First cycle?

Hello all!
After a lot of research (on going) I've managed to put together what seems to me would be a good first cycle. Originally I was planning on using a Test E cycle only as many of the sources I looked into said that PCT wouldn't be necessary, however I then found many more stories suggesting that it would be a good idea. So I figured that since the PCT is likely going to be necessary to also introduce a dbol kickstarter to the cycle. I understand that I'm not quite ready to pin, just doing my research and came up with this hypothetical cycle and wanted to see what more experience members thought of it for a first time cycle.
My current stats are:
5'6 (and a half )
195lbs ~13% body fat
20 years old (I know, I'm too young)
8 years lifting

The proposed cycle based on the research I've done would look something like this:

Week 1-10 500mg test E/ week (250mg 2x week)
Week 11 250mg test E/week
Week 12 100mg test E/ week
Week 1-4 30mg dbol/day (10mg 3x day inbetween meals)
Week 1-4 50ui HCG daily
Week 4-12 100ui HCG daily
Week 1-12 .25-.5mg adex EOD (as needed for estrogen side effects)
Week 11-12 adex .5mg 3x week
Week 13-15 50mg Clomid every day
Week 15-18 20mg nolva every day
Week 18 .5 mg adex 3x week

Thanks in advanced for spreading some wisdom to a novice
Your too young.
You have NOT done alot of research, i can tell because your proposed cycle is fucking retarded.
If you want some wisdom? - spend 5 more years learning how to train and eat while remaining natural. Also get some real practical knowledge about aas.
And next time, don't show up with your hand out on your first post.

PS - not even a single mention of diet, my biggest pet peave.

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@Notits is right. Your cycle is very poorly structured. It makes no sense. Sorry bubba, but your not close to being ready. Try again in 5 years. End of discussion.
@Notits is right. Your cycle is very poorly structured. It makes no sense. Sorry bubba, but your not close to being ready. Try again in 5 years. End of discussion.
Agreed @Milk Man
OP you should stick around and pay attention, it will be the best move toward your goals you ever made.

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Sorry if it is not the answer you want to hear, and its not to keep you away from any "fun" but it is the best answer for your best interest.

All you guys that are 20 and wanting to cycle, listen to the advise here on this forum.Your older version of your self will thank you later on when you realize you did not miss out on the "fun" you thought. For fucks sake you cant even buy a bottle of vodka yet. Take your time, train and eat right, get the solid base of several years trainimg. Steroids are not a game despite the stereotypical rumors.

Read the food threads and training threads. Wealths of information are in them.
Damn, savage. I appreciate it though, I understand the seriousness of AAS even if my practical knowledge on the subject isn't there yet. That's why I made this post. I knew I was off, but didn't realize I was that far off. I just got back from the gym and I'm actually 186.6 -- 195 was eyeballed. The ~13% bf was based on a caliper reading I did this morning, I know they're not the most accurate measurement, but still. I heard you didn't need PCT for test only from the same source that said to taper. I guess this isn't the best advice anymore. But besides that what's wrong with the cycle? I get that you guys don't like handing out info that I should be able to find on my own but obviously I haven't found it. I'll continue to research, I'm just surrounded by people who are on gear and I see their gains. Of course I get a little jealous struggling to add just a few pounds to my frame, but I know it's not something that shouldn't be rushed into. Again, sorry for my ignorance and I appreciate the advice.
Who are you around that's on gear? The people at your gym? Are you sure they're using AAS or that they just got their diet in check, or started pushing harder in the gym... or both.
Damn, savage. I appreciate it though, I understand the seriousness of AAS even if my practical knowledge on the subject isn't there yet. That's why I made this post. I knew I was off, but didn't realize I was that far off. I just got back from the gym and I'm actually 186.6 -- 195 was eyeballed. The ~13% bf was based on a caliper reading I did this morning, I know they're not the most accurate measurement, but still. I heard you didn't need PCT for test only from the same source that said to taper. I guess this isn't the best advice anymore. But besides that what's wrong with the cycle? I get that you guys don't like handing out info that I should be able to find on my own but obviously I haven't found it. I'll continue to research, I'm just surrounded by people who are on gear and I see their gains. Of course I get a little jealous struggling to add just a few pounds to my frame, but I know it's not something that shouldn't be rushed into. Again, sorry for my ignorance and I appreciate the advice.
Post your diet and a picture

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The people I was talking about I know are on gear as I've heard them talk about what they were taking. I wasn't planning on starting a cycle until I was 205lbs+ so I clearly have a ways to go but figured It couldn't hurt to get started with some knowledge. I'm not tracking macros right now, just eating large, clean meals typically ground poultry with rice and quinoa and a veggie 4-6 times a day.