it's kind of annoying not having a nice round number to work with but oh well. His communication and shipping were both on point, and I'll be doing bloods again in about 6 weeks to verify quality. Without further adieu, here are some stats and what the cycle looks like.

24 yo
5'9"/167lbs 175cm/76kg

Pre-Cycle Bloods
bloodwork 8-15-14 pre-page-001.jpg

weeks 1-12
Test Cyp - 500 mg/wk. 250 mg every 3.5 days (sat morning, tues night)
weeks 3-14 aromasin 12.5mg EOD (increase to 12.5mg ED if I seem sensitive to estrogen)
weeks 3-12 HCG - 250iu every 3.5 days
nolva close by if needed

HCG blast phase 500iu ED after last test inject for 10 days
Start pct 4 days after that

2 weeks after last test shot:

Days 1-4 120mg
Days 5-14 90mg
Days 15-21 60mg
Days 22-28 30mg

Clomid 50/50/50/50

I may drop the clomid depending on how I feel, as I've read a lot of people have success with only Torem.
First pin:
Drew with 23ga, shot with 25ga.

I wasn't really nervous about this as I work in the medical field and injections aren't new to me. I decided to go with left delt today, and goddamn is it hard to aspirate like that. I'll definitely shoot tha gloot next time. A little PIP and redness as of 30 minutes later, due to me not being as steady as I should have been during aspiration.
there is alot of debate about using HCG durring your cycle. Care to explain what made you decide to take it during your cycle?
If you can handle Clomids sides, run both together, as the recovery has been proven to be faster this way (well faster with nolva+clomid than with just nolva, I assume this holds true with torem).

Can you comment on what type of training do you plan on using (HIIT, high volume, Brazilian bum bum movies, etc)? What do you plan on eating for your diet? What are your cycle goals (burn fat, mass)?

Also, if you have been lifting this year, put up your "natty" marks (bench, squat, etc), so we can see your progress!

I like that you kept your first cycle to just test, I love seeing test only first cycles, it makes me wet (if I was a woman).
Nice to see someone has knowledge about his cycle and does the real pre-bloodwork.

Now about aspiration, as I have injected and read more, it seems that for delt & glute you don't need it! And it seems better not to aspirate those site to reduce the damage related with movement of aspiration.

I know there are still debate about aspiration, but I have never heard a bad story about not aspiration for these sites. (Also, I have done tons of injection for these site without aspiration and nothing happened so far.)
Can you comment on what type of training do you plan on using (HIIT, high volume, Brazilian bum bum movies, etc)? What do you plan on eating for your diet? What are your cycle goals (burn fat, mass)?

Also, if you have been lifting this year, put up your "natty" marks (bench, squat, etc), so we can see your progress!

I like that you kept your first cycle to just test, I love seeing test only first cycles, it makes me wet (if I was a woman).

Thanks man. I'm running PHAT for the duration of the cycle. I've been bulking for about a month on it thusfar and love the volume. I may add an extra day during the cycle. Diet's going to stick around 3100 cals, 75g fat, 200g protein, 405g carbs. This has been treating me well this month ~1lb gain/week.

My numbers now are 210 bench, 275 high bar, and 315 deadlift. Cycle goals are just to add as much mass and strength as I can which is why I decided to run PHAT. I may do a mini 4 week cut before pct if i get crazy puffy, but I doubt it and plan on bulking through pct to keep as much as possible.
there is alot of debate about using HCG durring your cycle. Care to explain what made you decide to take it during your cycle?

Sure, man. My goal through this process to to add as much mass and strength as possible. But my goal within this is to ensure that my body remains as close to normal outside of those two factors. After researching hcg and whether or not to run it all the way through or just at the end of the cycle (some don't run it at all!) I decided running it all the way is best for my goals.

