First Cycle- Usaspetz (anabolix)

ouch..not terrible but...

Probably close to par for most of these UGL's but doesn't mean its right. I'd say imo you are due for some reimbursement along with your credit for bloods. Could you maybe give us a rough idea when you ordered and a batch number?
My thoughts exactly.. I ordered around early September.

Honestly I expected an even lower number. Like I've said before in the log: I have yet to experience a eureka moment in the gym. I feel solid, and the mirror is confirming decent muscle gain. But, I don't know... I expected a lot more than this.
put MJR on blast brother that's no bueno. Other members need to know....

Keep it up sounds like you are making good progress
So mjr gets put on blast but 50% dosed gear from that fucking faggot spetz still gets a pass from you? "Not terrible"? Fucking pathetic is what it is. How much gear did he front you to get this kind of loyalty?
ouch..not terrible but...

Probably close to par for most of these UGL's but doesn't mean its right. I'd say imo you are due for some reimbursement along with your credit for bloods. Could you maybe give us a rough idea when you ordered and a batch number?
50% dosed gear from that fucking faggot spetz still gets a pass from you? "Not terrible"? Fucking pathetic is what it is.

Care to explain where you think my levels should be? I'm curious as to what number I should have expected being that my starting levels were around 500.
So mjr gets put on blast but 50% dosed gear from that fucking faggot spetz still gets a pass from you? "Not terrible"? Fucking pathetic is what it is. How much gear did he front you to get this kind of loyalty?
lol..I thought we put this Spetz shill business to bed already.

How you equate my statement as a "pass" is beyond's the kid's first cycle I don't want to dash his dreams when he's done everything right. This is not the place to attack the src...that will happen center stage in the Spetz thread, and I will be front row. I'm simply saying "sucks man..but keep your chin up I wouldn't necessarily dump the gear and scrap your first cycle. But a claim for what is rightly yours that you ALREADY paid for is in order...." To be honest Brutus, I thought they would be even worse
Care to explain where you think my levels should be? I'm curious as to what number I should have expected being that my starting levels were around 500.
At 500mg/wk I'd HOPE to see you come in around 4500-5000. No less than 4k imo...but we shall see maybe that's pathetic too I don't even begin to pretend like I know everything
At 500mg/wk I'd HOPE to see you come in around 4500-5000. No less than 4k imo...but we shall see maybe that's pathetic too I don't even begin to pretend like I know everything

I appreciate you following the log and your thoughts on everything. You're a okay in my book.
Just trying to contribute anyway I can brother, even if it's just a little cheerleading when the clouds start rolling in.

I wouldn't get too discouraged yet I think you can salvage your cycle but Brutus is right I wouldn't waste anymore time with Spetz UGL label, I'd want my reimbursements in a different product of your choice but that's just me. I'd keep running it, up my dosage to compensate for the poor quality, and get an order in to another src asap.
Just trying to contribute anyway I can brother, even if it's just a little cheerleading when the clouds start rolling in.

I wouldn't get too discouraged yet I think you can salvage your cycle but Brutus is right I wouldn't waste anymore time with Spetz UGL label, I'd want my reimbursements in a different product of your choice but that's just me. I'd keep running it, up my dosage to compensate for the poor quality, and get an order in to another src asap.

That's my plan. Already in the works. Already have my other source lined up and will be ordering in the next couple of weeks. I'm definitely done with spetz.
At 500mg/wk I'd HOPE to see you come in around 4500-5000. No less than 4k imo...but we shall see maybe that's pathetic too I don't even begin to pretend like I know everything
Tek is correct- 4-5k and considering you are running 600 a weel last two weeks I would say 5k minimum...

Tek is also correct that your cycle is not ruined... 3k is fine for good growth... and just start pinning twice as much- at least I would. Eat! Train! Pin!
Care to explain where you think my levels should be? I'm curious as to what number I should have expected being that my starting levels were around 500.
Tek is correct- 4-5k and considering you are running 600 a weel last two weeks I would say 5k minimum...

Tek is also correct that your cycle is not ruined... 3k is fine for good growth... and just start pinning twice as much- at least I would. Eat! Train! Pin!

Thanks, I'm bummed out for sure but I'm still seeing strength and growth increase. I'm halfway through my last vial of spetz's gear, so I'm going to stick with the 2x/wk injects so I don't run out before I re-up through my other source.

I think I'm just going to act like these first 8 weeks never happened and run the new gear for 12 weeks or so.
Thanks, I'm bummed out for sure but I'm still seeing strength and growth increase. I'm halfway through my last vial of spetz's gear, so I'm going to stick with the 2x/wk injects so I don't run out before I re-up through my other source.

I think I'm just going to act like these first 8 weeks never happened and run the new gear for 12 weeks or so.
let's get these bloods resolved and then you can try to put together a revised cycle, I will help you any way I can, I'm sure others will. But off gate I would say be cautious of not trying to overcompensate for "lost time". Keep in mind you are still shutdown, and 20 week first cycle may not be the best idea but like I said let's try to get the issue at hand remedied.
Update on the under-dosing situation below.

