First Cycle- Usaspetz (anabolix)

Bingo! We got a match ;) #9019 for me as well...

I like it, once we get concrete testing if shit isn't on the up & up we can tag team a MF'er, you know I got your back. BUT, should the bloods come back good like we all hope, it will be good to have two members post similar results. I want the findings to be without dispute whether they come up good, bad, or indifferent. Then young buck will be on the Bayer amps so we can get a perspective on those as well...I like it.
NICE! I'll try to get some bloods around the same time. It's great to know you're running the same batch. Fingers crossed. Are you running a log tek? How often are you pinning?
You know I've been spamin' my shit all over so many threads maybe I should start one. I'm doing 2amps 2x weekly M,TH
Been a while since I've updated! I'm battling some wrist tendonitis right now unfortunately, and am considering wrapping this cycle up if things don't improve after a week of rest from pressing movements. This is an issue I've had with my left wrist for years, and hasn't been caused by the cycle. All of my joints/ligaments actually feel just fine aside from this off-and-on problem. Still seeing growth according to the measuring tape and will update again soon.
Been a while since I've updated! I'm battling some wrist tendonitis right now unfortunately, and am considering wrapping this cycle up if things don't improve after a week of rest from pressing movements. This is an issue I've had with my left wrist for years, and hasn't been caused by the cycle. All of my joints/ligaments actually feel just fine aside from this off-and-on problem. Still seeing growth according to the measuring tape and will update again soon.
Do you wrap your wrists? If not a real tight wrap you loosen in between sets will help...
Do you wrap your wrists? If not a real tight wrap you loosen in between sets will help...

I ordered a wrap and will be using it when it gets here. This week I'm going to avoid presses, and I'll be using the wrap for any press when I get it. Hoping that will prevent it from getting worse.
I have been slacking here lately with holidays and family matters. I'm going to be winding down soon, as I'm entering week 15. I decided to extend the cycle to 16 due to the spetz situation before. I switched from my phat style routine to a pure hypertrophy routine these last few weeks so it's been more difficult to track progress. But I'm excited to measure everything in a couple of weeks and share with everyone. The mirror has given me great feedback through the whole cycle
Cycle is officially done. Going to be starting PCT in about a week, looking forward to seeing what gains I keep. I'll be posting measurement changes and some pics here soon. Probably this weekend when I have time off.