First Cycle- Usaspetz (anabolix)

Estro sides are down now with a different brand AI. So I'm stoked about that, I was starting to really worry. I'm about to enter week 6 of the cycle and am up to 178 lbs from 167. I've had minimal fat gain, and have had good size gains so far. However, I'm still waiting for that moment in the gym when I'll think "Yeah, this shit's kicking in hard now." But recovery is great, and I'm loving everything about the cycle so far. I feel a little stronger in each trip to the gym lately.

Regarding the gear itself: I haven't had any mentionable pip since week two, and I'm going to get mid-cycle bloods done next week, so keep an eye out for those. I'll also try to remember to post measurement and strength gains.
Cant wait to see your bloods im interested to see what your test levels are at make sure you do the right test so it shows your full test numbers and post it up brotha
pinned the other glute a few days ago, and oddly had even less pip than when i warmed up the vial for the last one.

Back/Shoulders/Traps hypertrophy was tonight (PHAT). I'm definitely noticing marginally more vascularity in the shoulder region, and I had tons of energy tonight. My typical routine on these days is:

(4x8-12 on everything)
db press supersetted with rear flys
yates rows
lat pulldowns ss with lateral raises
cable rows ss with front raises
db shrugs ss with face pulls
SOMETIMES t bar row for like 3 sets, usually too spent

tonight i did t bar 4x12 at the end, 3 drop sets of lateral raises, 3 sets of bent over rows, and 3 sets of snatch grip high pulls and still felt/feel tremendous.
You will be amazed at the ability to stay in the gym and kill shit when you thought you were done bro!!! I go in soook tired but after the 1st couole sets im there for 2 hrs abd only leave becausebim starving. Good log so far, subbed.
You will be amazed at the ability to stay in the gym and kill shit when you thought you were done bro!!! I go in soook tired but after the 1st couole sets im there for 2 hrs abd only leave becausebim starving. Good log so far, subbed.
Thanks dude. I'm hoping I'll be able to experience that. I'm pretty worried about the gear being underdosed. Will find out for sure next week
Mini update during week 6. The last two injections I've had itching for 2-3 days both times. This comes after switching over to vial #2. No swelling or anything, but there's definitely some variance from vial to vial. Also, I haven't really noticed much weight gain. I've been hovering at 177 for a week and a half. Shouldn't this be increasing pretty steadily by now? Diet is in order. Still hitting 3100 at the minimum, which is around a 500cal surplus. Some days I hit 3300, even.

I'm leaning towards getting some gear from a different source which I've seen more ppl's bloods on and extending the cycle a bit depending on if my bloods come back showing severe underdosing. Thoughts on that?
Great thread @catsupbot! Keep it up!

FWIW, I've ran cycles before where I "peaked" on my weight. But my strength continued to incline.

How does your energy levels feel? Are you able to keep pushing hard throughout the entire workout? This far in you should feel pretty invicible. Especially once you get pumped up.
Great thread @catsupbot! Keep it up!

FWIW, I've ran cycles before where I "peaked" on my weight. But my strength continued to incline.

How does your energy levels feel? Are you able to keep pushing hard throughout the entire workout? This far in you should feel pretty invicible. Especially once you get pumped up.
To be honest man energy levels don't feel excessive. I've upped my dosing to 600/wk in hopes that it will move things along. I've yet to end a session thinking "wow, I could keep going strong"
I will definitely be following your thread I got some of spetz gear also looking forward to your bloods. Hopefully it's properly dosed even tho everything as of now is pointing towards under dosed gear.
I will definitely be following your thread I got some of spetz gear also looking forward to your bloods. Hopefully it's properly dosed even tho everything as of now is pointing towards under dosed gear.
Have you started your cycle yet? Have a log going?
Have you started your cycle yet? Have a log going?
No I have not. planning on starting in January . I have thread in the steroid forums titled "2nd cycle after bad experience with 1st" just planning it out and trying to get advice
Just got home from getting bloods drawn. Hopefully I'll have the results emailed to me tomorrow. If not, I'm sure I'll receive them Monday.

I'm still concerned that the gear's underdosed. And if that's confirmed by bloods I'm going to order a few more vials from a different source and extend this thing from 12 weeks to 20ish. I don't plan on running another cycle until late summer at the earliest so I'm not going to leave gains on the table due to some underdosing bullshit.

That's not to say I haven't seen good progress so far. It's just that I my mind hasn't been blown by anything I've done, and honestly I feel like I could have made close to the same progress natty since I'm still under 2 years lifting. I'm about to start week 8. And so far I've put on around 10 pounds, bench max was 210, can now hit 210 3x3. Squat max was 275, can now hit it 3x3. Dead max was 315, and you guessed it can now hit 315 3x3. So I've probably added around 25-35 lbs to my maxes.

That's it for today. Next post in the log will be bloods!
Just got home from getting bloods drawn. Hopefully I'll have the results emailed to me tomorrow. If not, I'm sure I'll receive them Monday.

I'm still concerned that the gear's underdosed. And if that's confirmed by bloods I'm going to order a few more vials from a different source and extend this thing from 12 weeks to 20ish. I don't plan on running another cycle until late summer at the earliest so I'm not going to leave gains on the table due to some underdosing bullshit.

That's not to say I haven't seen good progress so far. It's just that I my mind hasn't been blown by anything I've done, and honestly I feel like I could have made close to the same progress natty since I'm still under 2 years lifting. I'm about to start week 8. And so far I've put on around 10 pounds, bench max was 210, can now hit 210 3x3. Squat max was 275, can now hit it 3x3. Dead max was 315, and you guessed it can now hit 315 3x3. So I've probably added around 25-35 lbs to my maxes.

That's it for today. Next post in the log will be bloods!
I got my blood the next day when I did it through private md
This is 500/wk weeks 1-6. the past 2 weeks I've been doing 600/wk. Injecting saturday mornings and tuesday nights 3.5 days apart.