Immediately after posting my bloods, I posted in spetz's thread asking what the deal was, and how he was going to go about fixing this issue. He responded that day asking me to email him. From there we decided that I would be refunded the $155 I spent on the 3 vials of test cyp that were under-dosed and shipping. Also, he credited me $150 for having my bloods done, which I put towards his test e amps. His response times via email weren't as quick as they were when I ordered back in Sept, and apparently the email containing the WU pickup info got lost in the shuffle because I didn't receive it the first time he supposedly sent it. He got the info to me quickly after I followed up asking for it though.

The turnaround time on the package was very quick. From the time I received the tracking #, two days passed and the pack was here. Stealth was very good. When I opened it up, I found 20 ampules and a vial of his own test e. One point here: the manufacture date of the amps is 12/2010 with an expiry of 12/2015. I'm going to be using these immediately, so I'm not worried. But if you're stocking up for a cycle next winter, keep this in mind. I feel like Spetz should mention this on his pricelist if all of his "limited stock" of amps are the same.

One more minor hiccup: when I went to WU to pick up the funds, the clerk let me know that the test answer I was provided was spelled differently than the answer spetz emailed to me with the pickup info. She gave me the money anyway after I told her what the test question was verbatim, but if I had gotten a male clerk or a hardass this could have been a problem. Fortunately, it was not. But I think it corroborates with the theme that spetz seems to be inconsistent in multiple areas of communication and quality. I hope that he irons it all out, because all in all- I am very impressed with how he handled this situation for me. I hope that any outstanding issues are handled in the exact same fashion, so that everyone is made whole and spetz can prove he's able to handle our business.
I've started pinning the test e vial he sent me to make up for the cyp underdosing. I'm going to continue pinning 300 E3D like I have been with the cyp, then I'm going to make a decision on whether or not to start burning through the ampules he sent.

In the gym things have been about the same. I'm still seeing my numbers going up slowly. I would liken it to a second round of noob gains. I've been adding about 5lbs/week to my working sets for heavy bench and ohp, and a little less than 10/week on squats/deads. Although I am going to do a deload on legs as my knees don't feel great from going so heavy (sets of triples). This week I hit 3x3 225 flat bench, 3x3 285 squat, 3x3 315 deadlift and 5x5 140 ohp.

Side note: RUI/Ar-r aromasin is wonderful
Pretty intense PIP from that injection of the new test E. Couldn't even put pressure on my right glute for the past 3 days. I've felt pretty lethargic and out of it the past 3 days also, not sure if there's any connection whatsoever to the test. I would think that's silly to assume. I'm wondering if I need to tweak my aro dosing a little, but I'm going to give it a few days before I go changing anything.
Pretty intense PIP from that injection of the new test E. Couldn't even put pressure on my right glute for the past 3 days. I've felt pretty lethargic and out of it the past 3 days also, not sure if there's any connection whatsoever to the test. I would think that's silly to assume. I'm wondering if I need to tweak my aro dosing a little, but I'm going to give it a few days before I go changing anything.
Sorry haven't been following along in your log man, sorry to hear about your bloods but fuckin cool your gaining anyway :)

When he sent me a replacement vial of Test E I pinned 1 time with it and that was enough (and Tmac agrees with this), I think he has now overdosed the shit out of his test e. I don't think anyone has gotten bloods on his new vials, but I have a feeling they'll come back high. Question now is how much impurity do you want to pin. Just a paranoid speculation though. Haha

But, subbed now for your log and I'm lookin forward to your progress brotha! You going to pin those amps too?
Sorry haven't been following along in your log man, sorry to hear about your bloods but fuckin cool your gaining anyway :)

When he sent me a replacement vial of Test E I pinned 1 time with it and that was enough (and Tmac agrees with this), I think he has now overdosed the shit out of his test e. I don't think anyone has gotten bloods on his new vials, but I have a feeling they'll come back high. Question now is how much impurity do you want to pin. Just a paranoid speculation though. Haha

But, subbed now for your log and I'm lookin forward to your progress brotha! You going to pin those amps too?

haha. it's funny you mention that, because after that first pin, I decided to burn through the amps instead. Very nominal pip one day after pinning the first amp on monday. None today. About to go in for back/shoulders. Hoping to hit a one plate ohp for 5x5 and hit deadlifts hard, too.
haha. it's funny you mention that, because after that first pin, I decided to burn through the amps instead. Very nominal pip one day after pinning the first amp on monday. None today. About to go in for back/shoulders. Hoping to hit a one plate ohp for 5x5 and hit deadlifts hard, too.
Which label amps man?
haha. it's funny you mention that, because after that first pin, I decided to burn through the amps instead. Very nominal pip one day after pinning the first amp on monday. None today. About to go in for back/shoulders. Hoping to hit a one plate ohp for 5x5 and hit deadlifts hard, too.

Which label amps man?
Cool cool man! And did you decide to run the amps at the same dosage as your current cycle? 500/week split twice per week?