My reasoning: HCG is cheap, the shot is easy and painless, and by running it from the start- testicular function and size is preserved and the transition to pct is smoother.
2nd pin was no issue. Went with the glute, and have minimal pip the next day. Tempering my expectations for at least another week or so to give the test time to rear its head. But the placebo effect can be a powerful thing. I feel very strong and focused during training: if only because I don't want to waste a single day of this cycle.
pinned the other glute a few days ago, and oddly had even less pip than when i warmed up the vial for the last one.

Back/Shoulders/Traps hypertrophy was tonight (PHAT). I'm definitely noticing marginally more vascularity in the shoulder region, and I had tons of energy tonight. My typical routine on these days is:

(4x8-12 on everything)
db press supersetted with rear flys
yates rows
lat pulldowns ss with lateral raises
cable rows ss with front raises
db shrugs ss with face pulls
SOMETIMES t bar row for like 3 sets, usually too spent

tonight i did t bar 4x12 at the end, 3 drop sets of lateral raises, 3 sets of bent over rows, and 3 sets of snatch grip high pulls and still felt/feel tremendous.
definitely kicking in now. noticing a little acne here and there, nothing major yet. Last night I added 5lbs to my working set on flat bench and did 5x5 easily, after it was a struggle last week.
This is the first real update to the log in my mind.

Tomorrow's going to be pin number 7, which will be the end of my 3rd week. I'm feeling stupendous so far and am running a PPL that's rooted in PHAT, which I had been running for 2 months before starting this cycle, and will be doing again after. It really is a great program, but I'm going to start hitting it 7 days/week. So far recovery has been excellent.

This week I've seen my first sides. Minor shoulder acne, and most notably: soreness in one of my nipples. I started running aro @ 12.5mg EOD last saturday, and noticed the soreness on Wednesday. So the past two days I've upped the aro to ED, and I took 10 mg of nolva wednesday night and tonight as well. This seems to be doing the trick for now, but I am worried my aro is underdosed (yes it's from an RC). I'm only planning on running the nolva for a week if I still need to, being that I'm dosing aro ED. But am marginally worried that I may have to jump ship and get some adex from a more reputable source.

As far as in the gym goes: things have been great. This week I benched my previous max of 210 for a triple after doing 5x5 at 185/190/195/195/195, and tonight I squatted my previous max of 275 for a triple after doing 5x5 @ 245. I'm really hoping to finally hit 315 for a triple on deads. I've had a terrible time getting that number up, but am feeling great about it.

TLDR; First sides have reared their heads, lifts are climbing each session but I'm battling some nip tenderness.
@catsupbot good log...I will keep an eye on this to see your progress. On a side note I am prone to my back breaking out some, but using one of the acne body washes with salicylic acid usually keeps it in check. Just an idea if you see more breakouts.
Still having issues with my AI. I upped the dose to ED- still tenderness in my left nipple, and random hardness. doubled that ED dose from 12.5 to 25mg/day with nolva @10mg/day for the past 5 days and am still experiencing this. I highly doubt I'm so sensitive to estro sides that all of this would be doing nothing. the aro is clearly massively underdosed if not completely bunk. I actually think the nolva is good, as I didn't feel quite as strong today doing legs as I did last time. Unfortunately, I got my torem from the same RC company (MJR), and am probably just going to throw it out. Pretty annoying, but lesson learned.

Planning on switching to adex soon and hope that no real damage is done in the meantime...
put MJR on blast brother that's no bueno. Other members need to know....

Keep it up sounds like you are making good progress
Yeah I'm in the process of typing up something over in their thread. This is a bit of a downer, but I'm reminding myself that this is only week 4 and I'm only now going to be making some real progress. Thanks man.
Yeah I'm in the process of typing up something over in their thread. This is a bit of a downer, but I'm reminding myself that this is only week 4 and I'm only now going to be making some real progress. Thanks man.

It's good to hear spetz seems to becoming through for you I've been a little intrested so all keep eye on this thread.

You could always get some bloods done to be positive on your Ai if you havent already.