First Cycle


New Member
Hello everyone,

What is a solid first cycle for beginners? The more research I do the more confused everything sounds. Initially, it seemed like an Anavar oral only cycle at 30-40mg a week for 6-8 weeks sounded decent for a start. I like it because it's milder and less side effects with PCT but I see others say it's bad without a test base and so on so what gives there? I'm in my mid 20's and have been lifting for a very long time. I'm coming off a surgery from not too long ago so I'm interested in something that can give me a quick boost and add a bit of lean muscle mass. I can't do anything for longer than 8 weeks. Any ideas would be great!
Test only. 3-500mg weekly. Have pct stuff BEFORE you start. Get bloods before. Resist the urge to do anything @Bigbicep has wanted to do.

Use test prop if can only do 8 weeks. Why only 8 weeks? And get healthy and back in the gym solid before starting.
I appreciate your response! I figured that might just be what needs to happen.. Test E 300mg a week but I'll look at prop now. Seems like the best bet. 8 weeks and then 4 for PCT. I just need to be somewhat cleaned out for work drug test. You think nolva/clomid is enough for the PCT/will I need arimidex?
I appreciate your response! I figured that might just be what needs to happen.. Test E 300mg a week but I'll look at prop now. Seems like the best bet. 8 weeks and then 4 for PCT. I just need to be somewhat cleaned out for work drug test. You think nolva/clomid is enough for the PCT/will I need arimidex?

Your employer would have to utilize an extremely specific test that is very costly to test for peds. Unless you’re a professional athlete you’re good dude. I get drug tested all the time at work and I love never been tested OFF the sauce.

You don’t cycle for 8 weeks then immediately jump on PCT. You have to wait a certain number of half lives before you start or you’re just spinning your wheels.
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Your employer would have to utilize an extremely specific test that is very costly to test for peds. Unless you’re a professional athlete you’re good dude. I get drug tested all the time at work and I love never been tested OFF the sauce.

You don’t cycle for 8 weeks then immediately jump on PCT. You have to wait a certain number of half lives before you start or you’re just spinning your wheels.
Looks like test prop can be detected up to 1-2 months in urine. That's honestly not too long. Can't say much here but let's say they did utilize that specific test, it's more risky than just doing an oral / anavar only which isn't ideal, but safer.
Looks like test prop can be detected up to 1-2 months in urine. That's honestly not too long. Can't say much here but let's say they did utilize that specific test, it's more risky than just doing an oral / anavar only which isn't ideal, but safer.

Get the idea of oral only cycle out of your head. It’s stupid. All risk zero reward.

Are you sure they test for PEDS? It would be extremely rare and you’d have to have a seriously obscure profession.

If your livelihood is on the line just don’t do drugs. It’s not worth it. You can make TONS of progress natty.
Idk what you expect an 8 week cycle to produce and what you think you’ll keep after PCT, but there’s not a job on this planet that would justify losing for the amount of possible gains made on cycle.
Get the idea of oral only cycle out of your head. It’s stupid. All risk zero reward.

Are you sure they test for PEDS? It would be extremely rare and you’d have to have a seriously obscure profession.

If your livelihood is on the line just don’t do drugs. It’s not worth it. You can make TONS of progress natty.
Idk what you expect an 8 week cycle to produce and what you think you’ll keep after PCT, but there’s not a job on this planet that would justify losing for the amount of possible gains made on cycle.
Dammit! I think you're right. It's an obscure profession and they do test and it would be cutting it close. Just been challenged mentally recovering from surgery and not being in the gym. Even the PCT can linger for months after use so really just a no go anymore :/

If hcg can be used as a stand alone pct then maybe but perhaps even a SARM?

I will be doing BPC-157 though for recovery, could add TB-500 too.
Just really wanna get back to where I was in the gym.
Really just depends on you goals and if you plan on gearing up for the long term. If you just want to run one cycle yeah id say anavar would be a good choice because its milder on your balls and surpression. But if youre wanting to blast gear and become a fucking moster. Test for a first cycle 500mg. Just my opinion.
Dammit! I think you're right. It's an obscure profession and they do test and it would be cutting it close. Just been challenged mentally recovering from surgery and not being in the gym. Even the PCT can linger for months after use so really just a no go anymore :/

If hcg can be used as a stand alone pct then maybe but perhaps even a SARM?

I will be doing BPC-157 though for recovery, could add TB-500 too.
Just really wanna get back to where I was in the gym.

Dude you’re recovering from surgery. Make nutrition and recovery your bitch. You’ll see tons of progress just nailing that and getting back into the gym.

Drugs need not apply.
Test only. 3-500mg weekly. Have pct stuff BEFORE you start. Get bloods before. Resist the urge to do anything @Bigbicep has wanted to do.

Use test prop if can only do 8 weeks. Why only 8 weeks? And get healthy and back in the gym solid before starting.
What you talking about mate my first cycle was 500 test for 12 weeks lol
Hello everyone,

What is a solid first cycle for beginners? The more research I do the more confused everything sounds. Initially, it seemed like an Anavar oral only cycle at 30-40mg a week for 6-8 weeks sounded decent for a start. I like it because it's milder and less side effects with PCT but I see others say it's bad without a test base and so on so what gives there? I'm in my mid 20's and have been lifting for a very long time. I'm coming off a surgery from not too long ago so I'm interested in something that can give me a quick boost and add a bit of lean muscle mass. I can't do anything for longer than 8 weeks. Any ideas would be great!
I dont understnd these short cycles. Just stay natty man. Its gonna be healthier and you will look the same.

The longer you are on the more worth it is.
> recent surgery
> need quick boost
> want to do 8 week cycle
> mid 20s

Bro stay natty. If no circumstances that are truly pressing, hopping on for the first time for 8w is completely pointless…and taking things in addition to test when you’ve never had experience with just test before is dangerous