first cycle

Twice. I would just go eod whatever day it falls on. But alot of people will go say Monday n thursdays Or whatever. I would highly recommend hcg from day 1 at 500 iu split into 2 a week untill a day or 2 before pct.
hcg from the first day starting the cycle
For a first cycle most would recommend against Test P.
It is known for lots of PIP, and you have to pin every other day.
I would suggest test E or C.
Also, how old are you?
does it change the dosage and how maney times to inject a week
sorry for the f... up

You have test p or test e? Test e would be twice a week and test p would be eod or ed. You can run both at 500mgs a week, only difference is when you inject.

Hcg would be 250iu twice a week all the way to pct, you can stop 3 days before pct. Pct start time begins on the ester.

Pct would be

Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
since i only have test e for now i would go only with this for first cycle test e at 500mg a week for 10 weeks clomid at 2000mg or 2cc a week for 5 weeks and hcg at 2 first weeks at 2cc or 2000mg for the first 2 weeks and 500mg for the next 2 wee
You have test p or test e? Test e would be twice a week and test p would be eod or ed. You can run both at 500mgs a week, only difference is when you inject.

Hcg would be 250iu twice a week all the way to pct, you can stop 3 days before pct. Pct start time begins on the ester.

Pct would be

Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Perfect! Listen less is more.
thanks to you all for the advice will keep posting for info when i start. hope pinning will not be to bad thanks again
Just alittle advice, idk what u have but as a general rule, don't start untill u have all your gear. All your test, hcg, ai, and pct. Shit happens n u don't wanna be scrambling to get what u need at the last minute. Keep us posted of your progess. Good luck.
if on my bottle it a 250mg/ml and i whant to inject 500mg do i need to inject 1cc twice a week. or just draw 500mg in my seringe and in ject once a week. thanks
if on my bottle it a 250mg/ml and i whant to inject 500mg do i need to inject 1cc twice a week. or just draw 500mg in my seringe and in ject once a week. thanks

Most of us do twice a week pins of test e or c when on cycle. Allows for a more stable level of test in the body.

